Man buys $5 laptop online, finds bizarre Star Trek theme and list of Aussie slang
BUYING a $5 laptop online is always going to come with some surprises, just not to the extent of what this man discovered.
BUYING a $5 laptop online is always going to come with some surprises, just not to the extent this man discovered.
Imgur user chrisman01 recently shared the bizarre content he uncovered when he fired up his IBM Thinkpad 365XD.
As the user pointed out, the strangest find on the laptop was a text file containing a list of Australian Slang and its meanings.
Here is a list of some of what was on the computer:
• Ace! — Excellent! Very good!
• Aerial ping-pong — Australian rules football
• Amber fluid — Beer
• Ankle biter — Small Child
• Apple’s, she’ll be right: It’ll be all right.
• Arvo: Afternoon
• Aussie (pron. Ozzie): Australian
• Aussie salute: Brushing away flies with the hand
• Avos: Avocado
• Banana bender: a person from Queensland
• Barbie: Barbecue (noun)
• Barrack: To cheer on (football team etc.)
• Bastard: Term of endearment
• Bathers: Swimming costume
• Battler: Someone working hard and only just making a living
• Beaut, beauty: Great, fantastic
• Big-note oneself: Brag, boast
• Bikkie: Biscuit (also “it cost big bikkies” — it was expensive)
• Billabong: an oxbow river or watering hole
• Billy: Teapot or container for boiling water
In addition to the strange Aussie slang, the laptop featured a Star Trek-inspired user interface called LCARS, which had no mouse support — this meant it was navigated using the F1-F12 and number keys.
The 1996 laptop had also been upgraded to contain Windows 98 and DOS Freeware in the form of classic games like Pacman, Tetris, Solitaire, Chess and Crossword.
What is the strangest discovery you have ever made on a laptop or smartphone you purchased? Continue the conversation in the comments below or with Matthew Dunn on Twitter or Facebook.