
Accused serial killer’s sick words as he raped women

THE alleged Golden State Killer told his victims the same thing before he raped or murdered them, it’s been revealed. Warning: Confronting.

Accused 'Golden State Killer' on suicide watch

WARNING: Confronting

VIOLATING women, tying them up and terrorising them with phone calls for years afterwards was not the Golden State Killer’s only modus operandi.

The man suspected of 12 murders and 51 rapes would sob after the attacks and mumble in a high-pitched voice like a child.

“Mommy, please help me. I’m sorry Mom. I don’t want to do this Mommy,” victims remember him whimpering.

Then there was the “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you, Bonnie,” that he wailed while lying down next to a woman he had just raped.

Some investigators have speculated the name he was uttering was Connie.

Home invasion, rape and robbery, escalating to murder was the signature of the three periods of terror Californian police believe Joseph James DeAngelo committed over more than a decade.

DeAngelo has been arraigned on two murders.

But detectives are piecing together his likely culpability in chillingly similar crimes committed by the so-called Visalia Ransacker, the East Area Rapist and the Original Night Stalker.

And DeAngelo sits on suicide watch in the psychiatric ward of Sacramento county jail, reportedly talking constantly to himself, investigators are delving further into his background for clues.

“Mommy” was Kathleen Louise Bosanko, the possibly domineering mother of four, remembered on her headstone as “Rambling Rose”.

Accused serial killer DeAngelo (centre) sobbed ‘Bonnie’ (left, the woman who spurned him) and ‘Mommy’ (right, his mother aka ‘Ramblin Rose’).
Accused serial killer DeAngelo (centre) sobbed ‘Bonnie’ (left, the woman who spurned him) and ‘Mommy’ (right, his mother aka ‘Ramblin Rose’).
Joe DeAngelo, the suspected Golden State Killer appears in court for his arraignment. Picture: Justin Sullivan.
Joe DeAngelo, the suspected Golden State Killer appears in court for his arraignment. Picture: Justin Sullivan.
Joseph James DeAngelo as a young man.
Joseph James DeAngelo as a young man.
The accused’s father, Sgt Joseph James DeAngelo, Sr.
The accused’s father, Sgt Joseph James DeAngelo, Sr.
Golden State Killer’s first murder victims Katie and Brian Maggiore were shot while walking their dog.
Golden State Killer’s first murder victims Katie and Brian Maggiore were shot while walking their dog.

Kathleen Louise DeGroat married World War II army sergeant Joseph James DeAngelo Snr in 1941.

‘Bonnie’ is Bonnie Jean Colwell, DeAngelo’s former fiancee who broke off their engagement to marry a successful accountant.

Connie is Constance Ryland Perry, DeAngelo’s late younger sister.

DeAngelo watched two airmen rape Connie when she was aged about seven, in an abandoned warehouse where the siblings were playing in the mid 1950s.

“That’s pretty crazy for a kid to see his sister be violated,” Connie’s son Jesse Ryland told Buzzfeed.

“Maybe that was the start of Joe going wacko.”

DeAngelo’s mother, who was known as Kay, had four children with Sergeant Joe DeAngelo, though they later divorced and she remarried, to navy man Jack Bosanko.

A B-24 tail gunner, DeAngelo Snr was wounded in action over Australia three years before the birth in New York of his son Joseph, and bears a close resemblance to him.

Joseph grew up and went to Folsom High School in Sacramento, just a 20-minute drive from Rancho Cordova, where a cluster of attacks by the East Area Rapist occurred.

Bonnie and Joe’s engagement notice.
Bonnie and Joe’s engagement notice.
Alleged Golden State killer Joseph James DeAngelo Jnr.
Alleged Golden State killer Joseph James DeAngelo Jnr.
Bonnie Calwell, now Bonnie Ueltzen parted ways with Joe DeAngelo in the 1970s and married a rich accountant.
Bonnie Calwell, now Bonnie Ueltzen parted ways with Joe DeAngelo in the 1970s and married a rich accountant.

At school he played baseball, but doubts have surfaced as to whether he actually graduated, and instead dropped out.

In September 1964, he joined the US Army and served 22 months, some of it in Vietnam.

