
Your Pisces horoscope for the week May 14 – 21

First date? Big meeting? Find out what this week has in store for you in our Pisces horoscope by Natasha Weber.

Pisces, here's the low-down on your week.
Pisces, here's the low-down on your week.

Welcome to’s weekly horoscopes – here’s everything you need to know about what’s coming for you this week.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 14 May 2023

You’ll be motivated to stand up against any oppressive behaviour this week, thanks to Jupiter and Pluto’s face-off. Now is the time to speak up, not just for your own benefit, but possibly for others too. Your voice is valuable, Pisces, and will resonate with those beyond your inner circle. Feeling overlooked in your relationship? Then you can confidently share any worries, insecurities or anxieties with your partner. They may be completely unaware and will quickly make it up to you. Some Pisceans with lofty career ambitions get the chance to shoot their shot and maybe even land the top role.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 7 May 2023

Friday’s favourable alignment of Mercury and Saturn is a gentle reminder, Pisces, that you hold the key to your happiness. While it’s understandable to be frustrated with external factors like the government, your partner, a relative, or your boss, focusing on these aspects only diminishes your power. Embrace control over your life and make a conscious effort to shape your ideal future. By taking this approach, you’ll find that the universe becomes your ally, eager to support your endeavours.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 30 April 2023

Your astrological focus this week is on learning new things. This could involve enrolling in a formal education course or joining an astrology school! Pursue whatever captures your curiosity, as long as it broadens your intellectual horizons or enhances your existing skills. The key is to feed your mind with updated, new information. Remember that eclipses can sometimes challenge your patience, so stay committed and persevere if the journey gets rough.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 23 April 2023

You’re a natural empath, Pisces. When someone you care about comes to you with a problem, you tend to take on their issues as if they were your own. It’s part of your karma to help and heal others, so it can be difficult to stop caring so deeply. However, Venus and astroid Chiron remind you that your wellbeing is just as valuable as anyone else’s. As your astrologer, I won’t tell you to stop caring. That wouldn’t feel authentic and could even cause you more stress and worry. Nonetheless, if helping someone means sacrificing your peace of mind, it’s worth considering whether that price is too high.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 16 April 2023

The Sun illuminates the part of your chart that’s all about speaking out and sharing your perspective. But how you do that is down to your individual communication style. You may feel called to confront someone over a grievance or a hurtful comment. But if that’s you, be very careful about how you word your conversation. Mercury hits the brakes on Friday, which could cause your intentions to be misconstrued. Other Fish may speak out on social media about a cause close to their heart, but again, the cosmos advises carefully considering your choice of words.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 9 April 2023

Money matters are at the forefront of your mind on Wednesday when the Sun and your home planet align. This planetary pairing happens in your financial sector, which is excellent news. Why? Because when the Le Soleil and fortunate Jupiter get together this way, it means abundance and prosperity – yes to that! But instead of waiting for your lucky break to land in your lap, remember that fortune favours the bold. Get straight to polishing up your budget and act on any wealth-creation ideas you’ve been ruminating on.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 2 April 2023

It’s a grand week for romance when Venus and dreamy Neptune make beautiful music in your chart on Saturday. If you’re blissing-out in coupledom, book that fancy restaurant or organise a secret rendezvous with a twist. And this planetary pairing loves playing games (I’m not referring to manipulative mind games here). So, if you’re into role-play, weave it into your weekend – and get creative! Single? When it comes to putting yourself out there, reach for the stars. Make your motto “I deserve the highest form of love and adoration”. Because yes, you do.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 26 March 2023

Your mental prowess is on point, courtesy of Jupiter’s philosophical influence on Mercury, the planet governing your intellect. This celestial combo occurs in your financial sector, so explore any monetary tips or suggestions that come your way. However, with Mercury in retrograde, it’s not the ideal time for action, so avoid making significant financial decisions. Nevertheless, the cosmic atmosphere is perfect for looking into novel ways to save and invest your money. Just be cautious of slick talkers who make grand promises but provide zero value.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 19 March 2023

This week buzzes with astrological activity, making it impossible to ignore what and who is truly important to you. Pay attention to what arises, Pisces, as it will direct you to where you should focus your efforts. Remember that your energy has limits, as Saturn in your sign reminds you. Prioritising people and tasks is the key ingredient of a happy mindset because, despite your efforts, you cannot do everything at once. Allow yourself to let go of a few things, focus on keeping the most crucial ones going, and give yourself permission to drop a few balls.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 12 March 2023

