
Your horoscope for the week of May 1 revealed

What will be happening in your life this week? Astrologer Natasha Weber reveals everything the next seven days has in store.

Your weekly horoscope revealed.
Your weekly horoscope revealed.

What will be happening in your life this week? Astrologer Natasha Weber reveals everything the next seven days has in store.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, here's the low-down on your week.
Aries, here's the low-down on your week.

The new moon kicks off your week with illuminating insight. But this is no ordinary new Moon. It’s also an eclipse which means change with a capital ‘C’. For you, Aries, this shift is born from a reassessment of your values when a piece of information or a flippant comment helps you see things from a different perspective. It’s like a light switch is flicked on, and suddenly, someone that once topped your priority list no longer makes the grade and superficial pastimes now bore you to tears. These realisations can upgrade your life if you dare to act on them.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, here's the low-down on your week.
Taurus, here's the low-down on your week.

Sunday’s new moon eclipse is in your sign, Taurus, sparking a period of growth and personal transformation. Your choices count now more than ever, so don’t throw anything away to chance. When you come to a fork in the road, weigh up all your options before embarking in your desired direction. Still, if the road ahead is foggy, writing a list of pros and cons will help clarify your concerns. Tremendous progress is possible, and decisions made now could be game changers. Feeling the pressure? Well, remember that’s how diamonds are made.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, here's the low-down on your week.
Gemini, here's the low-down on your week.

Mercury and Venus’ embrace makes you swoon, Gemini. The outside world may be in chaos, but you’re so loved up that life looks positively rosy. Single? Expect to meet a new love interest that sparks your intellect and hormones. Before someone can physically stimulate you, they need to arouse your mind, and this person defiantly does that! Couples see each other in a whole new light this week. And even if your relationship has been humming along nicely, a profound new appreciation for one another is possible. Carve out time to reconnect and tune into your sweetheart’s innermost thoughts.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, here's the low-down on your week.
Cancer, here's the low-down on your week.

If you’ve been teetering on the edge of a love commitment, Venus gives you a much-needed push over the line. Stop doubting yourself, Cancer! Besides, if you don’t give it all you’ve got now, you may just kick yourself later. Research tells us that when looking back at their lives, the elderly regret the chances they didn’t take, and the life left unlived, more so than their failures - don’t end up feeling the same. This week’s stars encourage you to love hard and be bold. Let that courage spill over into all your relationships, romantic and platonic.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, here's the low-down on your week.
Leo, here's the low-down on your week.

This could be the week that your life direction takes a turn for the better, but it won’t be without some initial confusion and possibly a shakeup. A thorough spring clean often requires making a huge mess before neatly reorganising things. And your mind is much the same, thanks to Mars and erratic Uranus’ link on Thursday. Still, once you have all your options laid out before you, you’ll be able to reevaluate the facts. So if you must get messy before making your next move, that’s fine - it’s just the chaos before the calm.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, here's the low-down on your week.
Virgo, here's the low-down on your week.

Travel is on your mind this week. So whether you embark on the trip of a lifetime, head off on a weekend escape or research future holiday options, you’ll be thinking about anywhere but home. If your schedule or budget doesn’t allow for time off, there are other ways to break the monotonous grind. Throwing yourself into a creative pursuit or passion purpose will refresh your vibe without breaking the bank - or losing your job. But if faraway lands still beckon, aim to book your ticket before next week when Mercury goes retrograde.

Libra (September 21 – October 22)

Libra, here's the low-down on your week.
Libra, here's the low-down on your week.

Venus shines up all your relationships this week, but firstly, let’s talk about love. Take the bull by the horns if you’re single. If a hottie has caught your eye, take the initiative and make a move. Who says you must wait to be asked, Libra? Couples are more argumentative than usual, but in this case, a disagreement only shows you care so damn much. When it comes to a female friendship or business collaboration, be your own boss and watch out for a potential take-over. Don’t give up control, Libra!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, here's the low-down on your week.
Scorpio, here's the low-down on your week.

What you want and need from others is about to change as the new moon eclipse rocks your relationship zone on Sunday. This shift can be super positive, but it might make you a little uncomfortable at first, as with most change. Someone in your inner circle needs to be cast out, which is not something you’re keen to do. However, you’ll breathe easier in the long run,

knowing you’re free from this person’s judgmental views and constant criticism. The question is not if this needs to be done but how. Naturally, aim to be kind and non-confrontational, but you must own your truth if pressed.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, here's the low-down on your week.
Sagittarius, here's the low-down on your week.

Sunday’s eclipse takes a long hard look at how you’ve been treating yourself, Saggie. Have you been neglecting your physical, emotional or mental needs? If so, the stars intend to get serious about reshuffling your wellbeing priorities. This is a great week to clean up your diet, boost hydration and deepen your meditation practice, but some Archers need more support to discover their glow. When it comes to finding a healthcare practitioner that resonates with you, do some online research and speak to a friend that has experienced a similar issue.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, here's the low-down on your week.
Capricorn, here's the low-down on your week.

Jupiter, the cosmic guardian angel, offers you some protection from this week’s eclipse fallout. So, while everyone around you is losing the plot, you’ll remain clear-headed and in control, Capricorn. People that sense your strength look to you for advice and counsel, which you give generously. However, beware of emotional vampires that feed off your energy - you don’t need that. Learn to recognise the difference between supporting a friend in need and being drained until your own well runs dry.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, here's the low-down on your week.
Aquarius, here's the low-down on your week.

A heated discussion with a female rattles your cage, but in the end, it gives you the impetus needed to make a necessary change. If you’ve been cowering in your comfort zone, it’s time to venture out. And this woman is just the person to help you do that. You might not like what she has to say. In fact, your sharp tongue retaliates in your own defence; but you know, deep down, that some of her points are valid. Give yourself the rest of the week to let it all sink in, and then take action. The power to turn things around rests with you!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, here's the low-down on your week.
Pisces, here's the low-down on your week.

Double check all the facts before making an important decision. This week’s new moon eclipse questions something you were set on last week, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon what you previously wanted. You might just need to readjust your sails, but you can still head in the same direction. Use this week’s astrology to slow down and reassess your goal, and then, if your aspirations haven’t changed, progress will pick up again. Until then, patience and reflection are your best friends, Pisces.

Natasha Weber, PMAAAC, MAFA, is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Federation of Australian Astrologers and the Victorian Astrologer’s Association. Natasha is one of only six recipients to have received the prestigious AAAC Diploma for her significant contribution to Astrological research. | @astrotash

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