
Your Sagittarius horoscope for the week of May 14 – 21

First date? Big meeting? Find out what this week has in store for you in our Sagittarius horoscope by Natasha Weber.

Sagittarius, here's the low-down on your week.
Sagittarius, here's the low-down on your week.

Welcome to’s weekly horoscopes – here’s everything you need to know about what’s coming for you this week.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 14 May 2023

Take a good hard look at your daily rituals. Are they building a genuinely satisfying life? If the answer is no, it might be time to shake up your schedule to benefit your personal goals and work aspirations. Perhaps setting your alarm an hour earlier to get you into a positive headspace could do the trick, or squeezing in a morning workout to clear evenings for family time? Whatever fits your lifestyle, know that the cosmos is on your side, eager to create life-enhancing shifts. So, grab any opportunity to transform your day-to-day routine, and you should see results by week’s end.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 7 May 2023

Single Sagittarians experience a deep affinity with a romantic or platonic connection. What matters most is feeling acknowledged, heard, and understood. Even Archers in relationships can feel lonely despite having a loving partner. If you can relate, make time to reconnect with your sweetheart. Ask questions and delve deeper into each other’s lives. Have you changed since you first met your partner? If so, it’s essential to talk about these changes. Don’t be afraid to reveal your true self, Sagittarius.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 30 April 2023

Forget manifesting during Saturday’s full Moon. It’s an eclipse, and eclipses are known for their unpredictable energy – you wouldn’t want to send your order to the universe amidst such volatility, would you? Even if you’re not consciously manifesting, it’s best to avoid asking for anything in an email or a casual conversation. Instead, observe what unfolds, acknowledging that you can’t control everything. You may be pleasantly surprised by an amazing opportunity that comes your way.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 23 April 2023

La Luna wanders through your relationship zone early in the week, causing you to question a romantic, business or platonic connection. Know that your doubts will likely pass as soon as they arise, and there’s little chance you have anything to worry about. Chances are you’ve misinterpreted the situation or innocently misread someone’s intentions. Instead of concerning yourself with what anyone else thinks, says or does, turn your focus inwards, Sagittarius. Approach any concerns with self-compassion and do your best not to overthink things.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 16 April 2023

Your health sector hosts Mercury’s retrograde this week. Are there any areas of your wellbeing that could do with some finessing? Perhaps you’ve been neglecting a persistent issue grumbling in the background, but because it’s not life or death, you’ve been letting it go. Mercury’s reversal can be super helpful if that rings true for you. Use this planetary pause to review areas of your wellbeing that need some TLC. Yes, things are crazy busy right now, but don’t you think your health is worth the effort? The cosmos does!

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 9 April 2023

Why are you the luckiest zodiac sign, Saggie? Because Jupiter, the cosmic guardian angel, is your planetary ruler. So when the Sun lights up your home planet on Wednesday, you know you’re in for a stellar week. To be more specific, this fortunate alignment occurs in your love zone, which also happens to be associated with play, creativity, children and fun. So expect these things to get a solar shine up. And if you’ve been holding back from giving your all, move forward with confidence. For you, that might look like trying to conceive a child or being love bombed (in a good way!).

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 2 April 2023

Put your health first, Saggie. If you’ve been pushing the envelope, it’s time to relinquish any responsibilities or tasks that aren’t a priority. Better still, take a breather – at the beach, in the hills or countryside. Mercury’s journey through your wellbeing sector encourages you to attend to any niggling medical concerns. And while you’re at it, book that overdue check-up with your dentist. Once that’s all sorted, ask yourself how you can take your wellness to the next level? Clever Mercury inspires you to discover new and improved ways of getting your glow on.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 26 March 2023

Your typical lively communication approach takes a backseat, giving way to a more introspective and contemplative version of you. Mercury’s fortunate connection with the mighty Jupiter sparks an ingenious thought. Rather than broadcasting it to the world and openly sharing it, your instincts warn you to keep it under wraps for the time being. Follow that intuition, Saggie. Let your inner voice guide you on the when, who, and how of revealing your brilliant insight. But until it feels right, remain tight-lipped.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 19 March 2023

Pluto, the planet of transformation, and Mercury connect in your home and values sector, driving you to bring about positive changes in your family’s routines and patterns. Whatever needs attention will become more apparent, but it’s up to you to address it, Saggie. There’s no need to worry about unpleasant confrontations, as this week’s astrology simply encourages you to rework those family dynamics that have been neglected for too long.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 12 March 2023