Friday’s alignment between the Sun and Mercury brings a eureka moment that illuminates your entire world. It’s a game-changer that can shift your perspective on a relationship, career path, or future. Expect to see things in a fresh, exhilarating and insightful light. This is a life-altering insight that stays with you even after it’s gone. So, get psyched, Pisces, because that’s what the universe has in the works for you this week.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 5 March 2023

Saturn’s arrival in your sign after nearly three decades is a mega astro milestone for your personal growth. But don’t stress, Pisces, you’ve got plenty of time to learn from Saturn’s teachings – two and a half years! For the time being, dedicate yourself to improving your overall well-being. Whether it’s developing your mindset, acquiring new knowledge, or building healthier routines, focusing on yourself is key. Keep in mind that self-improvement is a lifelong process, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Saturn’s here to elevate you.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 26 February 2023

If you’re feeling disconnected and disillusioned, Pisces, don’t worry. This isn’t your usual state of mind, and the good news is that things are about to change. With Mercury moving into your sign, you’ll have an opportunity to delve deeper into your spiritual interests. Whether you find solace in mindfulness, yoga or prayer, spending time cultivating your inner world can help you regain your zen. Take this time to see what resonates with you. And if you already know what brings you inner peace, it’s time to return to it and rekindle your spiritual flame.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 19 February 2023

Venus asks you to take a sec to think about what matters most to you and the kind of relationship you want. Be honest with yourself, and don’t shy away from the tough questions. If you’re in a relationship, ask yourself if it still aligns with where you see yourself in five years. And if you’re single, think about the type of person that would be the best fit for you. Checking in and reassessing is good for any relationship, so no worries if you and your sweetheart are doing just fine.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 12 February 2023

Feeling loved up, and all gooey inside is the ultimate vibe. Whether you’re searching for that special someone or have found your forever person, Venus and Neptune’s link cranks up the romance this week. Singles, get ready to meet your perfect match – they’re like a breath of fresh air. Even the simplest moments feel like magic. And for Fish in a relationship, taking a moment to connect with your sweetheart brings back the butterflies. So, whether it’s snuggling up for a movie night or going on a wild adventure, embrace all the feels and soak up the bliss.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 5 February 2023

Monday’s full moon elevates your wellness goals. If you’re not already bursting with vitality, you’ll be inspired to do all you can to become the fittest – and healthiest – version of yourself. Still, it’s important to remember that a healthy body looks different on everyone. As soon as you start comparing yourself with your bestie, or worse, unrealistic portrayals of what a fit, sexy body should look like on social media, you’ll trip yourself up. Don’t let that happen, Pisces. Remember, you are your own greatest competitor.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 29 January 2023

The Moon’s Node makes a beautiful and rare connection with Venus in your sign on Friday. This celestial pairing is all about love with a difference – it puts self-love at the top of your priority list. When was the last time you said “no” to something that put you out, yet you felt obliged to go through with it anyway? Exactly. Take some time out to do you this week, Pisces. That might mean stepping away from your kids, work or friends to indulge in doing something wildly selfish. Radical self-love is where it’s at this week.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 22 January 2023

It’s a lovely week for deep introspection and contemplation. Fish that meditate take their practice up a notch, while yogis finally master a challenging asana. But if you’re the non-spiritual type (highly unusual for your sign), carve out extra “me time”. When was the last time you went for a walk and noticed the leaves on the trees or the ancient architecture in the city? Or, kick back with an inspiring read? This week, spending time in solitude is as healing and rejuvenating as it is relaxing.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope: 15 January 2023

Mercury shakes off tension with a friend or coworker on Thursday. If you don’t get a call, dial their number because the issue needs to be addressed. Of course, you can sweep it under the rug, but that will cause the problem to resurface the next retrograde, and you don’t want things to fester. Still, Mercury intends to rectify your relationship, so face the dispute knowing everything will work out. Other Fish are drawn within this weekend. If you don’t feel like socialising, that’s okay. Pamper in privacy.

Week beginning January 8

Fish with an artistic streak take their talent out for a spin this week. Inspiration strikes early in the week and again on the weekend. But if you don’t have time to duck into your creative cave, jot down your ideas so you can revisit them later. It’s also a gorgeous week to refresh your vision board or journal. Before you do, sit in a quiet spot, somewhere peaceful, preferably in nature. That way, the Sun and Neptune’s dance will download their imaginative ideas and aspirations.

