Sodden spell of wild weather set to continue until November
IF YOU’RE already over the latest bout of rain, we’ve got some bad news ... it’s going to rain until November.
HERE’S a low blow. If you’re already over the latest bout of rain and wild weather, we’ve got some bad news: you’re going to need to keep that umbrella handy until November.
Australia has just had its wettest May to July period on record and forecasting site Weatherzone warns there’s plenty more where that came from, with the trifecta of damp months set to spiral forward until spring and beyond.
And you can blame the waters to the west of the country.
The forecasting site’s Bob Neil says the past three wet months are thanks to an Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) — the Indian Ocean’s version of the Pacific’s El Niño and La Niña cycles.
“The IOD has a well-documented influence on Australia’s rainfall during winter and spring,” said Mr Neill in a news post on the site.
“A negative IOD can cause more rain in southern parts of the country, while a positive IOD can bring less,” he said.
“At the moment we are experiencing the strongest negative IOD in recorded history, although it has weakened slightly since its peak in mid-July.
“The IOD forecast issued on Tuesday by the Bureau of Meteorology shows a continued weakening trend during the months ahead, albeit a gradual one.
“The current event is expected to last until at least the end of Australia’s spring.”
Mr Neil forecasts that despite the IOD’s slow demise it will “bolster chances of above average rain across Australia’s southeast from now until the end of spring”.
He said that’s probably troubling for Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales residents, with all those areas coming off the back of three wetter than average months.
“During this sodden spell, Tasmania recorded the third wettest May on record and New South Wales achieved the same rank for June,” he said.
All of those areas have also experienced devastating winds, freezing temperatures and flooding.
“Unfortunately flooding will be a lingering threat for southeastern states during August and through spring if above average rain continues falling into saturated catchments,” Mr Neil said.