
What you need to know about every seat in the 2019 federal election

The full list of candidates standing in the federal election has been revealed, along with the crucial ballot order. Here’s who’s running in your seat.

Federal Election 2019: Labor vs. Liberal | What are the key party policies

There are 151 seats up for grabs at the 2019 federal election.

That is one more than last time. A federal redistribution has created two new seats — Bean in the ACT and Fraser in Victoria — and abolished the division of Port Adelaide in South Australia.

Read on for a breakdown of every seat, including which party holds it — and by how much.

Note that the redistribution didn’t just change the total number of seats. It also changed many existing electoral boundaries across the country. That is why, when you read on, you will find that the margins listed do not necessarily match the two-party result from 2016.


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: David Coleman

Margin: 1.4

Last result: Liberals 51.4 Labor 48.6

Immigration Minister David Coleman is in a dangerous position.

Mr Coleman — who won Banks in 2013 to become the seat’s first Liberal member in 40 years — holds the electorate by a slim margin of just 1.4 per cent.

Despite some speculation that he would quit amid the Liberals’ mass exodus, Mr Coleman has stuck around and will be defending his seat at the election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. David Coleman (Liberal)

2. Gianluca Dragone (The Greens)

3. Chris Gambian (Labor)

4. Reginald Keith Wright (United Australia Party)

5. Anjali Thakur (Animal Justice Party)

6. Ki Man Ho (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Linda Burney

Margin: 8.3

Last result: Labor 58.3 Liberals 41.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Linda Burney (Labor)

2. Pramej Shrestha (Liberal)

3. Ben Tung Liu (United Australia Party)

4. Sonny Susilio (Christian Democratic Party)

5. Connor Parissis (The Greens)

6. Phillip Pollard (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: John Alexander

Margin: 4.9

Last result: Liberals 54.9 Labor 45.1

John Howard’s old seat, which he famously lost to Maxine McKew in 2007, was part of another high profile campaign at a by-election two years ago.

The incumbent Liberal, former tennis star John Alexander, faced a challenge from the former premier of New South Wales, Kristina Keneally. She almost halved Mr Alexander’s margin but did not come close to winning.

Ms Keneally got into parliament anyway, as soon afterwards Labor chose her to replace Sam Dastyari in the Senate.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Brian Owler (Labor)

2. Andrew Marks (United Australia Party)

3. John Alexander (Liberal)

4. Qiu Yue Zhang (The Greens)

5. Julie Worsley (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Julian Leeser

Margin: 16.5

Last result: Liberals 66.5 Labor 33.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Monica Tan (The Greens)

2. Julian Leeser (Liberal)

3. Craig Steven McLachlan (United Australia Party)

4. Brendan Michael Clarke (Science Party)

5. Simon Alan Taylor (Christian Democratic Party)

6. Roger Woodward (Independent)

7. Mick Gallagher (Independent)

8. Katie Gompertz (Labor)

9. Justin Thomas (Sustainable Australia)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Jason Clare

Margin: 19.5

Last result: Labor 69.5 Liberals 30.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Veronica Rowe (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Oz Guney (Liberal)

3. Jason Clare (Labor)

4. Nadeem Ashraf (United Australia Party)

5. James Rooney (The Greens)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Paul Fletcher

Margin: 21

Last result: Liberals 71 Labor 29

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tony Adams (The Greens)

2. Paul Fletcher (Liberal)

3. Marcus Versace (United Australia Party)

4. Stephen Molloy (Sustainable Australia)

5.Chris Haviland (Labor)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Andrew Gee

Margin: 11.8

Last result: Nationals 61.8 Labor 38.2

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sam Romano (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)

2. Shuyi Chen (Christian Democratic Party)

3. Jess Jennings (Labor)

4. Beverley T. Cameron (United Australia Party)

5. Andrew Gee (The Nationals)

6. Stephen Bisgrove (Liberal Democrats)

7. Stephanie Luke (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Ed Husic

Margin: 19.2

Last result: Labor 69.2 Liberals 30.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Josh Green (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Ammar Aziz Khan (Independent)

3. Joseph Oscar O’Connor (United Australia Party)

4. Brent John Robertson (The Greens)

5. Livingston Chettipally (Liberal)

6. Ed Husic (Labor)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Scott Morrison

Margin: 15.4

Last result: Liberals 65.4 Labor 34.6

The Prime Minister is in no danger of losing his seat. Let’s go Sharkies.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Scott Morrison (Liberal)

2. Peter Kelly (Fraser Anning’s Conservatice National Party)

3. Simon O’Brien (Labor)

4. Gaye Cameron (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Jon Doig (The Greens)

6. Roger Bolling (Christian Democratic Party)

7. John Neil McSweyn (United Australia Party)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Luke Hartsuyker

Margin: 4.6

Last result: Liberals 54.6 Independent 45.4

Luke Hartsuyker’s rival last time was Independent Rob Oakeshott - the man who kept us in suspense for an excruciating 19 minutes during a speech in the wake of the 2010 election, before revealing he would help Julia Gillard form government.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ruth Meads (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Pat Conaghan (The Nationals)

3. Alexander Stewart (United Australia Party)

4. Andrew Woodward (Labor)

5. Robert Oakshott (Independent)

6. Lauren Edwards (The Greens)

7. Kellie Pearce (Animal Justice Party)

8. Allan Green (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Sharon Bird

Margin: 13.3

Last result: Labor 63.3 Liberals 36.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Chris Atlee (Liberal)

2. Rowan Huxtable (The Greens)

3. Sharon Bird (Labor)

4. John Flanagan (Non-Custodial Parents Party)

5. John Gill (Sustainable Australia)

6. Grace Louise Younger (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Emma McBride

Margin: 4.8

Last result: Labor 54.8 Liberals 45.2

Does Dobell ring a bell? It was mentioned in the news a lot several years ago, when it was held by the scandal-plagued Labor MP Craig Thomson. Don’t expect it to provide much drama at this election though.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Aaron Gregory Harpley-Carr (United Australia Party)

2. Paula Grundy (Christian Democratic Party)

3. Jilly Pilon (Liberal)

4. Scott Rickard (The Greens)

5. Emma McBride (Labor)

6. Gregory Francis Stephenson (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Mike Kelly

Margin: 2.9

Last result: Labor 52.9 Liberals 47.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Mike Kelly (Labor)

2. Fiona Kotvojs (Liberal)

3. Pat McGinlay (The Greens)

4. David William Sheldon (Independent)

5. Sophie Wade (The Nationals)

6. Thomas Harris (Christian Democratic Party)

7. Chandra Singh (United Australia Party)

8. James Holgate (Independent)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Sussan Ley

Margin: 20.5

Last result: Liberals 70.5 Labor 29.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sussan Ley (Liberal)

2. Ross Hamilton (Sustainable Australia)

3. Kieran Drabsch (Labor)

4. Kevin Francis Mack (Independent)

5. Philip Langfield (Christian Democratic Party)

6. Mark Ellis (Liberal Democrats)

7. Brian Mills (Independent)

8. Michael Hunter Rose (United Australia Party)

9. Dean Moss (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Chris Hayes

Margin: 17.5

Last result: Labor 67.5 Liberals 32.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Francesca Mocanu (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Chris Hayes (Labor)

3. Joshua Jabbour (United Australia Party)

4. Seamus Lee (The Greens)

5. Wayne Blewitt (Liberal)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Ann Sudmalis

Margin: 0.7

Last result: Liberals 50.7 Labor 49.3

Ann Sudmalis is quitting at the election, but not before giving her own party one heck of a serve.

She blamed her decision to leave on a campaign of “bullying, betrayal and backstabbing” against her — claims adamantly denied by the party — and the tussle that ensued for her vacated seat caused a controversy of its own.

Scott Morrison intervened with a so-called “captain’s pick” for the seat, endorsing former Labor Party president Warren Mundine.

The Liberals hope Mr Mundine can save the ultra-marginal seat.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Carmel Mary McCallum (The Greens)

2. Grant Schultz (Independent)

3. Milton Leslight (United Australia Party)

4. Fiona Phillips (Labor)

5. Serah Kolukulapally (Christian Democratic Party)

6. Katrina Hodgkinson (The Nationals)

7. Warren Mundine (Liberal)

EXPLAINER: Sudmalis blames state Liberal MP for exit


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Anthony Albanese

Margin: 15.8

Last result: Labor 65.8 Greens 34.2

Anthony Albanese, who competed with Bill Shorten for the Labor leadership following their party’s defeat in 2013, does not have to worry about the Liberals in his inner city seat.

This is a race between Labor and the Greens.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Majella Morello (Science Party)

2. Derek Henderson (Liberal)

3. Paris King-Orsborn (United Australia Party)

4. Jim Casey (The Greens)

5. Anthony Albanese (Labor)

6. Gui Dong Cao (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Michelle Rowland

Margin: 6.3

Last result: Labor 56.3 Liberals 43.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Graham McFarland (Australian Better Families)

2. Damien Atkins (The Greens)

3. Allan Green (Liberal)

4. Michelle Rowland (Labor)

5. Scott Daniel Feeney (United Australia Party)

6. Osbourn Imparajah Rajadurai (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Craig Kelly

Margin: 9.3

Last result: Liberals 59.3 Labor 40.7

Craig Kelly is perhaps lucky to be around for this election.