Week beginning January 1

Venus’s kiss with Jupiter delivers a pearl of financial wisdom or the chance to grow your money tree. Why couldn’t this windfall have come before Christmas, though? The truth is that the timing wasn’t quite right, but now everything falls into place. The stars bring a golden opportunity to put cash away for a rainy day or pay off an overdue loan or bill. And it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders once your debt has been paid. Still, the stars can only do so much; you have to play your part, too, Pisces. Think savings over spending.

Week beginning December 25

This Christmas sees you incredibly grateful for your blessings. Yeah, yeah. That’s what every Christmas is about, right? Well, yes. But this year ups the gratitude anti. Perhaps you’ve loved and lost someone dear to you this year. If so, they’ll be with you in spirit, so celebrate as if they were right by your side. Take a moment to give thanks for the beautiful (and not-so-nice) people at the Christmas table too. They’re all in your life to help you grow into the best version of yourself. If a friend confides something to you a day before or after Christmas, let her know you’ve got her back.

Week beginning December 18

A rare zodiac switch occurs in your money zone on Wednesday. But money is currency, and currency is energy, so watch who you give your cash and time to. Of course, Christmas is the time to be compassionate, but you’re overly generous year-round, Pisces. The answer lies somewhere between give and take. Be there for someone in need but refuse to be emotionally used and abused. And when it comes to money, don’t give away what you can’t afford to lose.

Week beginning December 11

A female friend dishes up a serving of harsh reality with a side order of insensitivity. And it tastes bitter-sweet. Still, this person only wants what’s best for you, even if they’re a bit pushy – and they have a point. Try to take well-meaning advice on board this week; anyway, you’re tough enough to handle the truth. But if you disagree with their opinion, feel free to say so. As the most intuitive zodiac sign, your gut is never wrong. When in doubt, tune into your spider senses.

Week beginning December 4

Yay! Neptune, your planetary ruler, ditches its backwards spin, correcting its course through the zodiac on Sunday. You’ll feel more at ease and on track without even understanding why, and little things that phased you are now like water off a duck’s back. Mercury keeps you grounded this week, so while you’re in a social mood, you’ll also gracefully balance work and play. A friendship may transition from a platonic connection to a red-hot love machine. Only cross that line if you’re sure.

Week beginning November 27

Keep your cards close to your chest, Pisces. Someone may be telling porky pies, no thanks to Mercury’s clash with shady Neptune. If you and your sweetheart are newly dating, take a well-meaning friend’s advice with a grain of salt. Even if they aren’t intentionally trying to drive a wedge, their words could plant the seeds of doubt. If this doesn’t resonate with you, watch your back at work. And most importantly, steer clear of office gossip that doesn’t involve you.

Week beginning November 20

Jupiter ditches its backward spin to strut forward through the zodiac. This positive development is incredibly wonderful for you, Pisces, because the planet of luck and blessings rules your sign – and it’s bound to do its best work when in a state of flow. If you’ve been toiling hard behind the scenes, your work finally sees the light of day. Cherished dreams may also fly this week or at least see the first stages of coming to fruition. Still, Jupiter sits in a sensitive spot in the sky, making you a little more emotional than usual. Embrace the feels.

Week beginning November 13

Make it a priority to hang out with folks that make you laugh. When Venus gets together with funny-planet Jupiter, it’s time to embrace life’s lighter side. That doesn’t mean you should pretend your troubles don’t exist. But focusing on your blessings while refusing to allow your challenges to get the better of you is in your best interests. And if someone makes an insensitive remark, let it be like water off a duck’s back. Vibe so high that no one can touch you.

Week beginning November 6

Tuesday’s lunar eclipse brings news - and it’s not what you expected. That’s not to say you should expect the worse; quite the opposite. If you stay flexible and think beyond your original plan, you’ll move forward in leaps and bounds.Then you’ll soon see that this new path is better for all concerned. Things seem a tad discombobulating initially, but after you’ve adjusted to the new and improved cosmic climate, you’ll be more content, secure and hopeful. Your future looks bright, Pisces. Don’t forget that.