This week, Saggie, it’s all about the importance of having someone you can count on. Whether you’re in a committed relationship or not, it’s important to acknowledge that particular person or people in your life who will always be there for you. Take the time to connect with your forever person, whether that means a romantic partner, a bestie or a furry friend. And if you’re single, don’t forget to appreciate the special people who have your back. The Sun and Neptune’s alignment on Thursday is a reminder to value those who are there for you no matter what.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 5 March 2023

On Saturday, the Moon glides into your chill-out zone, which means it’s time for extra self-love. Nurture your soul, whether it’s by catching up on rest, engaging in a creative pursuit, or connecting with your tribe. It is crucial to revive and replenish your emotional landscape as it sets the groundwork for a happier and more satisfied you. Remember that saying “no” and embracing more “me time” is okay. So, take care of the most precious thing in the world – you! And enjoy the art of self-pampering.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 26 February 2023

On Thursday, love planet Venus connects with generous Jupiter, and this alignment ignites the flames of passion for you, Sagittarius. Whether single or taken, you’ll be over the moon with a grand romantic gesture. It might be something truly special that sets your heart aflutter and brings on the waterworks – maybe a unique gift, a surprise date, or even a heartfelt love letter. For couples already experiencing blissful love, this is the perfect opportunity to keep that spark alive. So, don’t hold back, be brave, and let those romantic vibes flow!

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 19 February 2023

This week, hanging with the family recharges your happiness battery. The Sun shining in your home zone from Sunday brings the type of comfort and contentment that only comes from being with your loved ones. Whether you’re taking a walk in the park, whipping up a meal together, or just chillin’ and chattin’, make family your top priority. Do your best to reduce distractions, turn off Netflix, and focus on the people who matter.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 12 February 2023

Feeling extra emotional lately? Do your best to roll with the ups and downs, Saggie. By Wednesday, La Luna sheds light on what’s stirring your intense feelings – it could be job-related pressure, heartache or exhausting parenting duties. But you can fight back through the overwhelm. Venus and Neptune’s embrace pamper you this week. So plan a movie night, soak in a bath or chat with a best friend – whatever it takes. But if it’s getting too much, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Exciting news could also be behind the emotions, so share the love and spread the good news.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 5 February 2023

If you work in the public eye – or would like to – now’s your chance to be noticed. Monday’s full moon puts you centre stage, where others applaud your achievements and recognise your talent. However, the one thing that could see you get unstuck is a lack of preparation. Don’t assume that you can get by without doing the work. This week’s success story has you playing the lead, but complacency isn’t your friend, and neither is ego. Always put your best foot forward, and you’ll go far.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 29 January 2023

Archers working in the digital space come up against a roadblock at the end of the week. But instead of throwing the problem into the too-hard basket, take another look. How can you achieve your goal through different means? The Sun’s collaboration with radical Uranus reveals another way; it isn’t anything you’ve tried before. Stay open to unconventional methods, Saggie. The same can be said for lovers. If you’re not getting what you want, try a new angle.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 22 January 2023

Uranus launches forward through your wellness zone on Monday after a 5-month rewind. That’s a long time to be working on a health issue or contemplating upping your wellness game. You can finally act on any inspirational ideas you’ve been cooking up. Don’t beat yourself up for not starting sooner, Saggie. Uranus needed to seed these inspirations before moving forward. What’s important is that you walk your talk where your health and fitness are concerned this week.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope: 15 January 2023

Mercury makes a positive step in your financial sector on Thursday, which is good news for budgeting and banking. Your money-making capacity is also on the rise, thanks to the communication planet’s forward motion. You may think up an ingenious solution to a cash leak, or the opportunity to ask for a raise presents itself by week’s end. Some lucky Archers are offered a fantastic new job or celebrate a side hustle success. Congratulations!

Week beginning January 8

Mars catapults forward after rewinding through your relationship zone for what seems like forever. Even blissed-out couples have been tested by the red planet’s retrograde. But that’s all about to change, as love looks up by week’s end. Mars promises progress if you and your forever person haven’t seen eye-to-eye or you’ve been unable to compromise or make a mutual decision. Single? What you want from a relationship suddenly becomes clearer, which is the first step and most important in getting it.

