
Annandale Hotel wants to name and shame thieves

ANNANDALE Hotel owners Matt and Dan Rule have turned to social media to track down thieves who broke into the premises yesterday.

ANNANDALE Hotel owners Matt and Dan Rule have turned to social media to track down a man and a woman who broke into the Annandale Hotel at 6.30am yesterday morning.

Having broken the hotel’s till worth $5000 and taken several bottles of alcohol and a few beers, the hunt is on Facebook. It has already gone viral having been shared 350 times as of 11.45am. Shares have also come from entertainment venues across Sydney in a show of solidarity.

“I know it’s a minor incident and that police can’t do anything and I think they are locals in the area, so we though we would put their faces out there, Matt Rule said.

“If they are happy to come back and reimburse us for the damage all will be forgiven.”

He said at the moment they were looking at around $5000 worth of damage. The till had no money inside so no actual cash was taken.

Read more Annandale news online in the Inner West Courier

“Hopefully people see it and know them or are friends with them and they are feel ashamed of themselves.”

He said the duo had jumped the back fence and broken through to gain access, but what they may not have realised is the hotel’s cameras caught it all on tape, along with clear shots of their faces.

“I know they won’t be welcome back at the hotel any time soon.”


“These two geniuses broke into the hotel this morning. Managed to break our till valued at 5K. Fortunately they were dumb enough to hang around for a few beers and smile to the cameras. First loyal punter to name and shame these clowns scores a slab of beer on the house. Don’t recognize these mugs? Do us a favour and share this post on your page. Thanks in advance for your support. Lots of love, The Rule Brothers.”

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