Week beginning October 30

Venus and the Moon’s Node drag you away from the comforts of your home or the safety of your regular routine. Perhaps you’re separated from your loved ones, and you miss them. The change may make you a tad uncomfortable but try your best to adjust to the circumstances - they won’t last long. On the other hand, romance is flourishing, whether you’re blissing out in coupledom or looking for love. This week, a deeper emotional connection is forged without words. Use touch and body language to get your message across.

Week beginning October 23

Jupiter is back where it does its best work - in your sign. But as the lucky planet is still rewinding back through the zodiac, meticulous planning is due. You’ll come up with the best way to move forward during a moment of self-introspection, so smile graciously on the outside as you build inner fortitude - and a killer plan - on the inside. Know where you’re going, and Jupiter will get you there. Tuesday’s solar eclipse stirs restlessness in students. Is your future panning out as you planned? There’s no shame in changing your direction or your major

Week beginning October 16

This week has a Mercury retrograde feel, particularly where love is concerned. Be mindful of what your lover is saying, and don’t misread the intentions behind their words. For instance, if someone tells you they need space, it probably means exactly that. Or, if you hear “it’s not you, it’s me”, this person doesn’t want to continue the relationship but is attempting to soften the blow. Put simply, take conversation literally instead of hearing what you want to hear. That goes for couples too. Sorry to be so blunt, darling Pisces, but your heart is too beautiful to be messed around.

Week beginning October 9

Money matters demand attention this week, but worrying won’t do you any good, Pisces. That’s easier said than done, of course. However, the stars offer sound advice for Fish to face financial woes rather than put their heads in the sand. And thanks to Pluto’s forward flow, a positive shift is on the cards. One thing may have to change, though. So, think about what that is. Perhaps you’ve overspending or not on top of your incomings and outgoings. This week’s full Moon brings valuable insight on how to fix things and grow your money tree. Week beginning October 2

Relationships of all shapes and sizes progress in a positive direction, thanks to Mercury’s forward flow. Pinning for an old flame or reminiscing over a lost love? Then, it’s high time you gently packed those memories away and moved on, sweetheart. That is unless the communication planet’s recent retrograde put you back in touch with your ex. In that case, great strides can be taken in your desired direction, provided you do things differently this time. Couples with marriage on the table take the plunge, while others confirm a mutually beneficially professional collaboration.

Week beginning September 25

Spit it out, Pisces! The words are stuck in your throat because your gorgeous soul goes to extreme lengths to avoid insulting anyone. And it doesn’t even have to be a person you care about. To you, verbally wounding another human (or animal) is unimaginable. Yet, how can you justify hurting yourself to protect someone else? You simply can’t. So, rip off the bandaid and let your inner bitch loose! The other person won’t care as much as you think.

Week beginning September 18

Don’t let anyone challenge your confidence, Pisces. If you believe in something with your whole heart, that in itself is powerful. Your intuition is one of your strongest traits, but Jupiter and Saturn’s dance on Wednesday elevate your insights to a new level. Trust your instincts. Tune out the naysayers. You’ll get to where you want to go by following your own path and staying true to your goal. Sure, a friend or family member means well, but that’s not the point. Even the tiniest seed of doubt can derail your mission - don’t let them plant in your garden.

Week beginning September 11

You’re often accused of being gullible because you see the best in people - never apologise for that. This week, the Sun’s link with nebulous Neptune clouds a person’s intentions. The trouble is, you really want to believe they are motivated by the greater good, but that may not be the case. Still, there’s nothing you can do to know for sure. So, until the fog lifts and you know with absolute certainty, sit tight, avoid making big decisions and don’t dish out ultimatums.

Week beginning September 4

Feeling more emotional than usual? Blame Saturday’s full Moon in your sign, but rather than stuffing down your feelings, release them without hesitation. You have the right to express yourself authentically and shouldn’t censor your sentiments to avoid ruffling feathers. Let it all out. This is the only time La Luna will peak in your sign in 2022, and suppressing the effects of this full Moon may also cause you to miss its valuable message. Take note of what comes up for you this week. What’s getting under your skin? Here’s your chance to do something about it, Pisces.

Week beginning August 28

Love is a matter of perspective; that’s what Venus and Neptune say anyway. If you’re out on the dating scene, don’t be too quick to judge someone or jump to a hasty conclusion. There could be more to an online match than meets the eye, but if you’re determined to see them in an unflattering light, then nothing will change that. Try to see the best in this person so that chemistry has a chance to blossom. If you’re spoken for, don’t allow your child-like innocence to be taken advantage of by anyone that has your trust.

