
The 25 things happy people do differently

I USED to be sad, depressed, and insecure. Today my life is much different; I'm happy, healthy, fulfilled, and I love every second of my life. This is why.


WE all experience moments of insecurity, frustration, stress and even depression, but for some of us, these moments last longer than others, writes Shannon Kaiser.

Like many people, I've gone through some major life changes over the past few years. I was stuck in depression tied to my corporate job. My breakdown turned into a breakthrough, which gave me clarity to follow my heart and change direction in my life. I moved across the country to live my soul's purpose: to be a travel writer, life coach and public speaker.

One important step I took in my transition was to align myself with happy and successful people. I studied their behavior and learned that there's a clear system and pattern in place to tap into true happiness. Through difficult life changes, we can learn a lot about ourselves as we grow into the people we're meant to be.

I used to be sad, depressed, and insecure. Today my life is much different; I'm happy, healthy, fulfilled, and I love every second of my life. I attribute my newfound freedom to this magical list of habits of highly happy people.

Whenever I feel out of alignment, I return to this list and it gets me back on track. These are the steps of highly happy and successful people, but I reframed it to be in the present tense, so it becomes a go-to list to pull anyone into a happier state. Maybe it can help you through a tough time.

1. Stop worrying, if it is supposed to happen it will.

2. Allow yourself to be a beginner. No one starts off being excellent.

3. Don't let your happiness depend on anything outside of yourself.

4. Stay close to everything that makes you feel alive.

5. Listen to your body, it will lead you to unlimited health.

6. Surround yourself with people who see your greatness.

7. Make peace with your past.

8. See all setbacks as growth and expansive opportunities.

9. Comparing yourself to others will hurt your health and steal your joy.

10. Don't give up, EVER.

11. You always have a choice.

12. Stop chasing what’s not working.

13. Believe wholeheartedly in miracles.

14. Don't postpone joy.

15. Trust the universe, there is a plan greater than yours.

16. Wake up every morning with a grateful heart.

17. Remember things take time.

18. Always trust your gut.

19. No need to change people; just love them for who they are.

20. Don't resist change.

21. Forgive yourself.

22. Your life is a creative adventure.

23. Release expectations and enjoy the journey, there is no destination.

24. Just do you.

25. You're not broken or damaged. You are perfect just the way you are.

This story first appeared on Mind Body Green | Like Shannon's work? Visit her blog or check out her Facebook page

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