
How Thursday’s total solar eclipse will affect your star sign

With a solar eclipse this week, it will have a big impact on your star sign. And one group needs to be use it to set financial goals.

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Welcome to this week’s horoscopes, where a solar elipse on Thursday evening promises a wild-card-anything-can-happen and probably will, kind of week.

Sometimes eclipses don’t play nicely, but they do shove you back onto your path and reveal truths you might have been avoiding.

If you’re Taurus (April 20-May 20), then this is the week to finally get to the bottom of any financial issues.

This week’s new moon is in your financial zone, so setting your financial goals now is a no-brainer. The solar eclipse suggests finality and a new beginning. Perhaps it’s time to lay an old money story to rest and narrate your own.

To find out what else awaits you as a Taurus this week or for all other star signs, sign up to our weekly horoscopes.

What the solar elipse means this week

Eclipses travel in pairs, book-ending the dramatic full moon lunar eclipse of two weeks ago. Equally dramatic, unfortunately, this ‘ring of fire’ won’t be visible from Australia.

However, you might feel another bump if you’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster. Decide this is the stop you’re getting off at, and put an end to any drama.

Astrology is about cycles, themes tend to pop up like the next instalment of an ongoing story – look for the themes, and you’ll find them.

It’s a great time to journal and ‘see what comes’. Accept the truth of a situation, let go, and from here, step into your dreaming. Plant your intentions for this next cycle around themes represented by the twins. Honour and balance rational and intuitive intel, communications, use your voice, express yourself authentically, and be heard.

Square to the planet Neptune, ongoing themes of blurred lines of truth and fiction, missing intel or an ideal are prominent. Aim for rational facts while holding compassion for the story or person representing raw, complex data in the other.

You can register for free for your weekly horoscope reading by Ms Montgomery and discover what this week holds for your sign.

Mars into Leo: Why be basic when you can be extra?

Mars is the planet of action, assertion, and aggression; in the sign of Leo, it’s ready to don a cape and show off its best dance moves. So make the most of the extra energy this placement suggests and put flair into your actions —– if you enter a room or leave it, do it dramatically. Be sure people notice what you’re doing, and don’t be shy about calling attention to it. This is a creative influence and, along with Venus in Cancer, is wonderful for connecting and hugging the people that you care for. Goddess knows we could all do with a few extra hugs over the eclipse/Mercury retro season and the rest, right?

RELATED: What the Mercury retrograde means for you

Chiron and Venus are in a tense square

Protect your heart and stand up for your love rights. It’s pride month, after all, and that goes for everyone.

The relational planet Venus is in a challenging aspect to Chiron, known as the wounded healer. Your sensitive spots may be easily and perhaps accidentally nudged. Watch falling prey to insidious beauty standards, and perhaps use any insults to your perfection as a call to heal and reclaim your rights to your appearance, aesthetics and desire.

Vanessa Montgomery is an astrologer from Astro All Starz and provides’s weekly horoscopes

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