Week beginning August 21

This week sees you brushing up your personal image, Pisces. Mercury’s link to nebulous Neptune reminds you that you can’t control what other people think of you, but you have agency over your choices and actions. So, make them count towards presenting yourself in the most flattering light possible. Go to extra lengths to be courteous and kind, especially towards people whose opinions matter most. Don’t stoop to crawling or being insincere, but remember that one hand washes the other.

Week beginning August 14

You vibe high as the cosmos brings a generous gesture, kind compliment or an act of kindness your way. Venus’ link to blessed Jupiter gets you feeling the love, but giving back is where you find your richest rewards. Helping a friend or family member out never felt so good! Romance looks good for singles who bump into a person as attractive on the inside as they are on the outside. Needless to say, this one’s a keeper! And couples discover that simple pleasures are often the best.

Week beginning August 7

The Sun and healing asteroid, Chiron, make beautiful music in the skies on Tuesday. This harmonious pairing gives you an extra boost of confidence, so if you’ve got a job interview or are locking in a date, schedule these things to take full advantage of your glow-up. Oozing self-belief makes you a powerful contender, Pisces. Besides, people are more likely to think highly of you if you know your worth. Mars link with deceptive Neptune suggests using caution when lending money. This isn’t the best week to open your wallet for a friend.

Week beginning July 31

News reaches you by week’s end, bringing you to a major decision involving cutting ties with a relationship that may include romantic, friendship or business connections. And there’s no malice or hard feelings; you simply realise that you’re better off without this person or organisation. Don’t worry about how to get out of things; Mercury will put all the right words in your mouth. You’re an absolute sweetheart, Pisces, and the last thing you want to do is offend anyone or rock the boat. But you do need to put yourself first this time.

Week beginning July 24

Jupiter’s backwards slide gives you a breather and the chance to reconfigure your direction. If you’re unhappy with your financial circumstances, your planetary ruler’s retrograde is a timely blessing. Use this pause to readjust your sails, Pisces, and you’ll find yourself in calmer waters. This is especially true for Fish stressing over money matters, like loans and investments. Improve your chances of success by not rushing into high-risk situations, and above all, steer clear of get-rich-quick schemes.

Week beginning July 17

Expect to romance or be romanced, as the Sun and Neptune’s embrace inspires poetic displays of adoration. Couples get creative when a lovely idea pops in on Monday. Be sure to act on it by the weekend. Write it down if you must, but don’t let it slip away! And if your partner tries to show or tell you how much tell care, go to great lengths to express your gratitude. Acknowledging your lover’s efforts in this way almost guarantees more to come. Single? Sit back and let someone take care of you for a change, Pisces.

Week beginning July 10

La Luna fills your social calendar to the brim, which is exactly what you need to shake off the week’s intensity. Don’t let your mind linger on trivial stressors and small-minded people, Pisces. Look forward to a lighter vibe that transports you to your happy place. Pick out your best party outfit and let loose; you don’t have to be the perfect picture of grace and poise all the time. On another note, your hard work pays off if you’ve applied for a position within a large or global company.

Week beginning July 3

Are you speaking up and not being heard? Blame Mars’ move in your communication zone. The hasty planet causes information to be misconstrued, so you may have to repeat yourself more than once this week. Of course, having to constantly remind people of your expectations is not only exhausting but also ridiculously frustrating! Try to not let it get to you, Pisces. All you can do is express yourself with as much clarity as you can muster, and then let go and let flow. It’s not worth the wrinkles!

Week beginning June 26

All cosmic eyes are on you when Neptune, your home ruler, shifts back through the zodiac into its retrograde phase. This week stirs confusion when you misinterpret your lover’s actions or misread a bestie’s words. If that leaves you feeling lost, now that forcing yourself to respond when you’re in a foggy frame of mind isn’t wise. Neptune will be reversing through your sign for ages, but once you’re in sync again, the clouds will clear, and you’ll know exactly what to do and say. For now, silence is golden.

Week beginning June 19

Someone that wants to see you come undone is exposed as confrontational Mars faces off with Pluto on Tuesday. This person has been feeding the green-eyed monster for ages, watching your every move. While they’ve been smiling in your face, they’ve been talking behind your back. So, how should you respond once you get a whiff of their true intentions? The way to handle things is to walk the high road and do nothing. Just be the bigger person, Pisces, and focus on the people and things that truly matter.