Week beginning January 1

You’ll get a stellar opportunity to make a grand impression, Sagittarius. Influencer Archers could even have a post go viral this week! But we can’t all be Insta famous. So, for the rest of you, with something important to say, Venus helps you broadcast your message loud and clear. Your point of view will be well received, and a rise in the popularity stakes looks likely too. Let’s not forget that Mercury is still in retrograde, so extra preparation wouldn’t go astray. Run your dialogue through your head before it spills out of your mouth, and you’re good to go

Week beginning December 25

You’re easily tempted to splurge on Christmas festivities, but Mercury suggests otherwise. The thoughtful planet’s upcoming retrograde makes you extra cautious with what you spend your hard-earned dollars on this year. But rather than spreading a miserly vibe, you’re pretty proud of your efforts - and savings. In the long run, what’s really important is that you’re surrounded by your loved ones. Besides, the special touches you’ve created here and there without breaking the bank are more meaningful when you put your heart and soul into them.

Week beginning December 18

This week is a big deal for Archers, as Jupiter makes a rare shift in the zodiac. It’s time to dust off a shelved dream or a vital undertaking that didn’t make the grade back in May through to October. Your planetary ruler acts like your guardian angel, urging you to try again. Did someone scoff at your first attempt? Or were your ambitions belittled? Don’t be put off, darling, Saggie. The timing wasn’t right then. But now, the last laugh belongs to you.

Week beginning December 11

Watch out for the naysayers on Thursday, when the Sun whispers in Neptune’s ear. Someone is jealous of you, Sagittarius, and who can blame them. Your positive vibe and magnetic charm make you a magnet for abundance. Besides, Sagittarius season is making it’s last hoorah this week and next, thrusting you into the limelight for a final bow. So, it’s no surprise you’re attracting the green-eyed monster. What can you do to stay on course? Ignore anyone that isn’t singing your praises, sparkle bright and go for gold without apology.

Week beginning December 4

This week’s full moon brings a relationship stressor to a climax, and like popping a pimple, this needs to happen. Although La Luna has her eye on romantic connections, this could also apply to you and your number one person, whether that’s your parent, friend or child. Don’t try to avoid a confrontation or conversation. Chances are, it’s worse in your head than in reality. Once all is said and done, a sense of relief washes over you as if it was no big deal in the first place. The main thing to avoid is getting snarky; that will get in the way of a productive outcome.

Week beginning November 27

Last weekend was a doozy. Maybe you celebrated your birthday - or someone else’s - into the wee hours. Or, perhaps you just had a million things on your plate. Part of you would love to curl up on the sofa to binge-watch Netflix and indulge in some much-needed R&R, but instead, you push on towards another action-packed week. A lot is going on socially and romantically, so enjoy the thrill, Saggie. Just don’t neglect your beauty sleep, and don’t skimp on meals.

Week beginning November 20

Happy birthday Saggie, you fabulous thing, you! The Sun enters your sign with a bang on Tuesday. Mercury and Venus align on the same day, marking a monumental year ahead, brimming with exciting new social connections and increased confidence, especially for Archers born between December 22 and 29. Others plan a birthday bash that’s bigger and louder than last year. You’ll want to make sure this celebration is one to remember – and it absolutely will be. Jupiter, your planetary ruler, ditches its retrograde on Thursday, elevating your joie de vivre.

Week beginning November 13

It’s a big week for you, Saggie, as Venus and Mercury both enter your sign by Thursday, shifting your focus to love, money and communication. Envision fantastic progress due to your untiring commitment to improving these areas of your life. You’re about as upbeat as a person gets – you sparkle with positivity. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t deep or reflective. Nor does it mean your rose-coloured glasses don’t get grimy sometimes. This week’s stars reward your can-do attitude with decent financial and relationship developments.

Week beginning November 6

Tuesday’s lunar eclipse moves you closer to a wellness objective, which looks slightly different for each Archer. If you’re struggling to get on top of a health niggle, it’s a good week to seek further information. However, support may come from an unusual or unconventional source. For Archers without a health care in the world, being super health conscious is still a great idea. Focus on what you’re putting into your body, remembering that input equals output. Nourish your cells with bone broths and plenty of fruits and veggies, and you’ll vibe so high you’ll smash all your goals out of the cosmic park!

