
Rare hybrid solar eclipse to hit one Aussie state

Moon enthusiasts need to head to one Australian state on Thursday to witness a rare event that promises to be magnificent.

Exmouth prepares for total solar eclipse

A rare hybrid solar eclipse on Thursday will feature both annular and total phases along its path, so it’s sure to be a celestial showstopper.

During an annular solar eclipse, the Moon is too far from Earth for its shadow to fully reach the surface, creating a dazzling halo effect around the Sun’s disc. Whereas a total solar eclipse is when the Moon completely blocks the Sun, casting an eerie darkness over the path of totality.

Australia offers prime eclipse-viewing spots

The path of totality describes the locations where the Moon’s shadow sweeps across the Earth’s surface, with each eclipse covering a unique trajectory.

Fortunately, during the eclipse on April 20, at approximately 11.30am, Australia offers prime eclipse-viewing in the North West Cape, Western Australia, near the town of Exmouth. This is the reason behind this eclipse’s nickname, “Ningaloo Eclipse”.

A total solar eclipse like the kind that will be seen from Exmouth, Western Australia, on April 20. Picture: Martin George
A total solar eclipse like the kind that will be seen from Exmouth, Western Australia, on April 20. Picture: Martin George

Solar eclipses 101

Solar eclipses occur during new moons when the Sun and Moon occupy the same spot in the zodiac. Astrologically, new moons in themselves symbolise fresh starts, so the stage is set for dramatic new beginnings, as a solar eclipse amplifies a new lunar cycle’s effects.

The eclipse’s influence varies depending on its degree of totality. In the case of a total eclipse, the implications increase tenfold.

However, eclipses are synonymous with change at any cost, whipping up a disruptive and discombobulating energetic climate. It’s wise to avoid planning important events, surgery or critical negotiations within two weeks on either side of an eclipse.

Some astrologers (including this author) say that eclipses are portals of destiny. So, embrace the twists and turns, remembering that the eclipse leads you towards your best outcome, even if it’s a challenging journey.

An Aries eclipse that unleashes the warrior within

This eclipse occurs in the tail end of Aries, signalling that something is coming to an end.

Perhaps you’re saying goodbye to a relationship, leaving your job or selling your family home. In contrast, solar eclipses often herald radical new beginnings, so this combination of celestial influences highlights firmly closing one chapter before you can fully embrace another.

A total solar eclipse in the sky taken by NASA.
A total solar eclipse in the sky taken by NASA.

However, instead of experiencing a seamless transition, you may feel like you’re entering a battlefield since Aries is the warrior sign of the zodiac. You’ll be compelled to fight for your rights and beliefs or uphold your values somehow.

Mars ignites conflict

Mars, the planetary ruler of this eclipse, in conflict-avoidant Cancer, is torn between staying safely nestled in familiar, non-confrontational situations and taking risks for the changes necessary for your self-improvement.

The same can be said about your relationships. April’s eclipse creates conflict between wanting to stay close to comfortable and familiar people and forging connections that elevate your personal progress and spiritual evolution.

Mars is the planetary ruler of this eclipse.
Mars is the planetary ruler of this eclipse.

The eclipse’s influence may cause a war within as you aspire for more in life – money, status, love or anything else – while simultaneously craving safety and certainty. Despite this, the eclipse propels you forward, even if it means embracing discomfort, fear and self-doubt as you venture into uncharted territory.

The Zodiac bull brings out your inner Aussie battler

Due to the Taurus Moon’s Node’s proximity to the eclipse, you may strive to uphold your living standard or work hard to enhance it. In this case, you may feel like the epitome of the Aussie battler, fighting to get ahead and defend what’s most important to you and your family.

Ultimately, in pursuing progress and success, April’s eclipse encourages you to let go of anything that stunts your growth to prioritise your long-term needs, desires and objectives.

Worldwide ripples: the far-reaching implications of this eclipse

As with any major astrological shift, global implications coexist alongside personal influences. In the case of April’s Aries eclipse, we have already begun to see its ramifications as new political partnerships emerge, and military resources are strengthened.

And it doesn’t stop there. April’s eclipse is the launch pad for a series of eclipses in the sign of the Ram. With Aries being associated with combat, war is a central theme as these eclipses continue to unfold.