De Angelo’s brother was wounded in Vietnam and his uncle earned a Purple Heart and is buried at Arlington Cemetery

In 1968, he became a student at Sierra College at Rocklin, just 12km from Citrus Heights where he allegedly committed attacks and was living at the time of his arrest.

At Sierra, he met Bonnie Jean Colwell, and in May 1970 they announced their engagement in the local paper, the Auburn Journal.

The article describes Bonnie as a lab assistant, DeAngelo as the employee of a crane and hoist company with affiliations to several clubs, including a diving association.

The article says “No definite date has been set for the wedding”, which never took place.

Two years later, the Auburn Journal announced Bonnie had married Michael Ueltzen in a double ring ceremony attended by 125 people, with a honeymoon planned on the island of Majorca, Spain.

Ueltzen became one of America’s top forensic accountants, testifying in court prosecutions of multi-billion dollar Ponzi schemes, financial fraud and embezzlement.

Law enforcement officials leave the home of accused rapist and killer Joseph James DeAngelo. Picture: Justin Sullivan.
Law enforcement officials leave the home of accused rapist and killer Joseph James DeAngelo. Picture: Justin Sullivan.

DeAngelo meanwhile married Sharon Huddle in 1973, with whom he had three daughters.

In April 1974, a series of 120 attacks by a serial prowler and voyeur began in the town of the Visalia, continuing until December 1975.

Like photographs of DeAngelo at the time, descriptions of the serial attacker depict him as a pale, podgy-faced man around 175cm tall.

Police believe this map which shows details of a neighbourhood, was left by the attacker.
Police believe this map which shows details of a neighbourhood, was left by the attacker.

DeAngelo’s marriage at this time unhappy, with neighbours reporting he could be heard in “epic shouting battles” with his wife, who would later separate from him.

In contrast, his former fiance Bonnie Ueltzen would travel the world, favouring Italy, and remain married until a divorce in 2013.

DeAngelo joined the police force the year he got married, and worked in a small department in the town of Exeter where fellow officers said he was aloof, cool and ambitious.

“He just knew anything you wanted to talk about,” former police colleague Farrel Ward told the LA Times.

“I think he had a bachelor’s degree, all kinds of training. He didn’t fit in with the other guys. We liked to joke and screw around and take the stress off of what we were doing. He was always serious.”

Golden State Killer faces a judge for the first time

DeAngelo moved north to Auburn, near Sacramento and worked as an officer between 1976 and 1979.

During this period the predator known as the East Area Rapist (EAR) began attacking women in five different suburbs.

The first three were in a cluster around Sacramento, not far from Folsom High.

The second were in an area known as Contra Costa, by which time he had progressed to attacking couples.

As with the Visalia Ransacker, victims and the police investigating the crimes were stymied by the offender’s ability to hide, get away, and avoid detection, as well as his cop or soldier like demeanour.

At 1.45am on Saturday, October 29, 1977, a car salesman was at home with his wife days after being released from hospital after surgery.

Janelle Cruz was the last victim of the Golden State Killer, bludgeoned to death in May 1986.
Janelle Cruz was the last victim of the Golden State Killer, bludgeoned to death in May 1986.
The Original Night Stalker murdered Charlene and Lyman Smith (above) on March 13, 1980 in Ventura.
The Original Night Stalker murdered Charlene and Lyman Smith (above) on March 13, 1980 in Ventura.

The couple was living in a new house on Woodson Avenue in Sacramento.

The husband woke to a steady tapping on his foot and a flashlight shining in his eyes.

A man said, “Don’t move or I’ll blow your fucking brains out. I know you’ve got a gun in a drawer in here somewhere”.

The East Area Rapist told the woman to tie up her husband and when she tied only one wrist, he said, “Bitch, I’ll blow your brains out if you try something like that again”.

He pushed her down the hall and raped her several times.

After raping his victim, the assailant stood up and said, “I’m sorry, Mom … Mommy, please help me, I don’t want to do this, mommy”.

The rapist was sobbing and the woman believed he was genuine.

He repeated it over and over, while he was sobbing and hyperventilating.

“He left for a while,” the victim later told police, “and then he came back and did it all over again.

“And then he started crying again. He seemed to be stumbling around and he said, ‘Mommy, I don’t want to do this. Someone please help me”.”