Week beginning October 30

Mars puts a spanner in your sex life when the red pant goes retrograde on Monday. If your libido is lacking or you’re simply too busy for foreplay, don’t push. There are other ways of connecting; all you have to do is get creative. Single’s social calendars look a bit dry this week too. Don’t panic by swiping or texting unsatisfactory matches because your Saturday night schedule is empty. Find ways of pleasuring yourself instead. Self-satisfaction solo style is a much better option than going on a date that leaves you cold.

Week beginning October 23

Tend to your inner landscape, Sagittarius. Your soul thirsts for spiritual sustenance, so clear your busy timetable and stop to smell the roses. That health retreat is beckoning. You know, the one with daily massages, nature walks and organic meals that are as delicious as they are nourishing. But if time is of the essence, schedule something for the future. That knowledge will give you peace of mind until your break finally arrives. Besides, Venus introduces singles to their perfect match somewhere quiet. Your wellbeing weekend may suddenly turn into a dirty one.

Week beginning October 16

Relationships are in the cosmic spotlight, and the focus is all positive. For starters, Tuesday’s link between the Sun and erotic Mars puts you on the same sexual page. So be open to trying new positions and exploring uncharted bedroom territory. This celestial combo deals with what’s been shoved into the too-hard basket. Now is a great time to tackle sticky issues that block intimacy. Single? You’ll meet a lover that allows you to be 100 per cent yourself. Business looks good, too, with Archers entering a new professional partnership getting the cosmic thumbs up. This pairing promises to uplift and benefit both parties.

Week beginning October 9

Monday’s full Moon brings a creative project to fruition, but you don’t have to be an artist to reap the benefit of this lunation. It simply means an endeavour that made you think outside the box finally comes to completion. La Luna rewards a job well done, so put the champagne on ice because you’ll be celebrating a win before the week wraps up. And don’t be shy about sharing your success. Shout it from the rooftops! The more you do, the more likely it is that people in high places will hear about it; there’s no shame in that.

Week beginning October 2

A professional matter that hit the brakes due to Mercury’s retrograde finally gets the cosmic green light. Don’t worry, though. Any delays have been a necessary part of achieving a stellar end result, even if you couldn’t see it at the time. And as of this week, you can finally focus on the future - and smash a critical career goal. Friday’s link between intellectual Mercury and influential Pluto sees you connecting with people in high places, so make sure you show up as your best and most confident self.

Week beginning September 25

Last week’s stars talked to you about manifesting your dreams or bringing a long-held hope to fruition. And this week, the new Moon follows the same theme by introducing you to an inspiring person or networking group. You meet at a work event, through a mutual friend or on a social media platform, but what’s exciting is that these connections elevate you personally or professionally. Stay close to this crowd because you’re all on the same success mission. And don’t minimise your talents during conversation!

Week beginning September 18

Who says Mercury’s retrograde is all bad? Not this week’s stars! Mercury’s brush past the Sun creates a momentary miracle. But this golden window will only be open for a few hours on Friday, so stay on your toes, or you’ll miss it. Something you’ve wished for can come true if you use the information that comes to you. You may hear some news in passing or read something online that’s instrumental in reaching your dreams. In any case, you’ll know when it happens.

Week beginning September 11

Mars’ presence in your partnership sector suggests that a male is blocking your progress, either professionally or personally. But rest assured, Venus obliterates the obstacle by the week’s end. You may have to sweet-talk your way out of a sticky situation to convince a sceptic that isn’t completely sold. But rather than trying to be something you’re not, remember that staying true to yourself attracts what’s best while allowing everything else to fall away.

Week beginning September 4

Don’t give up on your dreams, Saggie! Mercury’s retrograde is out to test you, but that doesn’t mean you should walk away from your heart’s desire. Hang in there! While this backward planetary spin inspires a pivot, you needn’t walk away altogether. By all means, take a brief break, reassess your approach and consider a new angle but don’t throw in the towel at the eleventh hour. The cosmos recommends you take some time during Mercury’s retrograde to reset - and come back more determined than ever. How? Use this hiatus to carve out a revived plan for getting from point A to B.

Week beginning August 28

Mars brings your vision to life, so polish up on your manifesting skills. If you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can make it happen. But first, you must believe in your skillset and your innate talent. If your confidence is lacking, try visualising yourself mastering your goal, whether it’s finding your soul mate, increasing your earnings or conquering a dream. If your hopes fail to manifest, trust that it’s not meant to be, and another seed of opportunity has been planted in its place.