Here’s how April’s solar eclipse will affect your sign

Refer to your sign below to find out how the solar eclipse in Aries will impact your sign. If you know your Rising and Sun signs, please read both horoscopes.

Avoid planning important events around a solar eclipse.
Avoid planning important events around a solar eclipse.


You know that issue or person that’s like a thorn in your side? It’s constantly poking at you, dragging you into uncomfortable territory. Well, it’s time to rip it out! Do that by dealing with a bully, confronting a relationship stressor and facing your demons. Tap into your famous fighting spirit, Aries, and unleash a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.


April’s eclipse delves deep into your subconscious mind, urging you to recognise recurring signs, symbols and dreams. As a practical sign, you rely on what you can see, feel and touch rather than letting your intuition guide you. Yet this eclipse invites you to lean into your spiritual side. Your higher self has valuable insight to offer. Are you listening?


Your social circle may never be the same once this eclipse is done and dusted. Be prepared to let go of anyone not in your corner, and welcome a new friend with open arms – out with the old and in with the new! Also, a long-held hope or wish is evolving into something more beneficial in the long run. Try not to cling to the outdated version, as it will only hold you back.


A longstanding goal is on the verge of being accomplished, but it may not unfold as you initially expected. Don’t worry; April’s eclipse has version 2.0 up its sleeve that’s bolder, bigger and brighter. The catch? You may need to let go of version 1.0 before you feel fully ready. Still, this is one time when the cosmos encourages you to leap before you look. Trust your instincts, Cancer.


What you once thought you knew with certainty may no longer hold true. Understandably, that shakes you to your core as you question your judgment. However, April’s eclipse brings a renewed understanding that dramatically shifts your perspective. Be patient, embrace the inevitable changes, and you’ll see the situation more clearly in time.

Thursday’s rare hybrid solar eclipse will propel you forward, even if it means embracing discomfort.
Thursday’s rare hybrid solar eclipse will propel you forward, even if it means embracing discomfort.


April’s eclipse stirs your sensual zone, enticing you to explore unchartered sexual territory. Give in to pleasures of the flesh, Virgo, and unleash any pent-up desires. Doing so may make you extremely uncomfortable, but provided you’re in a safe environment with a consenting partner, this eclipse says nothing is off limits. Embrace your most sensual self.


This eclipse shakes up your partnership zone. Still, long-term couples can relax knowing their bond has weathered astro-turbulence in the past – and survived. New lovebirds encounter a trial but try to view this as an opportunity to fortify your connection. Single? Now isn’t the best time to start anything new. Wait two weeks, and then shoot your shot.


Stuck in a rut? Then April’s eclipse gives you the impetus to revamp your daily routine. Here’s your chance to modify what’s not working for you and shape the life of your dreams, Scorpio. Instead of focusing on your loftiest targets, begin by making small changes. Concentrate on improving the minor details and let the eclipse take care of the rest.

April’s eclipse will give Scorpios the impetus to revamp your daily routine.
April’s eclipse will give Scorpios the impetus to revamp your daily routine.


The eclipse challenges your views on love. Consider whether you desire lavish gifts and poetic affirmations or yearn for someone that shows up emotionally. Maybe you want it all? You may be unwilling to compromise or realise that an imperfect love is the right fit for you. Whatever the case, you’ll understand what it takes to feel truly valued and loved.


A close relative pushes your buttons during the eclipse but stay composed, Capricorn. You’re aware of your personal growth and progress, as are others. Stand firm in your convictions but also choose your battles wisely. After the eclipse dust has settled, a family resolution or healing becomes achievable.


You’re in a position of power, Aquarius. However, the eclipse may trigger self-doubt concerning a conversation that lingers in your mind. It’s crucial not to let these thoughts fester or dampen your confidence and know your opinion is valid. That said, it’s wise to keep tight-lipped until after the eclipse has passed. After that, feel free to shout your views from the rooftops!


April’s eclipse rocks your money zone, Pisces. Carefully examine your budget. Are your expenditures accounted for, or are there discrepancies? You may be surprised to uncover a blind spot in your financial plan. Still, if you work hard – and smart – you’ll gain a lucrative opportunity that leads to increased wealth in times to come.

Natasha Weber, PMAAAC, MAFA, is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Federation of Australian Astrologers and the Victorian Astrologer’s Association. Natasha is one of only six recipients to have received the prestigious AAAC Diploma for her significant contribution to Astrological research.

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