
Textual harassment: How new technologies are making domestic violence more challenging

THE sad death of Gold Coast cheerleader Breeana Robinson has exposed a shocking new form of abuse that experts say is on the rise. But it doesn’t stop with texting.

Text bully had multiple victims

THE sad death of Gold Coast cheerleader Breeana Robinson has exposed a shocking form of abuse that is on the rise.

Experts say that harassment via text is becoming an increasing problem in Australia — but hi-tech harassment doesn’t stop there.

A magistrate delivered a scathing judgment of Miss Robinson’s boyfriend Dan Shearin this week when sentencing him to at least two months’ jail for bombarding her with a barrage of abusive text messages in the weeks before the 21-year-old took her own life.

Shearin’s obsessive torrent of texts included:

 “Where is you f***ing brain today? … I have spent my entire morning so far sorting your dumb arse out. Get your s**t together.”

 Your mincing (sic) out next week, you stupid suckging (sic) idiot. You are a complete f***ing moron.”

 “I can’t believe how stupid you are. Despite me saying not to, YOU F***ING STUPID BITCH. This is the last straw.”

The magistrate said the hundreds of texts formed a campaign of “gratuitous harassment” that amounted to domestic violence.

“I can’t think of a way for a man to be more of a pig towards a woman,” Mr Costanzo said.

Dan Shearin (right), who was convicted of using a carriage service to menace and harass Breeana Robinson (left).
Dan Shearin (right), who was convicted of using a carriage service to menace and harass Breeana Robinson (left).

Experts say that smartphones are giving abusive partners sophisticated new ways to track, harass and control their partners, which presents a major challenge to domestic violence campaigners.

More than 80 per cent of domestic violence workers report that smartphones and social media were being used stalk victims, according to a Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria survey from last year. Meanwhile, Women’s Legal Services NSW solicitor Alex Davis said smartphones were a factor in about 80 per cent of clients she sees for family law, domestic violence and sexual assault issues, according to Fairfax.

Libby Davies, the chief executive officer of anti-violence campaign White Ribbon, said harassment via text was “absolutely” on the rise in Australia and there was a growing prevalence of men using tracking apps and spyware on their partners’ phones to “infringe their freedoms”.

She said controlling partners tended to load these apps on their partners’ phones without their knowledge so they could track their movements and know where they were at any point in the day. Other apps can be used to remotely monitor their partners’ texts, phone calls, emails and web browsing history.

Smartphones can leave people open to harassment.
Smartphones can leave people open to harassment.

Technology can also be used to listen in on phone conversations.

“Perpetrators are becoming more cunning and more sophisticated in the way that they are expressing abusive behaviours,” she told

“It’s about control and a sense of privilege that they have the right to control their partner.”

Ms Davies said the magistrate’s comments were “absolutely apt” when he referred to Shearin’s behaviour as domestic violence.

“People should recognise that texting and that way of speaking to a person is abusive. It’s demeaning, it’s belittling; and we’re really encouraging women to recognise that for what it is,” she said.

Ms Davies said victims of any form of domestic violence should seek support.

“They have an action they can take, and that is leave the relationship (but) it is very important to tell other people what’s happening,” she said.

She said it was up to all members of the community to “stand up” against domestic violence.

“It’s very serious. If you know your mate or friend is treating his partner this way, say something. Speak up. Become an active bystander,” she said.

People can use tracking apps to stalk their partners.
People can use tracking apps to stalk their partners.

White Ribbon is not alone in dealing with the affect technology is having on domestic violence.

Women’s Services Network chairwoman Julie Oberin told a Senate inquiry earlier this month that she noticed technology was making responding to domestic violence more challenging, according to a Fairfax report.

She said women she had put into safe houses in regional Victoria were being found by their former partners through smartphones’ global positioning systems (GPS).

The Women’s Services Network also relayed an example of how a woman had been sent videos of herself in her lounge room by a former partner who had hacked into her smart TV.

Online youth mental health service reports that one in five young people have been the victim of bullying and harassment via text.

“If you look at this statistic alongside partner violence statistics, it paints a very concerning picture, especially for people under 25, like Breeana,” chief executive officer Jono Nicholas told

“Regardless of how young or old you are, reaching out for help and support is always the best reaction. The first response to this kind of bullying and violence is to report it to the police.

“People who love you can help; they are witnesses to violence and they can help you deal with the situation so that you don’t feel powerless.”

New frontier in the war against domestic violence … Smartphones.
New frontier in the war against domestic violence … Smartphones.


 Lock your smartphone with a secret passcode

 Ensure you have sole control of your phone and its associated accounts. Eg. iTunes accounts

 Know what apps are on your phone and what they do

 If you fear you are being stalked, switch your phone to flight mode or turn off the GPS

 Update your passwords regularly and have a different password for each device/account

 Find out more about tech safety through the Women’s Services Network


 1800 RESPECT: National 24-hour counselling and support service for domestic violence (1800 737 732) Free national online support service

 Local domestic violence support groups

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