He benefitted from another intervention by Scott Morrison, which saved him from a perilous preselection battle.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull publicly argued against Mr Morrison’s move.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Craig Kelly (Liberal)

2. Mitchell Shakespeare (The Greens)

3. Gae Constable (Animal Justice Party)

4. Terrance Keep (United Australia Party)

5. Deidree Steinwall (Labor)

6. Matt Bryan (Independent)

7. Leo-Ning Liu (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Angus Taylor

Margin: 10.2

Last result: Liberals 60.2 Labor 39.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Aoife Champion (Labor)

2. Lynda Abdo (United Australia Party)

3. Tanya Hargraves (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

4. Angus Taylor (Liberal)

5. David Powell (The Greens)

6. Huw Mostyn Kingston (Independent)

7. Ian Stanley Nebauer (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Joel Fitzgibbon

Margin: 12.5

Last result: Labor 62.5 Nationals 37.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Stuart Bonds (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Josh Angus (The Nationals)

3. James Murphy (Animal Justice Party)

4. Paul Davies (United Australia Party)

5. Janet Murray (The Greens)

6. Richard Stretton (Christian Democratic Party)

7. Joel Fitzgibbon (Labor)

8. Max Boddy (Socialist Equality Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Matt Thistlethwaite

Margin: 8.6

Last result: Labor 58.6 Liberals 41.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. James Cruz (The Greens)

2. Adrian Manson (Christian Democratic Party)

3. Matt Thistlethwaite (Labor)

4. Petra Campbell (Sustainable Australia)

5. James Jansson (Science Party)

6. Adam Bruce Watson (United Australia Party)

7. Amanda Wilmot (Liberal)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Emma Husar

Margin: 1.1

Last result: Labor 51.1 Liberals 48.9

This seat is a mess.

Last year the incumbent MP, Labor’s Emma Husar, announced she would resign at the election, citing the pressure she’d faced from both within and outside the party over allegations of workplace misconduct.

An investigation later cleared Ms Husar, and she decided she did want to re-contest the seat after all. But Labor was already moving on. It chose someone else as its candidate for the election - former NSW state politician Diane Beamer.

Ms Husar has signalled she will consider running as an independent.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Brandon Lees (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

2. Diane Beamer (Labor)

3. Melissa McIntosh (Liberal)

4. Nick Best (The Greens)

5. Christopher Buttel (United Australia Party)

6. Mark Tyndall (Independent)

7. Geoff Brown (Sustainable Australia)

8. Mark K.C. Moody-Basedow (Christian Democratic Party)

8. Jim Salem (Australia First Party)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: David Gillespie

Margin: 11.6

Last result: Nationals 61.6 Labor 38.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Phil Costa (Labor)

2. David Gillespie (The Nationals)

3. Garry Bourke (United Australia Party)

4. Ryan Frederick Goldspring (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Dean McCrae (Liberal Democrats)

6. Ed Caruana (Australian Workers Party)

7. Jeremy John Miller (Independent)

8. Catherine Zhao (Christian Democratic Party)

9. Stuart Watson (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Mike Freelander

Margin: 8.3

Last result: Labor 58.3 Liberals 41.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. James Gent (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Mike Freelander (Labor)

3. Matt Stellino (Animal Justice Party)

4. Shane Norman (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Riley Munro (Liberal)

6. Nathan John Murphy (United Australia Party)

7. Jayden Rivera (The Greens)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Jason Falinski

Margin: 15.7

Last result: Liberals 65.7 Labor 34.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. David Lyon (United Australia Party)

2. Suzanne Daly (Sustainable Australia)

3. Alice Thompson (Independent)

4. Pru Wawn (The Greens)

5. Declan Steele (Labor)

6. Jason Falinski (Liberal)

7. Greg Levett (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Susan Templeman

Margin: 2.2

Last result: Labor 52.2 Liberals 47.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sarah Richards (Liberal)

2. Kingsley Liu (The Greens)

3. Susan Templeman (Labor)

4. Greg Keightley (Animal Justice Party)

5. Tony Bryan Pettitt (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Chris Bowen

Margin: 12.1

Last result: Labor 62.1 Liberals 37.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Meg Libby Wrightson (United Australia Party)

2. Damian Commane (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

3. Zeeshan Philip Francis (Christian Democratic Party)

4. Chris Bowen (Labor)

5. Astrid O’Neill (The Greens)

6. Vivek Singha (Liberal)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Alex Hawke

Margin: 17.8

Last result: Liberals 67.8 Labor 32.2

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Immanuel Selvaraj (Labor)

2. Alex Hawke (Liberal)

3. Roy Peter Hoppenbrouwer (United Australia Party)

4. Craig L. Hall (Christian Democratic Party)

5. Lawrence Murphy (The Greens)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Barnaby Joyce

Margin: 23.6

Last result: Nationals 73.6 Labor 26.4

Barnaby Joyce is no stranger to controversy.

His affair with former staffer Vikki Campion — the couple are now expecting their second son — as well as the public demise of his marriage left little about his personal life to the imaginations of constituents.

But those revelations all came out after the 2017 by-election in New England. When Mr Joyce last faced voters he was deputy prime minister, and was considered a family man with strong conservative values.

How much will his personal scandal erode his huge margin in the seat?

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Natasha Ledger (Independent)

2. Julie Collins (Christian Democratic Party)

3. Yvonne Langenberg (Labor)

4. Barnaby Joyce (The Nationals)

5. Tony Lonergan (The Greens)

6. Adam Blakester (Independent)

7. Rob Taber (Independent)

8. Cindy Anne Duncan (United Australia Party)

Barnaby bares all in new book


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Sharon Claydon

Margin: 13.8

Last result: Labor 63.8 Liberals 36.2

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sharon Claydon (Labor)

2. John Mackenzie (The Greens)

3. Pam Wise (Christian Democratic Party)

4. Geoffret Scully (United Australia Party)

5. B.J. Futter (The Great Australian Party)

6. Darren Brollo (Animal Justice Party)

7. Katrina Wark (Liberal)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Trent Zimmerman

Margin: 13.6

Last result: Liberals 63.6 Labor 36.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. David Vernon (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Brett Stone (Labor)

3. Peter John Vagg (United Australia Party)

4. Daniel Keogh (The Greens)

5. Arthur Chesterfield-Evans (Independent)

6. Greg Graham (Sustainable Australia)

7. Trent Zimmerman (Liberal)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Kevin Hogan

Margin: 2.3

Last result: Liberals 52.3 Labor 47.7

Kevin Hogan is an interesting position, and not just because he’s sitting on a small margin.

In the wake of Malcolm Turnbull’s knifing last year, Mr Hogan decided to sit on the crossbench in parliament. However, he remained a Nationals MP and still takes part in their party room meetings.

“My decision to move to the crossbench is not about Dutton or Turnbull, it is a matter of principle,” he said.

“This is the seventh prime minister since 2010. This is an epidemic and I cannot condone that.”

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Fiona Leviny (Independent)

2. Alison Waters (Animal Justice Party)

3. Peter Walker (Christian Democratic Party)

4. John Damian Mudge (United Australia Party)

5. Dan Reid (The Greens)

6. Kevin Hogan (The Nationals)

7. Patrick Deegan (Labor)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Mark Coulton

Margin: 15.1

Last result: Nationals 65.1 Labor 35.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Daniel J. Jones (Liberal Democrats)

2. Mark Coulton (The Nationals)

3. David Paull (The Greens)

4. Jack Ayoub (Labor)

5. Will Landers (Independent)

6. Petrus Joannes Gijsbertus Van Der Steen (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Julie Owens

Margin: 7.7

Last result: Labor 57.7 Liberals 42.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Charles Camenzuli (Liberal)

2. Julie Owens (Labor)

3. Ganesh Sahadev Loke (United Australia Party)

4. Phil Bradley (The Greens)

5. Asma Payara (Christian Democratic Party

6. Oscar Grenfell (Socialist Equality Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Meryl Swanson

Margin: 10.7

Last result: Labor 60.7 Liberals 39.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sachin Joshi (Liberal)

2. Neil Turner (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

3. Meryl Swanson (Labor)

4. Graham Burston (United Australia Party)

5. Jan Davis (The Greens)

6. Christopher Arthur Vale (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Craig Laundy

Margin: 4.7

Last result: Liberals 54.7 Labor 45.3

Craig Laundy, a loyal supporter of Malcolm Turnbull, is quitting at the election.

Scott Morrison struggled to find a high profile replacement for Mr Laundy, as he was knocked back by former NSW Police deputy commissioner Nick Kaldas and journalist Stan Grant.

The Liberals fear Mr Laundy’s departure will cost them the seat.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Keith Piper (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Charles Jago (The Greens)

3. Sam Crosby (Labor)

4. Fiona Martin (Liberal)

5. Young Lee (United Australia Party)

6. Rohan Laxmanalal (Animal Justice Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Justine Elliot

Margin: 4

Last result: Labor 54 Liberals 46

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ronald McDonald (Sustainable Australia)

2. Hamish Jenkin Mitchell (United Australia Party)

3. Morgan Cox (Christian Democratic Party)

4. Justine Elliot (Labor)

5. Ray Karam (Independent)

6. Tom Barnett (Involuntary Medication Objectors)

7. Matthew Fraser (The Nationals)

8. Michael Lyon (The Greens)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Michael McCormack

Margin: 16.4

Last result: Nationals 66.4 Labor 33.6

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Michael McCormack (The Nationals)

2. Michael Bayles (The Greens)

3. Mark Jefferson (Labor)

4. Richard Foley (United Australia Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Lucy Wicks

Margin: 1.1

Last result: Liberals 51.1 Labor 48.9

Lucy Wicks won the marginal seat Robertson for the Liberals in 2013 in the Abbott-led Coalition landslide.

