
Australian influencer admits she ‘lied to fans for an entire year’

An Australian influencer has admitted undergoing a controversial procedure after fiercely denying it – but her confession left many upset.

Influencer told to cover up micro bikini

An Australian social media star with millions of followers has admitted she “lied to fans for an entire year”.

Mikaela Testa, 23, continuously denied she’d undergone cosmetic surgery to enhance her figure after speculation swirled she’d undergone a Brazilian butt lift (BBL).

The procedure is billed as “the most dangerous in the world” due to the fact one in 3000 operations performed result in death.

Testa, who recently moved back to the Gold Coast after relocating to Perth in December, admitted she had “two rounds” of the controversial cosmetic surgery as well as a “fat transfer to the hips” while appearing on the White Fox After Hours podcast to promote her collection with the fashion brand.

Mikaela Testa said she ‘lied to fans for an entire year’ about having a controversial cosmetic procedure. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta
Mikaela Testa said she ‘lied to fans for an entire year’ about having a controversial cosmetic procedure. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta
The 23-year-old revealed she had a Brazilian butt lift and kept it a ‘secret’. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta
The 23-year-old revealed she had a Brazilian butt lift and kept it a ‘secret’. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta

When her comments garnered huge criticism, with many claiming she “blatantly denied” having the surgery in the past, Testa addressed the backlash in a follow up video.

“For an entire year, I told all of my followers I lied about having a BBL, I’d tell all of my followers I’d had no plastic surgery when in reality I was just lying,” she shared on TikTok.

“It is one of the most disgusting things I’ve done in my entire life, and I spend every single day regretting and trying to reverse the damage that I’ve done, just to myself, but all the young girls follow me as well.”

Testa said the “negative comments” made about her appearance on White Fox After Hours were justified, but she wanted to explain why she hid the truth for so long.

“Girls have insecurities. It’s pretty common for a girl to be insecure about herself when she sees constant perfection online,” she said.

Influencer 'lied to fans for an entire year'

However, Testa explained it was only during a relationship with someone who she claimed “would repeatedly like, share and repost photos of these girls who’ve had these surgeries — especially BBLs” that she began to feel uncomfortable in her own skin.

“Just like any girl would, you get worried, insecure, and start looking at yourself differently”, she said.

“A million things start running through your mind, and suddenly you want to get a BBL.”

She went on to explain that very soon after, she was “in a doctor’s office” where she claims to have been told she “didn’t have enough body fat for the surgery”.

Testa, 23, said she was 'embarrassed' about undergoing the procedure. Picture: TikTok/MikaelaTesta
Testa, 23, said she was 'embarrassed' about undergoing the procedure. Picture: TikTok/MikaelaTesta

“So even though this is a life-threatening, crazy surgery, that women die from every single year, my insecurities landed me in hot water that could potentially risk my life,” she continued.

“I ate McDonald’s in bed next to my boyfriend every single night right before I went to sleep just to gain enough weight to be good enough for him,” stressing it was “in my mind” and that her ex never asked for her to undergo the procedure.

Despite wanting to share the experience with her 2.3 million followers, Testa decided to “keep it a secret” for fear of being judged, explaining her “young age” and “toxic thoughts” played a major part in the decision.

“That is my reasoning for lying,” she explained.

“I felt embarrassed. Not only was I insecure, but I was also insecure about the fact I was getting surgery to fix it.”

Influencer ‘lied to fans for an entire year’. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta
Influencer ‘lied to fans for an entire year’. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta
Influencer ‘lied to fans for an entire year’. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta
Influencer ‘lied to fans for an entire year’. Picture: Instagram/MikaelaTesta

However, she concluded that while she “regrets lying”, she doesn’t regret going under the knife.

Many commented Testa for “coming clean”, stating the could “understand why” she lied.

“Can relate to the pressure we feel as women to be good enough for men,” one said.

“Taking accountability is the most freeing feeling and I’m so proud of you,” another added.

As another wrote: “We all make mistakes, it’s life.”

However others scolded the influencer, stating “transparency is key” if she wants trust from her audience.

Many though thought it was funny people believed the lie, sarcastically declaring: “Wow, what a shocker.”

“I would’ve never guessed,” another scoffed.

Footage of Testa breaking down in tears last year after it was claimed she’d “been caught out” for having a BBL, left many viewers “heartbroken”.

“Every single comment is so horrible. I can’t even breathe. This is why I don’t even leave the house half the time, because I don’t want to see anyone that hates me,” she said at the time.

“It ruins my day, I just feel like f***ing dying. I don’t even know what to do anymore.”

Read related topics:TikTok

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