
Sex addiction goes mainstream. But is it legit?

SEX addiction is about to be labelled a medical condition. But is it a real problem, or simply a convenient cover story?

SEX addiction is a contentious issue. Is it a real problem, or simply a convenient cover story for someone who gets caught with their pants down?

The "bible of psychiatry", the DSM-V, is likely to include sex addiction - or hypersexual disorder - as a legitimate medical diagnosis in its latest edition.

A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine supports hypersexual disorder's inclusion in the DSM-V, predicting a success rate of proper diagnosis at 93 per cent.

That all means that sex addiction will be recognised as legitimate; a condition every bit as serious as depression and other mental illnesses.

But what actually constitutes sex addiction? Is it an obsessive and compulsive cycle of empty, regret-filled sex or a label for serial philanderers?

"You have charismatic characters like Tiger Woods and Russell Brand who are flirtatious and serial relationship people ... sex addiction is something shadier than that," sex relationships expert Tracey Hammett told

"In the early stages when someone is experimenting, it's loads of fun - but there's a difference between a charismatic movie star having lots of sex and the obsessions and compulsions that come with a sex addiction."

Dr Hammett, who treats sex addicts at South Pacific Private rehab hospital, says it's a disorder characterised by "a horrible cycle of despair, guilt and shame", not dissimilar to OCD or alcoholism.

Sex addiction comes at a heavy cost. It's a very private and taboo condition that's often kept in the dark, and when exposed, carries significant consequences.

And it's not just serial sex. Sex addicts are compulsive masturbators, obsessive consumers of porn and frequent visitors to strip clubs and prostitutes.

"You don't have a sex addiction unless you can't control what you're doing," Dr Hammett added.

"Sex addicts are using computers at home and in their office, they're late to work, they don't get enough sleep, they're seeing prostitutes or having toilet sex. Then of course there's often big financial trouble and relationship issues when the partner finds out."

Jocelyn Klug, president of the Society of Australian Sexologists, welcomes the term "hypersexual disorder" because the word addiction might encourage people to admit they're powerless to stop themselves.

She says the costs of the disorder, which at a rate of 85 to 95 per cent is mostly a male problem, are huge.

"It's a repeated and escalated sexual behaviour without regard for personal relationships," she told

"There's no doubt it increases the risk of STI, it leads to legal problems and can lead to the breakdown in relationships and careers.

"[But] when you label someone they can use it as an excuse for their behaviour."

The classification hypersexual disorder in the DSM-V specifies that a sex addict has to have experienced intense urges for at least six months.

Ms Klug says impairment is at the heart of sex addiction.

"Any behaviours that appear to control the person will lead to feelings of anxiety and distress," she said.

"If the person is distressed or impaired and it's a problem - then it's a problem."

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