She was the victor again in 2016 but with a margin of just 1.1 per cent, making hers one of the most precarious seats for her party.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Judy Singer (Sustainable Australia)

2. Robert James Marks (United Australia Party)

3. Fiona Phoebe Stucken (Christian Democratic Party)

4. David Fraser Abrahams (Independent)

5. Lucy Wicks (Liberal)

6. Cath Connor (The Greens)

7. Sean Bremner Young (Animal Justice Party)

8. Anne Charlton (Labor)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Pat Conroy

Margin: 9.9

Last result: Labor 59.9 Liberals 40.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Susan Newbury (Sustainable Australia)

2. Xing Yu (Christian Democratic Party)

3. Pat Conroy (Labor)

4. Dani Rifai (United Australia Party)

5. Wylie Campbell (The Greens)

6. Bryan McGrath (Animal Justice Party)

7. Nell McGill (Liberal)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Tanya Plibersek

Margin: 15.3

Last result: Labor 65.3 Liberals 34.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jacqui Munro (Liberal)

2. Aaron Hammond (Science Party)

3. Tanya Plibersek (Labor)

4. Adam Holt (United Australia Party)

5. Matthew Thompson (The Greens)

6. Rebecca Reddin (Christian Democratic Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Tony Abbot

Margin: 11.6

Last result: Liberals 61.6 Greens 38.4

Tension has been building for months between former prime minister Tony Abbott and his main challenger, Olympian and barrister Zali Steggall.

Ms Steggall is the first genuine threat Mr Abbott has faced in Warringah since winning a by-election for the seat in 1994. He has never failed to win a majority of the primary vote.

But polls show Ms Steggall, framing herself as an economic conservative but a social liberal, could beat him.

Mr Abbott has been campaigning relentlessly on local issues this time, after so many years spent focusing on the national debate. Ms Steggall is pushing for stronger action on climate change.

The race for Warringah will likely be the highest profile one in the country, especially if the candidates’ first debate is anything to go by. Watch this space.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Heather Barnes (Animal Justice Party)

2. Susan Moylan (Independent)

3. Dean Harris (Labor)

4. Emanuele Paletto (Sustainable Australia)

5. Suellen Marree Wrightson (United Australia Party)

6. Tony Abbott (Liberal)

7. Brian Clare (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

8. Zali Steggall (Independent)

9. Jason Blaiklock (Christian Democratic Party)

10. Kristyn Glanville (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Tony Burke

Margin: 17.6

Last result: Labor 67.6 Liberals 32.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Dean Wrightson (United Australia Party)

2. Karl Schubert (Christian Democratic Party)

3. Raymond Seng (Science Party)

4. Emmet de Bhaldraithe (The Greens)

5. Tony Burke (Labor)

6. Mohammad Zaman (Liberal)


Held by: Independent

Incumbent: Kerryn Phelps

Margin: 1.2

Last result: Independent 51.2 Liberals 48.8

Wentworth had been held by the Liberals for decades before Malcolm Turnbull quit parliament Kerryn Phelps won the ensuing by-election in October.

At this election, Dr Phelps will again face off against the man she narrowly beat, Dave Sharma.

Some Liberals, including Peter Dutton, blamed Mr Turnbull for the party’s by-election defeat, saying he should have done more to help Mr Sharma’s campaign.

“Walking away from Wentworth and not working to have [Liberal by-election candidate] Dave Sharma elected was worse than any behaviour we saw even under [former Labor prime minister Kevin] Rudd,” Mr Dutton said.

Mr Turnbull responded to the comments, saying he was “retired”.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Matthew Drake-Brockman (Independent)

2. Tim Murray (Labor)

3. Michael John Bloomfield (United Australia Party)

4. Paul Treacy (Christian Democratic Party)

5. Dave Sharma (Liberal)

6. Dominic Wy Kanak (The Greeens)

7. Kerryn Phelps (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Anne Stanley

Margin: 8.2

Last result: Labor 58.2 Liberals 41.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Narelle Storey (Christian Democratic Party)

2. Shayne Miller (Liberal)

3. Signe Westerberg (The Greens)

4. Michael White (Independent)

5. Ignatios Tsiriplis (United Australia Party)

6. Anne Maree Stanley (Labor)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Stephen Jones

Margin: 13.7

Last result: Labor 63.7 Liberals 36.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Angelo Cuda (United Australia Party)

2. Frank Rodolfo Nero (Christian Democratic Party)

3. Stephen Wentworth (The Nationals)

4. Stephen Jones (Labor)

5. Jamie Dixon (The Greens)

6. Ken Davis (Sustainable Australia)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Shayne Neumann

Margin: 8.1

Last result: Labor 58.9 LNP 41.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Simone Karandrews (Independent)

2. Peter John Fitzpatrick (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

3. Shayne Kenneth Neumann (Australian Labor Party)

4. Sharon Bell (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Robert Shearman (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Majella Zimpel (United Australia Party)

7. John Quinn (Labour DLP)

8. Michelle Duncan (The Greens)

9. John Turner (Independent)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Ross Vasta

Margin: 3.4

Last result: LNP 53.4 Labor 46.6

Bonner — a seat in Brisbane’s eastern suburbs — has been held by Ross Vasta since 2010 and insiders predict he could retain his seat, being a favourite local candidate.

He does have a long history in the electorate, which has only existed since 2004. Mr Vasta was its first MP, but lost it in 2007 before regaining the seat from Labor at the very next election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Simon E F Flitcroft (United Australia Party)

2. Barbara Bell (The Greens)

3. Ian Symes (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Ross Vasta (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

5. Alex Maynard (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

6. Jo Briskey (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Andrew Laming

Margin: 7.1

Last result: LNP 57.1 Labor 42.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Emerald Moon (The Greens)

2. Andrew Laming (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

3. Shane Clarke (United Australia Party)

4. David Anderson (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Glen Wadsworth (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

6. Tom Baster (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Trevor Evans

Margin: 6

Last result: LNP 55.9 Labor 44.1

Trevor Evans holds Brisbane by 6 per cent but inner-city voting patterns at last year’s Queensland state election suggest he could be in trouble.

The openly gay 37-year-old says he is confident in his electorate.

“I’ve been working really hard to be a good representative for the people of Brisbane,” Mr Evans said.

“I’m going to keep working hard and people will keep seeing me out and about listening, being accessible and delivering the things Brisbane really wants.”

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Anne Perry (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party)

2. Trevor Evans (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

3. Aaron Whittaker (United Australia Party)

4. Andrew Bartlett (The Greens)

5. Rod Jeanneret (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

6. Paul Newbury (Australian Labor Party)

7. Kamala Emanuel (Socialist Alliance)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Michelle Landry

Margin: 0.6

Last result: LNP 50.6 Labor 49.4

The agricultural and mining region of Capricornia has a history of voting Labor, but is currently held by the LNP.

The fight here revolves around the coal debate and growing tensions in the ALP over the issue of jobs versus the environment.

Expect the Adani Carmichael coal mine to feature as an issue.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Paul Bambrick (The Greens)

2. George Birkbeck (Katter’s Australian Party)

3. Richard Temple (Labour DLP)

4. Ken Murray (Independent)

5. Michelle Landry (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Russell Robertson (Australian Labor Party)

7. Wade Rothery (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

8. Lindsay Sturgeon (United Australia Party)

9. Grant Pratt (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: George Christensen

Margin: 3.4

Last result: LNP 53.3 Labor 46.7

Dawson’s MP George Christensen often tends to make headlines for his personal life rather than his policy.

He has posted provocatively on Facebook, been targeted by alleged smear campaigns and even threatened to make videos channelling Beyonce.

The Herald Sun recently revealed Mr Chistensen had spent 294 days in the Philippines during a four-year period, and that for two consecutive years he spent more time in Manila than in parliament.

His opponent — Labor candidate Belinda Hassan — has urged him to “focus on our region”.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ann-Maree Ware (Labour DLP)

2. Michael Wayne Turner (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

3. Debra Lawson (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. George Christensen (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

5. Belinda Hassan (Australian Labor Party)

6. Brendan Bunyan (Katter’s Australian Party)

7. Imogen Lindenberg (The Greens)

8. Lachlan Queenan (Independent)

9. Colin Richard Thompson (United Australia Party)

George Christensen's worst threat yet


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Peter Dutton

Margin: 1.7

Last result: LNP 51.6 Labor 48.4

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton is at serious risk of losing his own seat, which he has held since 2001.

If Mr Dutton does lose, he will likely be the government’s highest profile victim on election night.

He is one of the major targets of the left-wing activist group GetUp!, who conducted a survey earlier this year that identified him as Australia’s most unwanted “hard-right” politician.

Most Australians know Mr Dutton as the man whose attempt to replace Malcolm Turnbull bizarrely resulted in Scott Morrison becoming prime minister instead.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Benedict Coyne (The Greens)

2. Peter Dutton (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

3. Ali France (Australian Labor Party)

4. Thor Prohaska (Independent)

5. Steve Austin (United Australia Party)

6. Carrol Halliwell (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

7. Richelle Simpson (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

8. Maureen Brohman (Animal Justice Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Stuart Robert

Margin: 11.2

Last result: LNP 61 Labor 39

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jake Welch (Liberal Democrats)

2. Luz Stanton (Australian Labor Party)

3. Darren Eather (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Allan Barber (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Scott Turner (The Greens)

6. Stuart Robert (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

7. Mara Krischker (United Australia Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Ted O’Brien

Margin: 10.9

Last result: LNP 60.9 Labor 39.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Kylie Natasha Cowling (United Australia Party)

2. Jake Luke Ryan (Fraser Anning’s Conservative Party)

3. Sue Etheridge (The Greens)

4. Ted O’Brien (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

5. Richard Belcher (Sustainable Australia)

6. Paul Henselin (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

7. Sinim Australie (Independent)

8. Bertrand Cadart (Liberal Democrats)

9. Julie McGlone (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Andrew Wallace

Margin: 9.1

Last result: LNP 59.1 Labor 40.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Trevor David Gray (United Australia Party)

2. Daniel Parsell (Australian Labor Party)

3. TRacy Burton (The Greens)

4. Christopher Paterson (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Andrew Wallace (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Mike Jessop (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

7. Paul Monaghan (Love Australia or Leave)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Ken O’Dowd

Margin: 1

Last result: LNP 51 Labor 49

The rise of minor parties in ­regional Queensland has put at risk the Liberal National Party’s hold on marginal seats like Flynn.