Week beginning August 21

Your career or vocational calling cops a cosmic double whammy as the Sun steps into your professional sector in the same week as the new Moon. Because this only happens once a year, you’re due for an annual review of where you’re headed and what you need to do to steer full steam ahead in your desired direction. Don’t stress over the details but do stay open to changing tactics. A solution will pop up as you make huge strides towards achieving your goal. By week’s end, you’ll feel pretty pleased with yourself, Saggie.

Week beginning August 14

Mars stimulates your relationship zone but not in the way you might think. While the dynamic planet turns up the physical chemistry with your romantic partner, it also adds a dash of desire to your professional partnerships. Of course, that doesn’t mean you want to roll in-between the sheets with your boss, but it does spark a competitive streak between you and your manager, team leader or colleague. This week, you know what you want and are prepared to go the extra mile to get it.

Week beginning August 7

It’s the little things you do every single day that make the greatest impact on your long-term results. So when motivated Mars teams up with Saturn, consistency becomes your key to success. That’s not to say you should beat yourself up if you stray from routine. Simply do your best to stick to a regular schedule that serves you well. For instance, if you’ve been burning the midnight oil, this is an excellent time to get your beauty sleep nice and early. Bad habits be gone! And, thanks to La Luna, a piece of long-awaited news drops into your inbox or messages this week.

Week beginning July 31

If you rely on social media for business growth or personal gratification, then Friday’s full Moon brings a valuable insight. Make sure to analyse what’s working for you on your favourite platform and eliminate strategies that aren’t performing well. The same can be said for your dating app profile if you’re single. Maybe it’s time to update your photos or delete matches that aren’t moving in your desired direction. This week, the cosmos highlights your communication style, and how you project yourself visually or verbally makes all the difference to the type of reaction you receive. Put yourself out there in your best light, Saggie.

Week beginning July 24

You’re always learning, Sagittarius; adding a string to your already abundant bow, upskilling in your career or using a lesson from the school of life for self-improvement. Honestly, your wide-open, thirsty mind is praiseworthy. La Luna tries to reward your willingness to learn with an acknowledgement, compliment or progress, but Jupiter makes you wait for your prize when your home planet begins its retrograde. What you want is so close you can almost taste it. Hang in there a bit longer.

Week beginning July 17

This is the week that the penny drops for Archers. Very little gets past you, Saggie. So it’s surprising that you’re baffled by someone’s words and actions. Chances are, you have a romantic attachment to this person; otherwise, the connection is platonic, but they are in your inner circle, making it even weirder when you can’t read their intentions. But here’s the thing; this person’s behaviour has nothing to do with you. And even if you’re involved, your friend, partner or lover is being motivated by something deeply private. Once you’re aware of this, you’ll be able to depersonalise the situation.

Week beginning July 10

Saggie, you take on the world and win! And while your enthusiasm is admirable, you sometimes need to take things down a notch or two. Thursday’s full Moon asks you to do just that for the sake of your wellbeing. But that doesn’t mean you have to miss out. Prioritising not only brings better balance but also makes you healthier and happier. And, it guarantees greater success for the things at the top of your list. Streamline tasks and duties this week, and you’ll smash your most important goals.

Week beginning July 3

Talkative Mercury in your sex zone encourages you to express your innermost desires. Assert your fire-sign confidence, and don’t be shy, Sagittariu. There’s no shame in wanting something a little different, even risqué, in the bedroom. But if you don’t ask, it won’t happen. Are your nerves keeping you quiet? Then there is plenty you can do to ensure you’re heard loud and clear. Bring up a sexy conversation during a hot, steamy bath for two, in a candlelit bedroom or by a roaring fireplace. You get the idea.

Week beginning June 26

Venus sweetens romantic connections when the love planet aligns with Jupiter, your ruler. This weekend, carve out time to get away with your partner and relish each other’s company - have some fun together! Some serious subjects may arise during your trip, but they’ll be addressed effectively when you’re in a lighthearted mood. Single life is looking good for Archers happy to fly solo - this week is about self-indulgence for you, darling. Enjoy!