Week beginning June 12

Tuesday’s full Moon inspires you to act on a long-term goal, ambition or dream. On top of that, La Luna brings a travel desire to fruition. Some Fish are over the Moon when they receive a romantic proposal, while others embark on a new career course or vocational pursuit. This week, whatever manifests for you brings a fantastic sense of relief or accomplishment. Professionally speaking, it’s an ideal time to wrap up a professional loose end, so hop to it, Pisces! Your plate is packed in the best of ways.

Week beginning June 5

Soul mates agree to help us grow, and throughout our lifetime, it’s possible to cross paths with several karmic connections. On Sunday, Saturn steps backwards through your spiritual sphere, introducing you to a soul mate or waving goodbye to one. If the latter is true, this person must leave because their purpose has been served, and you’ve learnt what you needed to from each other. However, if you’ve just met someone who feels like a long-lost friend, prepare to share some life-changing experiences together.

Week beginning May 29

Be careful how you portray yourself on social media, Pisces. This week, Saturn and Neptune’s link creates confusion and muddies your original intentions. This planetary duo loves to mess with you, so don’t give them the chance. Only post straight-up images that can’t be misconstrued. And if you make a remotely controversial statement, prepare your rebuttal for the backlash that’s sure to follow. Still wondering if you should post that pic of you and your friend’s ex? Best not to.

Week beginning May 22

As the zodiac dreamer, you tend to be quiet and enjoy spending time alone with your own thoughts. But Mercury’s move into your communication zone transforms you into the quintessential chatterbox! Let your opinions be known, Pisces, because expressing yourself, your beliefs, and your ideas provides a healthy outlet for your mental and emotional wellbeing. Naturally, you’ll speak in your usual gentle tone. But the important thing is that you don’t bottle up your sentiments.

Week beginning May 15

You’ll learn a valuable new trick on Monday when the lunar eclipse activates your education sector, so keep your eyes and ears open for updated information. What you discover through a website, book or online article will be enlightening, if not transformative. Student Fish may decide to pursue an entirely new and different field of study, while others use a piece of knowledge to advance their agenda. The catch, however, is that you might not recognise this golden nugget of information at first glance.

Week beginning May 8

A slip of the tongue causes a misunderstanding or a communication hiccup as Mercury hits the brakes this week. If you’re at fault, the best way to avoid things getting out of hand is to apologise straight away, rather than trying to cover your tracks or stick your head in the sand. Just admit that you slipped up and move on. But if you’re on the receiving end of a little white lie, prepare your response well ahead of time. That way, you’ll avoid being put on the spot and possibly spitting out a ruthless remark in the heat of the moment.

Week beginning May 1

Double check all the facts before making an important decision. This week’s new moon eclipse questions something you were set on last week, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon what you previously wanted. You might just need to readjust your sails, but you can still head in the same direction. Use this week’s astrology to slow down and reassess your goal, and then, if your aspirations haven’t changed, progress will pick up again. Until then, patience and reflection are your best friends, Pisces.

Week beginning April 24

Chatty Mercury reconnects you with family by week’s end when out of the blue, you get an urge to call a long-lost relative or hang out with your favourite aunt. Expect plenty of banter - and maybe even some hot gossip. The mood is likely to be lighthearted and frivolous, which is exactly what you need after last week’s intensity on the relationship front. Besides, blood is thicker than water, and you couldn’t agree more this week.

Week beginning April 17

An intoxicating connection enlivens your senses as Sunday’s full Moon rocks your intimacy zone. That is if you’re as ready for love as you say you are. Sometimes, it’s easy to affirm your desire for a committed relationship and then when the universe puts the perfect person under your nose, you run a mile. Why? Perhaps it’s because you’re not as ready as you think. That’s fine; take your time. But don’t break someone else’s heart because you don’t fully know your own. Sexual fireworks go off when coupled-up Fish up the ante in the bedroom.

Week beginning April 10

Monumental change is possible, Pisces, with your planetary rulers linking in your sign for the first time in one hundred and sixty-six years! Not only that, but Mars, the planet that can move mountains, enters your sign on Friday. Overwhelmed? Nevertheless, now is the time to act! Don’t put off texting your crush or telling your partner how you really feel. And when it comes to your dream job, go for gold! The world is your oyster, but you still have to reach out and grab it if you want to bathe in its riches.