This electorate, currently held by three-term Nationals MP Ken O’Dowd, is one of eight that Labor has identified as potentially winnable.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Zac Beers (Australian Labor Party)

2. Nathan David Harris (United Australia Party)

3. Jaiben Baker (The Greens)

4. Murray Peterson (Independent)

5. Sharon Lohse (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

6. Duncan George Scott (Independent)

7. Marcus John Hiesler (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

8. Ken O’Dowd (Liberal National Party of Queensland)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Bert van Manen

Margin: 0.6

Last result: LNP 50.6 Labor 49.4

The bellwether seat of Forde has been held by the LNP’s Bert van Manen since 2010, but his margin was sliced by 3.75 per cent at the last election and he is now in a precarious position.

Fun fact about Forde - according to polls its voters are the least engaged in the country, with only 7 per cent interested in politics.

That’s ironic, given how critical this seat could be.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ian Bowron (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Kirsty Petersen (The Greens)

3. Paul Creighton (United Australia Party)

4. Bert Van Manen (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

5. Des Hardman (Australian Labor Party)

6. Les Innes (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

Bill Shorten launches pre-election blitz in Queensland


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Terri Butler

Margin: 1.4

Last result: Labor 51.6 LNP 48.4

Despite holding her electorate by a slim margin, Terri Butler is confident she will retain Griffith.

Elected during far more tumultuous times — following the resignation of former prime minister Kevin Rudd — Ms Butler managed to retain the seat despite a 1.2 per cent swing to the Coalition back in 2014.

She’s convinced the upcoming election will be no different.

“People have had enough of the secrecy and people are deeply concerned about the LNP cuts,” she said.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Olivia Roberts (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

2. Terri Butler (Australian Labor Party)

3. Max Chandler-Mather (The Greens)

4. Christian John Julius (United Australia Party)

5. Julie Darlington (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

6. Tony Murray (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: John McVeigh

Margin: 15.3

Last result: LNP 65.3 Labor 34.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Alyce Nelligan (The Greens)

2. David King (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

3. Perry Adrelius (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

4. John McVeigh (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

5. Kenneth Ian Law (United Australia Party)

6. Troy Kay (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Cathy O’Toole

Margin: 0.02

Last result: LNP 49.98 Labor 50.02

This is one of the most marginal seats in the country.

It will be a fight for Labor to hold Herbert despite Bill Shorten’s constant visits to the region and Ms O’Toole reputation as a hardworking local MP, especially in the aftermath of February’s Townsville floods.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Amy Lohse (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Greg Dowling (United Australia Party)

3. Nanette Radeck (Katter’s Australian Party)

4. Sam Blackadder (The Greens)

5. Phillip Thompson (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Tamara Durant (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

7. Mackenzie Severns (Animal Justice Party)

8. Cathy O’Toole (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Keith Pitt

Margin: 8.4

Last result: LNP 58.4 Labor 41.6

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Damian Huxham (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Keith Pitt (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

3. Anne Jackson (The Greens)

4. David Norman (Independent)

5. Moe Turaga (Independent)

6. Aaron Erskine (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

7. Joseph Kevin Ellul (United Australia Party)

8. Amy Byrnes (Animal Justice Party)

9. Richard Pascoe (Australian Labor Party)

10. Adrian Jacob Wone (Independent)


Held by: Katter’s Australia Party

Incumbent: Bob Katter

Margin: 11.1

Last result: KAP 61.1 LNP 38.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sue Bertuch (United Australia Party)

2. Bob Katter (Katter’s Australian Party)

3. Lyle Burness (The Greens)

4. Ian Douglas Hackwell (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Frank Beveridge (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Brett McGuire (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Warren Entsch

Margin: 4

Last result: LNP 54 Labor 46

Longstanding Leichhardt MP Warren Entsch was a passionate supporter of same-sex marriage and the man whose signature told us the most about Malcolm Turnbull’s fall from political grace.

He recently said he regretted voting for Julie Bishop in the August leadership spill, saying he had chosen with his heart, not his head.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jo Ashby (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

2. Chad Anderson (Independent)

3. Elida Faith (Australian Labor Party)

4. Ross Macdonald (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Daniel McCarthy (Katter’s Australian Party)

6. Jen Sackley (United Australia Party)

7. Warren Entsch (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

8. Gary Oliver (The Greens)

'I voted with my heart, not my head': Entsch


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Wayne Swan

Margin: 5.7

Last result: Labor 55.3 LNP 44.7

Wayne Swan, who served as treasurer in the Rudd and Gillard governments, is quitting poltics at the election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tracey Bell-Henselin (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Don Coles (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

3. Mike Crook (Socialist Alliance)

4. Brad Carswell (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

5. Anika Wells (Australian Labor Party)

6. John Meyer (The Greens)

7. David Bruce McClaer (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Susan Lamb

Margin: 4.5

Last result: Labor 54.5 LNP 45.5

Susan Lamb was forced to resign from parliament because of her dual citizenship, but increased her margin at the ensuing by-election last year.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Terry young (Liberal national Party of Queensland)

2. Bailey James Maher (United Australia Party)

3. Jono Young (Australian Progressives)

4. Susan Lamb (Australian Labor Party)

5. Peter Keith Schuback (Australia First Party)

6. Matthew Thomson (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

7. Dave Paulke (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

8. Simon Dejun (The Greens)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: David Littleproud

Margin: 15.9

Last result: LNP 65.9 One Nation 34.1

David Littleproud is seen as a future leadership contender for the Nationals. At the 2016 election, One Nation came second in his seat.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Linda Little (Australian Labor Party)

2. David Littleproud (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

3. Anthony Wallis (Katter’s Australian Party)

4. Julie Marie Saunders (United Australia Party)

5. Darren Lee Christiansen (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

6. Rosemary Moulden (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

7. Emmeline Chidley (The Greens)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Karen Andrews

Margin: 11.6

Last result: LNP 61.6 Labor 38.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Aaron Santelises (Australian Labor Party)

2. Scott Crowe (Liberal Democrats)

3. Michael Kaff (Independent)

4. Alan Quinn (The Greens)

5. Karen Andrews ((Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Sean Gordon Gaffy (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

7. Renee Stewart (Animal Justice Party)

8. Fiona Kay MacKenzie (United Australia Party)

9. John Spellman (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Steven Ciobo

Margin: 14.6

Last result: LNP 64.9 Labor 35.1

Steven Ciobo is one of the senior ministers quitting at the election.

In his resignation announcement, he cited the toll politics had taken on his family - during a long stint as trade minister, he was away from home for almost 50 weeks per year.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Karla Freeman (Animal Justice Party)

2. Angie Bell (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

3. VAnessa Sibson (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Sally Spain (The Greens)

5. Garry Paul Eilola (United Australia Party)

6. Darren Alan Long (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

7. Tracey Bell (Australian Labor Party)

8. S Gryphon (Liberal Democrats)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Graham Perrett

Margin: 4

Last result: Labor 54 LNP 46

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Aaron Nieass (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

2. Graham Perrett (Australian Labor Party)

3. Patsy O’Brien (The Greens)

4. William Lawrence (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Angela Owen (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Jenny-Rebecca Brown (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Milton Dick

Margin: 9.1

Last result: Labor 59.1 LNP 40.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Russell Bauer (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

2. Steven Purcell (The Greens)

3. Milton Dick (Australian Labor Party)

4. Ian Maurice Gerguson (United Australia Party)

5. Janet Lindbom (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

6. Mike Head (Socialist Equality Party)

7. Scott Moerland (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Luke Howarth

Margin: 1.7

Last result: LNP 51.7 Labor 48.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Troy Hopkins (United Australia Party)

2. Luke Howarth (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

3. Nikhil Aai Reddy (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Corinne Mulholland (Australian Labor Party)

5. Neville John Fowler (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

6. Jason Kennedy (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Jim Chalmers

Margin: 11.3

Last result: Labor 61.3 LNP 38.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jim Chalmers (Australian Labor Party)

2. Shyamal Reddy (United Australia Party)

3. Neil Cotter (The Greens)

4. Jesse Schneider (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Peter James Andrews (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

6. Ric Davies (Liberal Democrats)

7. Clinton Pattison (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

8. Yusuf Mohammad


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Jane Prentice

Margin: 9

Last result: LNP 59.1 Labor 40.9

Jane Prentice lost preselection for her safe seat, and will not be re-contesting it.