In the EAR’s first cluster region, in February 1978, police allege DeAngelo murdered US Airforce sergeant Brian Maggiore and his wife Katie while they were walking their dog.

The murders would continue in a rampage, perhaps fuelled by DeAngelo’s rage at getting fired from the police force for shoplifting.

The EAR had struck 26 times, but he had not finished terrorising and tying up women and couples in Sacramento and the traumatised victims of 20 more attacks lay in the future.

On the night of July 6, 1978, a young mother and college student was living in the western Sacramento city of Davis.

The resemblance between the Visalia Ransacker’s police sketch and Joseph James DeAngleo (left) is remarkable.
The resemblance between the Visalia Ransacker’s police sketch and Joseph James DeAngleo (left) is remarkable.
Cheri Domingo and Gregory Sanchez were bludgeoned to death by the Golden State Killer on July 27, 1981.
Cheri Domingo and Gregory Sanchez were bludgeoned to death by the Golden State Killer on July 27, 1981.

At 2.50am she was jolted awake by flashlight shining in her eyes.

A man’s voice said, “Don’t move or I’ll blow your f***in’ head off, do you see this gun?”
The man threatened to kill her two sons, who were in the house, and then tied her up.

He sexually assaulted her twice and ransacked the house.

The victim sensed that he was angry.

After the second rape, the man laid his head on the pillow next to her and began sobbing “I hate you. I hate you. I hate you Bonnie.”

It was 4am, when the attacker left, and the Davis Police arrived at 4.30am.

After rape examination at the hospital the woman was interviewed by police.

“Bonny or mommy?” the officer asked.

The officer asked her if he could have said “mommy” and she told him she felt sure it was “Bonny”.

In 1979, the police force fired DeAngleo for stealing a can of dog repellent and a hammer from a convenience store.

On October 1, 1979 a murderous rampage by a man who came to be known as the Original Night Stalker began.

At 2am, a couple was asleep in a house in Goleta, in California’s southern Santa Barbara County.

The woman woke up and felt someone violently kicking the bed and shining a flashlight at her head.

“Get on your stomachs,” the intruder said, “Don’t move, motherfucker, or I’ll kill you. Don’t move or turn your head. I gotta have money. Tie his hands”.

This FBI wanted poster shows drawings of a suspect known by three different names.
This FBI wanted poster shows drawings of a suspect known by three different names.
Police probed a link between the Visalia Ransacker and the East Area Rapist but could not find a suspect until decades later.
Police probed a link between the Visalia Ransacker and the East Area Rapist but could not find a suspect until decades later.

The woman did as she was told and tied her boyfriend’s hands and feet and was then tied up by the intruder.

He then demanded money, told the woman he’d cut her throat, blindfolded her, and dragged her nude through the house.

He put his knife against her throat and ranted, “I’ll kill ‘em. I’ll kill ‘em. I’ll kill ‘em. I’ll kill ‘em. I’ll kill ‘em”.

The boyfriend escaped the house and a neighbour, an off duty FBI agent, called police.

The woman managed to run out the front door.

This is the attack that police believe changed the game.

The assailant would never leave another victim alive again.

Contra Costa County investigator Paul Holes said he’s convinced that DeAngelo’s breakup with Bonnie was a significant factor.

Holes, who tracked down Joseph James DeAngelo via DNA matches and ancestry websites, told The Mercury News last month he believed that and a “toxic” marriage fuelled his alleged desire to rape and kill.

“We always thought there was a Bonnie significant in his life, it could be a mother, a wife, a girlfriend, a childhood crush,” Holes said.

Bonnie Ueltzen, 67, had moved to Sacramento following a divorce in 2013 and unknown top her was living a short drive from Joseph James DeAngelo.

Known as Joe, DeAngleo was according to his most recent neighbours a bad tempered old man who would shout obscenities in his front yard.

Since his arrest, DeAngelo has appeared in court handcuffed to a wheelchair and seemingly almost unable to hold up his head.

At a hearing in May, the brothers of Katie Maggiore, Ken and Keith Smith said they felt their sister’s presence as they seek justice for her long ago killer.

“She’s there,” Ken Smith said.

Rape or sexual assault: what do I do now?

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