Week beginning March 3

Ingenious Mercury and the Sun light up a fantastic financial opportunity for Fish this week. Once you’ve researched potential pitfalls, take an inspirational idea or offer and run with it. Don’t put off shopping around for better deals, either. Some savvy economic investigation proves worthwhile, and your savings account will thank you. Look into your credit cards charges, phone bill and utility rates. Because you might be surprised to find the same service for much less elsewhere.

Week beginning March 27

Actions speak louder than words. This week’s new Moon sees you fed up with false promises. Call out smooth talkers and emotional charlatans, and trust in your instincts; they’re spot on. Don’t let them get away with it if someone tries to take you for a verbal ride. You’re the most compassionate soul of the zodiac, but you’re nobody’s fool either. Kindly tell people that you expect them to say what they mean and mean what they say. And if they make the slightest attempt to lay blame, exit the conversation - and the relationship.

Week beginning March 20

Thoughtful Mercury and blissed-out Jupiter align in your sign, boosting your mental health. Use this uplifted frame of mind to overcome a stubborn problem concerning your primary relationship or wellbeing. If you and your partner are at a stalemate, you hold the power to turn things around. You’re such a sweet and gentle soul, Pisces, but don’t be afraid to take the initiative. Once you grab the bull by the horns, you’ll steer any obstacle in a new and improved direction.

Week beginning March 13

This week, the Sun’s waltz with Neptune inspires you to explore your spiritual self. If that little voice inside your head has been nagging you to create change, it’s time to crank up the volume and listen. The answers that you seek lie within you, so don’t be afraid to look beyond the veil. As the deepest soul of the zodiac, you have tremendous psychic potential - perhaps it’s time to tap into your innate gifts, Pisces? Friday’s full Moon may cause you to doubt your inklings, so it’s crucial that you honour your intuition.

Week beginning March 6

Mercury creates a busy mind when the intellectual planet visits your sign this week, Pisces. But as you contemplate everything that means anything to you, try to focus on solving only one issue at a time. Clever Mercury will come up with answers, but attempting to figure it all out at once is stressful, and you’ll wind up thinking in circles. Still, you can avoid feeling scatterbrained if you tackle problems strategically. Do that, and you’ll come up with a brilliant plan for each of your challenges, one by one.

Week beginning February 27

Thursday’s new Moon is in your sign, Pisces, and that’s something to celebrate. Not only that, but the Sun lights up your sign, connecting with electric Uranus on the same day. These luminary visitations bring a double whammy of new beginnings, and you can expect a swift positive change this week. At first, you feel like the rug has been pulled from under your feet. But after you’ve had some time to catch your breath, you’ll skip into a new and improved direction. It’s also a great week to add a unique string to your professional bow.

Week beginning February 20

On Friday, Venus makes beautiful music with Neptune, your planetary ruler. This lovely alignment inspires a tender moment with your sweetheart, so make yourself available for a romantic interlude, Pisces. You don’t have to be wined and dined at an expensive restaurant or whisked away on a five-star holiday to feel adored by your special someone. This week’s stars are all about quality feelings and showing up when it really counts. Singles are asked to support a friend in need. Just knowing you have their back is what matters most.

Week beginning February 13

Happy birthday, Pisces! The Sun radiates in your sign from Saturday, officially kicking off #piscesseason. All eyes are on you! You tend to be shy and put your own needs behind others, which desperately needs to change (or at least be tweaked). Over the upcoming four weeks, you’ll get a plethora of opportunities to shine. The question is, will you meet the cosmic challenges thrown your way? Know that the more you step up to face your fears, the fiercer, bolder and more self-loving you will become. Zodiac law guarantees it.

Week beginning February 6

Let your creative spirit soar, Pisces! This week’s stars draw out your artistic genius, so let your imagination roam wild and free. Don’t possess a talented bone in your body? Trust that Neptune’s lovely link with La Luna will lead you to discover your hidden creative genius. Have you shelved a dream? Or, perhaps you’ve put off chasing a cherished desire? Then this is the week to revive it, dear Pisces. Dust off your hopes and pick up where you left off – it won’t be as hard as you fear.

Natasha Weber, PMAAAC, MAFA, is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Federation of Australian Astrologers and the Victorian Astrologer’s Association. Natasha is one of only six recipients to have received the prestigious AAAC Diploma for her significant contribution to Astrological research. | @astrotash

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