Her snub has been cited as another example of the Liberal Party’s problem with low female representation in parliament.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Peter Cossar (Australian Labor Party)

2. Larry Edward Crouch (United Australia Party)

3. Joanne Webb (Animal Justice Party)

4. Rodney Miles (Pauline Hanson’s One Nationa)

5. Julian Simmonds (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

6. Jake Schoermer (The Greens)

7. Andrew Banks (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Llew O’Brien

Margin: 8.2

Last result: LNP 58.1 Labor 41.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Daniel Bryar (The Greens)

2. Jason Scanes (Australian Labor Party)

3. Andrew Schebella (United Australia Party)

4. Llew O’Brien (Liberal National Party of Queensland)

5. Tim Jerome (Independent)

6. Jasmine Smith (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

7. Aaron Vico (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)


Held by: LNP

Incumbent: Scott Buchholz

Margin: 9.6

Last result: LNP 59.6 Labor 40.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. David William Wright (United Australia Party)

2. Shannon Girard (The Greens)

3. Innes Larkin (Independent)

4. Pam McCreadie (Australian Labor Party)

5. Rod Smith (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

6. Matthew Tomlinson (Katter’s Australian Party)

7. Chris O’Callaghan (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

8. Scott Buchholz (Liberal National Party of Queensland)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Alan Tudge

Margin: 7.4

Last result: Liberals 58.6 Labor 41.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Alan Tudge (Liberal)

2. Asher Cookson (The Greens)

3. Kadira Pethiyagoda (Australian Labor Party)

4. Matthew Sirianni-Duffy (United Australia Party)

5. Anna Kennedy (Labour DLP)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Catherine King

Margin: 7.4

Last result: Labor 57.3 Liberals 42.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Bryn Hills (Animal Justice Party)

2. Peter Cozyn (United Australia Party)

3. Alex Graham (Independent)

4. Nick Shady (Independent)

5. Karen McAloon (The Greens)

6. Tim Vo (Liberal)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Lisa Chesters

Margin: 3.9

Last result: Labor 53.7 Liberals 46.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sharon Budde (Rise Up Australia Party)

2. Robert Holian (The Greens)

3. Lisa Chesters (Australian Labor Party)

4. Adam Veitch (United Australia Party)

5. Same Gayed (Liberal)

6. Vaughan Williams (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

7. Julie Hoskin (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Julian Hill

Margin: 14

Last result: Labor 54.1 Liberals 45.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tim Boyanton (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

2. Mubahil Ahmed (United Australia Party)

3. John MacIsaac (Liberal)

4. Julian Hill (Australian Labor Party)

5. Rhonda Garad (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Maria Vamvakinou

Margin: 19.7

Last result: Labor 67.9 Liberals 32.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Keith Kerr (Citizens Electoral Council)

2. Polly Morgan (The Greens)

3. Maria Vamvakinou (Australian Labor Party)

4. Adam Vail (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Jerome Small (Victorian Socialists

6. Prakul Chhabra (United Australia Party)

7. Peter Byrne (Socialist Equality Party)

8. Genevieve Hamilton (Liberal)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Tony Smith

Margin: 4.5

Last result: Liberals 56.1 Labor 43.9

The incumbent MP Tony Smith is also Speaker of the House.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Peter Charleton (Independent)

2. Antony Calabro (Rise Up Australia Party)

3. Ross McPhee (Labour DLP)

4. Travis Barker (Animal Justice Party)

5. Wendy Starkey (United Australia Party)

6. Ryan Leslie Clark (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)

7. Tony Smith (Liberal)

8. Bill Brindle (Australian Labor Party)

9. Jenny Game-Lopata (The Greens)

10. Jayden O’Conhnor (The Great Australian Party)


Held by: Independent

Incumbent: Julia Banks

Margin: 2.9

Last result: Liberals 51.2 Labor 48.8

When Julia Banks sensationally resigned from the Liberal Party to join the crossbench last November, she took aim at the Liberals’ “women problem” and accused both major political parties of “bullying and intimidation”.

She is not re-contesting Chisolm. Instead, she is running against Health Minister Greg Hunt in another Victorian seat, Flinders, as an indepentent. Mr Hunt’s margin in Flinders currently sits at 7 per cent, but is vulnerable to a swing.

Denying that her decision to run there was a personal one, Ms Banks explained: “The people of Flinders knew that [Greg Hunt] was a prime mover, together with Peter Dutton, in ousting Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop.

“This is about offering the people of Flinders choice.”

The former lawyer did prove her skills in persuasion when she Chisholm in 2016. That electorate had been held by Labor since the 1990s.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ian Dobby (Independent)

2. Angela Mary Dorian (Rise Up Australia Party)

3. Luke Arthur (The Greens)

4. Gladys Liu (Liberal)

5. Rosemary Lavin (Animal Justice Party)

6. Anne Wicks (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)

7. George Zoraya (United Australia Party)

8. Jennifer Yang (Australian Labor Party)

9. Philip Jenkins (Labour DLP)

Do the Liberals have a problem with women?

COOPER (formerly Batman)

Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Ged Kearney

Margin: 4.4

Last result: Labor 54.4 Greens 45.6

The Greens pushed hard in Cooper at last year’s by-election, back when the seat was still named Batman.

Ged Kearney was president of the Australian Council of Trade Unions for eight years before she entered parliament.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Teresa Van Lieshout (Independent)

2. Sarah Russell (Reason Australia)

3. Brett Nangle (United Australia Party)

4. Nadine Richings (Animal Justice Party)

5. David Risstrom (The Greens)

6. Kath Larkin (Victorian Socialists)

7. Ged Kearney (Australian Labor Party)

8. Andrew Bell (Liberal)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Sarah Henderson

Margin: 0.03

Last result: Liberals 53.1 Labor 46.9

Sarah Henderson is the victim of a nightmarish redistribution that has cut her margin in one of Victoria’s bellwether seats down to just 0.03 per cent.

Ms Henderson says she is preparing for “the biggest fight” of her life to retain her seat.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ian Erskine (Rise Up Australia Party)

2. Libby Coker (Australia Labor PArty)

3. Simon Northeast (The Greens)

4. Naomi Adams (Animal Justice Party)

5. Damien Cole (Independent)

6. Sarah Henderson (Liberal)

7. Harvey Nell (United Australia Party)

8. Mandy Grimley (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)

I am in for the biggest fight of my life: Henderson


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Richard Marles

Margin: 8.2

Last result: Labor 60 Liberals 40

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Richard Marles (Australian Labor Party)

2. Alastair Thomson (Liberal)

3. Amber Forbes (The Greens)

4. Desmond Sanborn (United Australia Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Michael Sukkar

Margin: 6.4

Last result: Liberals 55.7 Labor 44.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ellie Jean Sullivan (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)

2. Vickie Janson (Independent)

3. Sophia Sun (The Greens)

4. Michael Sukkar (Liberal)

5. Milton Wilde (United Australia Party)

6. Vinita Costantino (Animal Justice Party)

7. Shireen Morris (Australian Labor Party)

8. Joel van der Horst (Labour DLP)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Chris Crewther

Margin: -1

Last result: Liberals 51.4 Labor 48.6

Confused by that margin of negative one?

Last year’s boundary changes didn’t just wipe out Mr Crewther’s majority in Dunkley, they turned it into a notionally Labor seat, as the electorate lost Mornington in the south to Flinders while gaining Carrum Downs in the north from Isaacs.

So to retain the seat, the incumbent party actually needs a swing towards it.

Forming part of Melbourne’s southeast suburban sprawl, Dunkley has been a win for the Liberals since 1996.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Lachalan Andrew O’Connell (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)

2. Elizabeth Johnston (Animal Justice Party)

3. Ron Jean (United Australia Party)

4. Peta Murphy (Australian Labor Party)

5. Emily Green (The Greens)

6. Chris Crewther (Liberal)

7. Christopher Ronald James (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

8. Yvonne Gentle (Rise Up Australia Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Greg Hunt

Margin: 7

Last result: Liberals 57.8 Labor 42.2

The current MP for Chisolm, Julia Banks, confirmed in January that she would stand as an independent against Health Minister Greg Hunt in Flinders.

The two MPs have some unfinished business after the messy toppling of Malcolm Turnbull and Mr Hunt’s open support of Peter Dutton.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Harry Dreger (Independent)

2. James Persson (Animal Justice Party)

3. Greg Hunt (Liberal)

4. Reade Smith (Sustainable Australia)

5. Josh Sinclair (Australian Labor Party)

6. Nathan Lesslie (The Greens)

7. Christine McShane (United Australia Party)

8. Julia Banks (Independent)

9. Susie Beveridge (Independent)

FRASER (new seat)

Held by: No one

Incumbent: No incumbent

Margin: 2.9

Last result: No previous result

The newly created electorate of Fraser is a notional Labor seat.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Vinh Van Chau (United Australia Party)

2. Peter Bain (Liberal)

3. Daniel Mulino (Australian Labor Party)

4. Tony Dobran (The Great Australian Party)

5. Rebecca Scorgie (The Greens)

6. Van Tran (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Tim Watts

Margin: 15.1

Last result: Labor 68.2 Liberals 31.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tim Watts (Australian Labor Party)

2. Bernadette Thomas (The Greens)

3. Anthony Mitchell (Liberal)

4. Lisa Maree Bentley (United Australia Party)


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Darren Chester

Margin: 18.2

Last result: Nationals 68.4 Labor 31.6

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. David Snelling (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)

2. Neville Phillip Tickner (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

3. Kerri Jane Brewer (United Australia Party)

4. Antoinette Holm (Australian Labor Party)

5. Sonia Buckley (Independent)

6. Darren Chester (The Nationals)

7. Deb Foskey (The Greens)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Tim Wilson

Margin: 12.7

Last result: Liberals 62.7 Labor 37.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Wayne Connolly (United Australia Party)

2. Brandon James Hoult (Sustainable Australia)

3. Daniel Pollock (Australian Labor Party)

4. Sue Pennicuik (The Greens)

5. Tim Wilson (Liberal)

6. John Tiger Casley (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Brendan O’Connor

Margin: 18.5

Last result: Labor 69.5 Liberals 30.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Richard Turton (United Australia Party)

2. Jarrod Bingham (Independent)

3. Harkirat Singh (The Greens)

4. Brendan O’Connor (Australian Labor Party)

5. Nathan Di Noia (Liberal)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Kelly O’Dwyer

Margin: 7.8

Last result: Liberals 60.7 Labor 39.3

With Kelly O’Dwyer leaving, we can expect the issue of women’s treatment in the Liberal Party to come up a lot in this seat.