Week beginning June 19

Business partnerships launched this week have success written all over them, thanks to Venus’ move into your relationship zone. You and your partner can take teamwork to higher heights if you work cohesively this week. Romantically speaking, couples move a problematic mountain, as you both share the same end goal. Now isn’t the time for separate, selfish agendas. Single? Don’t be in a hurry to feel the heat with a potential lover. There’s nothing wrong with allowing love to blossom out of a beautiful friendship.

Week beginning June 12

Happy full Moon, Saggie! On Tuesday, La Luna peaks in your sign, marking a period of hope in your work and personal life. This window of opportunity only occurs once a year, so jump on any openings, offerings or lucky chances, no matter how out of reach they seem. Harness all the self-confidence you can muster because now is the time to scream “yes!” and figure out the rest later. Feel the fear and do it anyway, as the saying goes. And if in doubt, remember that it’s your hard work that’s brought you to this point in the first place. La Luna is simply piecing it all together.

Week beginning June 5

You’re dying to roll up your sleeves and make huge strides forward, but slow-moving Saturn is holding you back. Still, trust that delaying progress is ultimately in your best interests, as looking back over your shoulder offers clues on how to hit your target when the time is right. For now, gather information and learn all you can about your business, a job, close relationship or a new undertaking. Because what you discover will make the difference between superstar success and a mediocre outcome.

Week beginning May 29

Given that Monday’s black Moon is all about second shots, La Luna allows you another go at something (or someone). But don’t let your typical over-enthusiasm get the better of you. Instead of racing ahead, take your time to approach things differently. Discard what didn’t work for you before and reflect on past experiences for hidden clues - then, you’ll come up with an improved plan of attack. What you want has your name all over it, Saggie. And if you come at it from a different angle, it’s yours for the taking.

Week beginning May 22

Your creative flow is at its finest from midweek onwards when Mars encourages you to pursue what lights your fire. Dedicate ample time towards your passion purpose, rather than investing 100 per cent of your time and effort into your bread-and-butter job. Of course, you must meet your professional responsibilities - and then there’s paying your bills. But carving out time to nurture your soul’s calling will leave you more fulfilled, valued and content.

Week beginning May 15

The Sun injects zest and vitality into your relationship zone, boosting all your interactions, both professional and personal. Monday’s lunar eclipse introduces you to a new connection that has the potential to alter the course of your destiny. Welcome this person into your life because they’ve arrived with a particular lesson or message for you, but don’t take everything they say as gospel. It’s up to you what you take on board - and what you take with a grain of salt. Trust in your own perceptions - if it doesn’t feel right, don’t go there.

Week beginning May 8

Whenever your home planet makes a major move in the skies, it affects you big time, Saggie. So, when Jupiter enters your love zone for the first time in almost twelve years, the mega planet sets your heart alight. Singles; prepare to be swept off your feet - the sky’s the limit when it comes to romance. Tired of swiping until your fingers are numb? Then try something different. This week, Cupid hangs out at art galleries, theatres, and wherever live music is playing - maybe you should too? The same goes for couples looking to reignite their spark.

Week beginning May 1

Sunday’s eclipse takes a long hard look at how you’ve been treating yourself, Saggie. Have you been neglecting your physical, emotional or mental needs? If so, the stars intend to get serious about reshuffling your wellbeing priorities. This is a great week to clean up your diet, boost hydration and deepen your meditation practice, but some Archers need more support to discover their glow. When it comes to finding a healthcare practitioner that resonates with you, do some online research and speak to a friend that has experienced a similar issue.

Week beginning April 24

A cluttered living space means a cluttered mind, and because you hate being bogged down, a thorough spring clean clears your home and mindset. Don’t know where to start? Mercury’s alliance with optimistic Jupiter leads the way. All you have to do is commit to letting go of anything you no longer want, love or need. Sure, it’s not easy to part with sentimental pieces of your past, but trust that you’ll know what to toss and what to hold tight once you start.

Week beginning April 17

This week’s full Moon blows the lid off a blood-sucking friendship or situationship. You’ve tried, bent over backwards to accommodate this person, and avoided giving them an unfiltered piece of your mind. So rest assured that your behaviour has earned you karmic brownie points - and you can claim the moral high ground. Still, this emotional vampire is destined to become unstuck, so hold your head high and resist the urge to have one final dig. You’re better than that.

Week beginning April 10

Distance yourself from anyone dishing you up a generous serving of guilt. Finding your authentic voice can be challenging enough, but coming up against disapproving judgements and critical comments makes it impossible for you to evolve into your best self. A friend or family member probably means well, but unkind words stick like glue even if they are said with the best of intentions. Mars recommends you listen to your intuition this week and tune out the naysayers.