Ms O’Dwyer announced she would not be recontesting her blue ribbon inner-Melbourne electorate in January, saying she wanted to spend more time with her family.

“I no longer want to consistently miss out on seeing my children when they wake up in the morning or go to bed at night and I want to know that when I am around, my time is not constantly disrupted,” she said.

Paediatrician and former state candidate Katie Allen has been chosen as the new Liberal candidate for Higgins, which was previously held by Howard government treasurer Peter Costello.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jason Ball (The Greens)

2. Michaela Moran (Sustainable Australia)

3. Alicia Walker (Animal Justice Party)

4. Katie Allen (Liberal)

5. Fiona McLeod (Australian Labor Party)

6. Tim Ryan (United Australia Party)

Kelly O'Dwyer quits politics


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Anthony Byrne

Margin: 10

Last result: Labor 64.2 Liberals 35.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Anthony Byrne (Australian Labor Party)

2. Jess Wheelock (The Greens)

3. Jatinder Singh (United Australia Party)

4. Jennifer Van Den Broek (Liberal)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Clare O’Neil

Margin: 4.2

Last result: Labor 57.5 Liberals 42.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jin Luan (United Australia Party)

2. Clare O’Neil (Australian Labor Party)

3. George Hua (Liberal)

4. Jess Gonsalvez (The Greens)

5. Peter Dorian (Rise Up Australia Party)

6. Dennis Bilic (Sustainable Australia)


Held by: Independent

Incumbent: Cathy McGowan

Margin: 5.5

Last result: Independent 54.8 Liberals 45.2

This seat was formerly held by Liberal Sophie Mirabella. She tried to win it back from Cathy McGowan in 2016, and failed.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Helen Robinson (The Greens)

2. Jason Peter Whalley (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)

3. Helen Haines (Independent)

4. Steve Martin (Liberal)

5. Mark Byatt (The Nationals)

6. Shane Wheatland (United Australia Party)

7. Eric Kerr (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Mark Dreyfus

Margin: 3

Last result: Labor 55.7 Liberals 44.3

Redistricting has cut down Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’ margin quite a bit in his electorate, but he is still expected to retain his seat, which he’s held since 2007.

After the boundary changes were announced, Mr Dreyfus said he was “sorry that from the next election I will no longer represent residents of Carrum Downs, Sandhurst, Skye, Noble Park and the parts of Keysborough north of Cheltenham Road.”

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Kim Samiotis (The Greens)

2. Jeremy Hearn (Liberal)

3. Ash Puvimanasinghe (Rise Up Australia Party)

4. Bronwyn Currie (Animal Justice Party)

5. Mark Dreyfus (Australian Labor Party)

6. Tony Seals (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Jenny Macklin

Margin: 5.6

Last result: Labor 54.7 Liberals 45.3

Jenny Macklin, a hugely influential figure in the Labor Party, is retiring at the election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Maria Marcia Rigoni (United Australia Party)

2. Kate Thwaites (Australian Labor Party)

3. Jeff Truscott (Rise Up Australia Party)

4. Richard Welch (Liberal)

5. Paul Kennedy (The Greens)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Josh Frydenberg

Margin: 12.8

Last result: Liberals 63.3 Labor 36.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Steven D’Elia (United Australia Party)

2. Oliver Yates (Independent)

3. Angelina Zubac (Independent)

4. Josh Frydenberg (Liberal)

5. Jana Stewart (Australian Labor Party)

6. Davina Hinkley (Animal Justice Party)

7. Julian Burnside (The Greens)

8. Bill Chandler (Independent)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Jason Wood

Margin: 3.5

Last result: Liberals 51.5 Labor 48.5

La Trobe is held by former police officer Jason Wood.

He was defeated by Labor’s Laura Smyth in 2010, but regained the seat in 2013, and retained it in the face of a swing to Labor in 2016.

It will be interesting to see how Mr Wood’s strong support of Prime Minister Scott Morrisons’s approach to extremism in Australia will play in the seat.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Amy Gregorovich (The Greens)

2. Norman Baker (Rise Up Australia Party)

3. Jason Wood (Liberal)

4. Esther Baker (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Duncan Dean (United Australia Party)

6. Simon Curtis (Australian Labor Party)

7. Asher Joseph Calwell-Browne (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Joanne Ryan

Margin: 14.2

Last result: Labor 63.4 Liberals 36.6

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Susan Jakobi (Australia First Party)

2. Gayle Murphy (Liberal)

3. Joanne Ryan (Australian Labor Party)

4. Jeffrey Edward Robinson (United Australia Party)

5. Jay Dessi (The Greens)

6. Aijaz Moinuddin

MACNAMARA (formerly Melbourne Ports)

Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Michael Danby

Margin: 1.2

Last result: Labor 51.4 Liberals 48.6

Labor veteran Michael Danby made it clear last July that after 20 years in Canberra, he would not stand at the election.

“I have made this decision even though the party has committed to re-endorse sitting members because I believe it’s time for renewal,” said Mr Danby.

“Whoever is the democratically selected candidate for the renamed seat will have my support right down to the wire of the next federal election.”

Following his official announcement, Labor’s national executive was quick to endorse Josh Burns as the preferred candidate for Mr Danby’s seat of Macnamara (formerly known as Melbourne Ports — change of name, change of party?)

“It is going to be hard, but it is going to be a great campaign and we will win this seat,” Mr Burns told The Australian Jewish News.

“As someone who has been a part of, and contributed to, the Jewish community I’m extremely proud to be the Labor candidate for the largest Jewish population in Victoria.”

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Ruby O’Rourke (Independent)

2. Steph Hodgins-May (The Greens)

3. Steven Armstrong (Sustainable Australia)

4. Kate Ashmor (Liberal)

5. Chris Wallis (Independent)

6. Craig McPherson (Animal Justice Party)

7. Christine Kay (Rise Up Australia Party)

8. Helen Lucy Paton (United Australia Party)

9. Josh Burns (Australian Labor Party)

Politicians could be ‘blackmailed’ with data from cyber attack: Michael Danby


Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Andrew Broad

Margin: 19.8

Last result: Nationals 71.3 Labor 28.7

Andrew Broad abruptly decided not to re-contest his safe seat after he became mired in a “sugar baby” scandal late last year.

Mr Broad, who is married, used the website SeekingArrangement to meet younger women on work trips.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Serge Petrovich (Liberal)

2. Cecilia Moar (Independent)

3. Jason Mark Modica (Independent)

4. Rick Grosvenor (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Anne Webster (The Nationals)

6. Chris Lahy (Citizens Electoral Council)

7. Philip Mollison (Rise Up Australia Party)

8. Carole Hart (Australian Labor Party)

9. Leigh Firman (Science Party)

10. Ray Kingston (Independent)

11. Dan Straub (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)

12. Rick Millar (United Australia Party)

13. Nicole Rowan (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Bill Shorten

Margin: 10.4

Last result: Labor 62.3 Liberals 37.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. MD Sarwar Hasan (United Australia Party)

2. James Williams (The Greens)

3. Bill Shorten (Australian Labor Party)

4. Christine Stow (Liberal)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Rob Mitchell

Margin: 6

Last result: Labor 57.9 Liberals 42.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Neil Barker (The Greens)

2. Ruth Parramore (Animal Justice Party)

3. Rob Mitchell (Australian Labor Party)

4. Phillip Fusco (Liberal)

5. Deb Butler (Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party)

6. Robert James Hyndman (Independent)

7. Ronnie Graham (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

8. Chris Hayman (United Australia Party)


Held by: The Greens

Incumbent: Adam Bandt

Margin: 19

Last result: Greens 68.5 Liberals 31.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Judy Ryan (Reason Australia)

2. Adam Bandt (The Greens)

3. Dave Blake (Independent)

4. Lawrence Pope (Animal Justice Party)

5. Lauren Sherson (Liberal)

6. Luke Creasey (Australian Labor Party)

7. Tony Pecora (United Australia Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Kevin Andrews

Margin: 7.8

Last result: Liberals 60.6 Labor 39.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Teresa Mary Kelleher (Labour DLP)

2. Kevin Andrews (Liberal)

3. Stella Yee (Australian Labor Party)

4. Rachel Payne (Reason Australia)

5. Brett Stephen Fuller (United Australia Party)

6. Robert Humphreys (The Greens)

MONASH (formerly McMillan)

Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Russell Broadbent

Margin: 7.5

Last result: Liberals 56 Labor 44

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. John Verhoeven (Independent)

2. Michael Stewart Fozard (Independent)

3. Jeff Waddell (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Jessica O’Donnell (Australian Labor Party)

5. William Hornstra (The Greens)

6. Russell Broadbent (Liberal)

7. Matthew Sherry (United Australia Party)

NICHOLLS (formerly Murray)

Held by: Nationals

Incumbent: Damian Drum

Margin: 2.5

Last result: Nationals 55.1 Liberals 44.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Damian Drum (The Nationals)

2. Jeremy Parker (Independent)

3. Andrew Bock (Independent)

4. Stewart John Hine (United Australia Party)

5. Bill Lodwick (Australian Labor Party)

6. Nickee Freeman (The Greens)

7. Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

8. Nigel Hicks (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Andrew Giles

Margin: 19.6

Last result: Labor 67.3 Liberals 32.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Andrew Giles (Australian Labor Party)

2. Firas Hasan (United Australia Party)

3. Cynthia Smith (The Greens)

4. Rod Whitfield (Animal Justice Party)

5. Gurpal Singh (Liberal)

6. Yassin Akram Albarri (Independent)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Dan Tehan

Margin: 9.2

Last result: Liberals 59 Labor 41

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Zephlyn Taylor (The Greens)

2. Joshua Wallace (United Australia Party)

3. Maurice Billi (Australian Labor Party)

4. Alex Dyson (Independent)

5. Dan Tehan (Liberal)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Peter Khalil

Margin: 4.9

Last result: Labor 54.9 Greens 45.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Chris Miles (Animal Justice Party)

2. Sue Bolton (Victorian Socialists)

3. Peter Killin (Liberal)

4. Adam Pulford (The Greens)

5. Manju Venkat (United Australia Party)

6. Peter Khalil (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Kate Ellis

Margin: 8.3

Last result: Labor 54.7 Liberals 45.3

Former minister Kate Ellis is quitting politics at the election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Chris James (Australian Democrats)

2. Barbara Pocock (The Greens)

3. Steve Georganas (Australian Labor Party)

4. Deanna Kangas (Animal Justice Party)

5. Shaun Osborn (Liberal)

6. Antonio Rea (United Australia Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Tony Pasin

Margin: 3.4

Last result: Liberals 54.7 NXT 45.3

Improvements to Sturt Reserve, better mobile coverage and a strong economy will be among MP Tony Pasin’s priorities if he wins another term in federal parliament.

Mr Pasin faced a strong challenge from Nick Xenophon’s party last time.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Rosa Hillam (The Greens)

2. Bert Bacher (United Australia Party)

3. Tony Pasin (Liberal)

4. Karen Eckermann (Animal Justice Party)

5. Kelly Gladigau (Centre Alliance)

6. Miles Hannemann (National Party)

7. Mat O’Brien (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Nicolle Flint

Margin: 2.8

Last result: Liberals 53.5 Labor 46.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Geoff Russell (Animal Justice Party)

2. Stef Rozitis (The Greens)

3. Adrian David Cheok (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

4. Carol Wong (Rise Up Australia Party)

5. Nicolle Flint (Liberal)

6. Nadia Clancy (Australian Labor Party)

7. Peter Salerno (United Australia Party)

8. Trevor Jones (Independent)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Rowan Ramsey

Margin: 1.1

Last result: Liberals 52 NXT 48

Redistributions in this electorate have resulted in the inclusion of more rural areas.

Grey’s federal member Rowan Ramsey has displayed confidence in campaigning for the seat, despite being placed on a “hard right” target list created by left wing activist group GetUp!.

“I have never had anyone come back to me and say I was lying, wrong or that I was trying to mislead them. If I keep sticking to that I think that the electorate will stick to me”, Mr Ramsey told reporters.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jacqui Edgecombe (Animal Justice Party)

2. Karin Bolton (Australian Labor Party)

3. David Stone (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Richard Carmody (Independent)

5. Alexander David Warren (United Australia Party)

6. Rowan Ramsey (Liberal)

7. Andrea Broadfoot (Centre Alliance)

8. Candace Champion (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Steve Georganas

Margin: 8.4

Last result: Labor 50.6 Liberals 49.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Rajan Vaid (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

2. Rose Morris (United Australia Party)

3. Mark Butler (Australian Labor Party)

4. Alison Kelty (Animal Justice Party)

5. Jake Hall-Evans (Liberal)

6. Matt Farrell (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Amanda Rishworth

Margin: 13.5

Last result: Labor 67.1 Liberals 32.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Amanda Rishworth (Australian Labor Party)

2. Laura Curran (Liberal)

3. Nikki Mortier (The Greens)

4. Kellie Somers (Animal Justice Party)

5. Jodie Anne Hoskin (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Tony Zappia

Margin: 10.8

Last result: Labor 59.7 Liberals 40.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tony Zappia (Australian Labor Party)

2. Hemant Dave (Liberal)

3. Lyn Gaston (Animal Justice Party)

4. Stephanie Stewart (The Greens)

5. Rachel Collis (United Australia Party)


Held by: Centre Alliance

Incumbent: Rebekha Sharkie

Margin: 7.5

Last result: CA 57.5 Liberals 42.5

Rebekha Sharkie comfortably defeated Liberal candidate Georgina Downer at the Mayo by-election. The pair will meet again at the federal election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Georgina Downer (Liberal)

2. Anne Bourne (The Greens)

3. Helen Dowland (Animal Justice Party)

4. Michael Cane (United Australia Party)

5. Saskia Gerhardy (Australian Labor Party)

6. Rebekha Sharkie (Centre Alliance)

SPENCE (formerly Wakefield)

Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Nick Champion

Margin: 17.2

Last result: Labor 61 Liberals 39

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Nick Champion (Australian Labor Party)

2. Kathleen Bourne (Liberal)

3. Ron Fiedler (United Australia Party)

4. Daniel Jury (The Greens)

5. Rita Kuhlmann (Animal Justice Party)

6. Nathan Herbert (Independent)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Christopher Pyne

Margin: 5.4

Last result: Liberals 55.9 Labor 44.1

Defence Minister and member for Sturt Christopher Pyne is one of a slew of Liberals quitting.

Done with wrangling preselection numbers, securing seats, and fighting policy battles on the party room floor, he reassured voters: “I’m confident that I leave my seat in good shape. I’m sure the Liberal Party will retain Sturt at the coming election.”

James Stevens resigned as South Australian Premier Steven Marshall’s chief of staff to seek preselection for the Sturt electorate.

Mr Pyne saidMr Stevens fit all of his criteria for a replacement and he was “a very fine individual”.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Paul Boundy (The Greens)

2. James Stevens (Liberal)

3. Cressida O’Hanlon (Australian Labor Party)

4. Harbinda Roberts (Animal Justice Party)

5. Hedley Harding (United Australia Party)

6. Colin Thomas (Child Protection Party)

7. Angela Fulco (Australian Progressives)

8. Nick Larcombe (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Madeleine King

Margin: 11.4

Last result: Labor 61.4 Liberals 38.6

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Janine Joy Vander Ven (Australian Christians)

2. Madeleine King (Australian Labor Party)

3. Jack Pleiter (Liberal)

4. Karen-Lee Mills (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Jody Freeman (The Greens)

6. Trevor Jones (United Australia Party)

7. Blake Phelan (Western Australia Party)

8. Travis Carter (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Matt Keogh

Margin: 7.1

Last result: Labor 57.1 Liberals 42.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Simone Collins (The Greens)

2. Matt Keogh (Australian Labor Party)

3. Nicole Devincentis (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Sarcha Sagisake(Western Australia Party)

5. Naomi Nation (Independent)

6. David Goode (Liberal)

7. Sahil Chawla (United Australia Party)

8. Warnar Spyker (Australian Christians)

9. Peter Joseph Raffaelli (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Andrew Hastie

Margin: 6.8

Last result: Liberals 56.8 Labor 43.2

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Malcolm Phillip Heffernan (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

2. Jackson Wreford (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

3. Jamie van Burgel (Australian Christians)

4. Jodie Moffat (The Greens)

5. Steve Veevers (United Australia Party)

6. Andrew Hastie (Liberal)

7. Mellisa Teede (Australian Labor Party)

8. Brett Clarke (Western Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Anne Aly

Margin: 0.7

Last result: Labor 50.7 Liberals 49.3

Former international counter-terrorism expert Anne Aly currently holds the seat of Cowan, which the ALP is quietly confident it will retain.

As Australia’s first Muslim woman to serve in parliament and one of the party’s rising stars, Ms Aly has adopted a more lighthearted approach to campaigning in the lead up to the election.

Unbothered by the fact that she holds the seat of Cowan by just 0.07 per cent, the Western Australian MP posted a parody video inspired by Ariana Grande’s hit “Thank U, Next”, mocking the number of Coalition MPs leaving the party ahead of the federal election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Mark Cooper (The Greens)

2. Anne Aly (Australian Labor Party)

3. Peter Westcott (United Australia Party)

4. Andre Lebrasse (Australian Christians)

5. Sheila Mundy (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

6. Paul James Bedford (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)

7. Isaac Stewart (Liberal)

Labor MP Anne Aly parodies Ariana Grande's 'thank u, next'


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Julie Bishop

Margin: 20.7

Last result: Liberals 70.7 Labor 29.3

Former foreign minister Julie Bishop is the highest profile Liberal leaving parliament, having served as deputy leader of the party for 11 years.

She quit the frontbench in the wake of Malcolm Turnbull’s knifing, then announced she would resign at the election in February.