Week beginning April 3

All your hard work pays off when action-oriented Mars connects with dedicated Saturn. Archers who put their hearts and souls into a passion project are repaid with concrete results. So, plan a night out with all the bells and whistles to celebrate your success. Likewise, if you’ve given your all to a relationship, communication takes a dramatic turn for the better this week. Once that happens, working out your differences becomes a walk in the park.

Week beginning March 27

Creativity comes in many different forms - it can be expressed through art, music, or original thought that stretches your mind in unconventional ways. On Sunday, Mercury fuels your imagination to go places it’s never been before. So run with any unusual inklings, Saggie. By week’s end, the new Moon adds a touch of inspiration to your idea, kick-starting a new and exciting project - all because you were brave enough to think outside the square. Trust in the weird and wonderful possibilities that arise this week.

Week beginning March 20

Physical and emotional intimacy flourish as the Sun glows in your love zone. This chart area also governs creativity, so think outside the box to encourage amore. If you desire extra bedroom pizazz, develop novel ways to spice up your sex life. Whatever you’re comfortable with works, provided you do things a little differently. Satisfaction is guaranteed for singles on the dating scene. But if you’re not ready for physical intimacy, an unexpected public display of affection gets you over the line.

Week beginning March 13

What does your daily routine look like? And more importantly, are you satisfied with your personal productivity? What you do consistently has a massive impact on your long-term achievements. In short, it’s the little things that count. This week, try implementing a new habit that revives your zest for life by shaking up your routine to better serve your long-term ambitions. This might include morning journaling, experimenting with a new smoothie recipe or just setting the alarm half an hour earlier to squeeze in a quick sweat sesh. Ultimately, kickstarting the day with a positive frame of mind has the power to turn your world around.

Week beginning March 6

The stars shine brightly for you when the Sun lights up Jupiter, your planetary ruler. On top of that, Mercury’s bulletin in your career sector shouts your praises - and your boss totally agrees. People in high places are watching you, Sagittarius, and you’re not about to let them down. This is your moment. Some Archers may read this week’s horoscopes and feel a little lost like the Universe has forgotten them. But this is just a period of transition before hitting the big time, darling. Back yourself for the win.

Week beginning February 27

Venus and Pluto’s dance review your values. You’ve put off implementing necessary changes to avoid a confrontation, and now it’s time to face the music, Sagittarius. But it’s not all doom and gloom - your personal growth is about to skyrocket as you become more assertive and self-confident. You may receive a promotion that steps on a workmate’s toes or fall for someone that’s attached, but this week sees you thinking of yourself. Ditch self-sabotaging thoughts and believe that you deserve the best. Besides, you can’t put a stopper on destiny.

Week beginning February 20

Jupiter, your planetary ruler, makes an intense connection with passionate Pluto on Thursday. Add the Moon’s visit to your sign on the same day, and you get a cosmic recipe for powerful transformation. Your influence is on the rise, but rather than using your advantage to get more Instagram followers or secure a hot date, get ahead in more meaningful ways instead. This week’s stars recommend acting on your New Year’s resolutions. Haven’t written a 2022 list of aspirations? Then it’s time to start.

Week beginning February 13

Don’t be surprised if a family member calls on you for a helping hand or some charitable assistance. You may be asked to provide financial aid or perhaps a shoulder to cry on. Of course, your participation may be required in wonderfully positive ways too, such as being invited to join a wedding party or become a godparent. Either way, family support is your key focus this week. Carve out enough time so that you don’t stress over all the things you think you should be doing.

Week beginning February 6

What’s your relationship with money like Sagittarius? Do you attract abundance because you wholeheartedly believe in your talents? Or, do you feel like a fraud, unable to demand proper remuneration for your efforts? Remember that you are what you think. So, addressing your thoughts around self-worth is a great place to start if you wish to grow your money tree. Mars’ link with Uranus brings financial rewards, but first, you must back yourself. This week, the cosmos dishes up what you believe you deserve.

Natasha Weber, PMAAAC, MAFA, is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Federation of Australian Astrologers and the Victorian Astrologer’s Association. Natasha is one of only six recipients to have received the prestigious AAAC Diploma for her significant contribution to Astrological research. | @astrotash

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