Ms Bishop’s Liberal replacement is former university vice chancellor Celia Hammond. It remains to be seen whether Ms Hammond’s social conservatism resonates with Curtin, which has been served by a moderate Liberal MP for so long.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Joan Anne Lever (United Australia Party)

2. Cameron Pidgeon (The Greens)

3. Celia Hammond (Liberal)

4. Louise Stewart (Independent)

5. Bill Edgar (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

6. Deonne Kingsford (Australian Christians)

7. Rob Meecham (Australian Labor Party)

8. Andrew Mangano (Western Australia Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Melissa Price

Margin: 11.1

Last result: Liberals 61.1 Labor 38.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Melissa Price (Liberal)

2. Gary Mounsey (Western Australian Party)

3. Grahame Gould (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Johani Mamid (The Greens)

5. Sharyn Morrow (Australian Labor Party)

6. Brenden Hatton (United Australia party)

7. Scott Bourne (The Nationals)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Nola Marino

Margin: 12.6

Last result: Liberals 62.6 Labor 37.4

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Nerilee Boshammer (The Greens)

2. Mark McCall (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)

3. Nola Marino (Liberal)

4. Kalvern Wayne Jamieson (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Alexander Marsden (Independent)

6. Ian Bruce Molyneux (Western Australia Party)

7. Wayne Sanford (Australian Labor Party)

8. Dale Geoffrey Bromley (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Josh Wilson

Margin: 23.3

Last result: Labor 73.3 Liberal Democrats 26.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Janetia Knapp (Western Australia Party)

2. Josh Wilson (Australian Labor Party)

3. Brett Weary (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

4. Fatima Lever (United Australia Party)

5. Sam Wainwright (Socialist Alliance)

6. Nicole Robins (Liberal)

7. Jesse Hutchinson (The Greens)

8. Laetisia Mulder (Australian Christians)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Ken Wyatt

Margin: 2

Last result: Liberals 52 Labor 48

After winning the seat in 2010 — making him the first indigenous Australian to serve in the House of Representatives — Ken Wyatt has easily held his seat since then.

Despite the recent resignations of senior MPs, the Aged Care Minister has made his stance very clear.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m in for the long haul,” he told reporters.

Undoubtedly, Mr Wyatt’s response to the findings of the current royal commission into aged care will help determine whether he can retain the electorate’s vote.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Fiona White-Hartig (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)

2. Stephen Phelan (Western Australia Party)

3. Ken Wyatt (Liberal)

4. James Martin (Australian Labor Party)

5. Brady John Williams (Australian Christians)

6. Tim Orr (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

7. Mike Dale (United Australia Party)

8. Lee-Anne Miles (The Greens)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Ian Goodenough

Margin: 11

Last result: Liberals 61 Labor 39

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tyler Walsh (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Ian Goodenough (Liberal)

3. Daniel Vujcich (The Greens)

4. Rex Host (Australian Christians)

5. Jen Jacobs (Western Australia Party)

6. Tony O’Gorman (Australian Labor Party)

7. Ziggi Murphy (Independent)

8. Rod Chilcott (United Australia Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Rick Wilson

Margin: 15

Last result: Liberals 65 Labor 35

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. John Hassell (The Nationals)

2. Nelson Blake Gilmour (The Greens)

3. Shelley Payne (Australian Labor Party)

4. Anthony James Fels (United Australia Party)

5. Rick Wilson (Liberal)

6. Ian t’Hart (Australian Christians)

7. Peter Swift (Western Australia Party)

8. Dean Smith (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

9. Nicholas Andrew Robinson (The Great Australian Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Christian Porter

Margin: 3.6

Last result: Liberals 53.6 Labor 46.4

There was speculation Attorney-General Christian Porter wanted to switch to Julie Bishop’s safe seat of Curtin. That didn’t happen.

Once a safe Liberal seat, demographic changes in Pearce are believed to have contributed to a collapse in Mr Porter’s margin from 9.3 per cent to 3.6 per cent at the 2016 election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Sandy Old (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Kim Travers (Australian Labor Party)

3. Christian Porter (Liberal)

4. Michael Calautti (Western Australia Party)

5. Magdeleen Strauss (Australian Christians)

6. Eugene Marshall (The Greens)

7. Steve Blyth (The Nationals)

8. Rob Forster (United Australia Party)

9. Ross Williamson (Shooters, Fishers and Farmers)

10. Colin Butland (Independent)

Bishop adamant a 'talented' woman should replace her in Curtin


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Patrick Gorman

Margin: 3.3

Last result: Labor 53.3 Liberals 46.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Jane Boxall (Western Australia Party)

2. Patrick Gorman (Australian Labor Party)

3. Jim Grayden (Liberal)

4. Gary Davies (Science Party)

5. Chas Hopkins (United Australia Party)

6. Caroline Perks (The Greens)

7. Mel Lownds (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

8. Curtis Greening ( | Upgrade Democracy!)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Michael Keenan

Margin: 6.1

Last result: Liberals 56.1 Labor 43.9

Michael Keenan is another minister leaving politics at the election.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Angus Young (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

2. Judith Cullity (The Greens)

3. Dorothy Hutton (United Australia Party)

4. Vince Connelly (Liberal)

5. Elizabeth Re (Western Australia Party)

6. Kevin Host (Australian Christians)

7. Melita Markey (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Steve Irons

Margin: 3.6

Last result: Liberals 53.6 Labor 46.4

New boundaries set at the 2010 election meant Steve Irons needed to increase his vote to be re-elected - a task he achieved easily with a 2.8 per cent swing in his favour.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Steve Irons (Liberal)

2. Steve Klomp (Australian Christians)

3. Virginia Anne Thomas-Wurth (Animal Justice Party)

4. Carmel Addink (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

5. Sharron Hawkins Zeeb (Western Australia Party)

6. Liberty Cramer (The Greens)

7. Michael Chehoff (Australia First Party)

8. Peter McLernon (United Australia Party)

9. Tshung-Hui Chang (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

10. Hannah Beazley (Australian Labor Party)


Held by: Liberals

Incumbent: Ben Morton

Margin: 11.1

Last result: Liberals 61.1 Labor 38.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Marion Boswell (Australian Labor Party)

2. Scott Rodney Rafferty (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

3. Jillian Horton (Independent)

4. Mark Staer (Australian Christians)

5. Paul Stephen Waddy (Independent)

6. Martin Spencer (The Greens)

7. Ben Morton (Liberal)

8. Chris Fernandez (United Australia Party)

9. Gavin Waugh (Western Australia Party)


Held by: No one

Incumbent: No incumbent (new seat)

Margin: 8.9

Last result: No previous result

Bean is one of two new seats created by the federal redistribution last year, and will elect its first ever member at the election. It exists to give the ACT greater representation, in line with its growing population.

The Electoral Commission lists Bean as a notional Labor seat.

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Therese Faulkner (Australian Progressives)

2. Jamie Christie (Independent)

3. Ben Rushton (The Great Australian Party)

4. Matt Donnelly (Liberal Democrats)

5. Tony Hanley (United Australia Party)

6. Ed Cocks (Liberal)

7. David Smith (Australian Labor Party)

8. Johnathan Davis (The Greens)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Gai Brodtmann

Margin: 12.9

Last result: Labor 58.5 Liberals 41.5

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tim Bohm (Independent)

2. Alicia Payne (Australian Labor Party)

3. Tim Hollo (The Greens)

4. Mina Zaki (Liberal)

5. Robert John Knight (Australian Progressives)

6. Greg De Maine (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Andrew Leigh

Margin: 11.8

Last result: Labor 63.9 Liberals 36.1

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Glen J Hodgson (United Australia Party)

2. Kagiso Ratlhagane (Australian Progressives)

3. Andrew Braddock (The Greens)

4. Andrew Leigh (Australian Labor Party)

5. Leanne Castley (Liberal)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Warren Snowdon

Margin: 8.2

Last result: Labor 58.2 Liberals 41.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Warren Snowdon (Australian Labor Party)

2. George Hanna (The Greens)

3. Daniel Isaac Hodgson (United Australia Party)

4. Regina McCarthy (Rise Up Australia Party)

5. Hamish MacFarlane (Independent)

6. Jacinta Price (Country Liberals)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Luke Gosling

Margin: 6.1

Last result: Labor 56.1 Liberals 43.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Luke John Gosling (Australian Labor Party)

2. Lorraine Gimni (Rise Up Australia Party)

3. Kathy Ganley (Country Liberals)

4. Timothy Parish (The Greens)

5. Raj Samson Rajwin (United Australia Party)

6. Sue Fraser-Adams (Independent)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Ross Hart

Margin: 5.4

Last result: Labor 56.1 Liberals 43.9

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Tom Hall (The Greens)

2. Ross Hart (Australian Labor Party)

3. Susan Woodbury (Animal Justice Party)

4. Bridget Archer (Liberal)

5. Todd Lambert (Independent)

6. Allan John Roark (United Australia Party)

7. Carl Cooper (The Nationals)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Justine Keay

Margin: 2.2

Last result: Labor 52.2 Liberals 47.8

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Karen Wendy Spaulding (United Australia Party)

2. Craig Brakey (Independent)

3. Shane Allan (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

4. Gavin Pearce (Liberal)

5. Sally Milbourne (The Nationals)

6. Phill Parsons (The Greens)

7. Brett Michael Smith (Independent)

8. Justine Keay (Australian Labor Party)

9. Graham Gallagher (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

CLARK (formerly Denison)

Held by: Independent

Incumbent: Andrew Wilkie

Margin: 17.8

Last result: Independent 67.8 Labor 32.2

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Andrew Wilkie (Independent)

2. Ben McGregor (Australian Labor Party)

3. Amanda-Sue Markham (Liberal)

4. Juniper Shaw (The Greens)

5. Jim Starkey (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Julie Collins

Margin: 10.7

Last result: Labor 60.7 Liberals 39.3

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Kit Darko (The Greens)

2. Dean Young (Liberal)

3. Darren John Hawes (Fraser Anning’s Conservative National Party)

4. Julie Collins (Australian Labor Party)

5. Darren Winter (United Australia Party)


Held by: Labor

Incumbent: Brian Mitchell

Margin: 3.8

Last result: Labor 52.3 Liberals 47.7

Candidates as they appear on the ballot:

1. Deanna Hutchinson (The Nationals)

2. Brian Mitchell (Australian Labor Party)

3. Gary Whisson (The Greens)

4. Tennille Murtagh (Pauline Hanson’s One Nation)

5. Jessica Whelan (Liberal)

6. Michael Warne (United Australia Party)

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