Your horoscope for the week of March 6 revealed
What will be happening in your life this week? Astrologer Natasha Weber reveals everything the next seven days has in store.
What will be happening in your life this week? Astrologer Natasha Weber reveals everything the next seven days has in store.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Tune into your inner psychic from Thursday onwards as Mercury floats into your sphere of spirituality. To some degree, everyone can tap into mystical realms, but the more you practice your intuitive skills, the more accurate they will become. If crystals, astrology, clairvoyance and tarot always seemed like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to you, this is a good week to open your mind to new possibilities. The world beyond the veil beckons, Aries. Pull back the curtain to find out more about yourself and the ‘why’ of life.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
It sounds a bit farfetched, but if you’ve been praying for a miracle, this could be the week your wish is granted. The Sun’s alignment with blessed Jupiter fulfils a long-held desire or cherished aspiration. But while lady luck is smiling on you, it wouldn’t hurt to affirm precisely what you want. Write your wishes down on a piece of paper and stick it somewhere visible, like on your fridge or bathroom mirror. That way, you’ll subconsciously manifest what you want and, with a bit of celestial good fortune, bring it into being.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Praise the stars! The zenith of your chart gets a helping hand this week, thanks to the Sun, Jupiter and brilliant Mercury. Generally speaking, this bodes well for your career as troublesome professional pursuits resolve, and you’re showered with praise for a job well done. But more than that, you feel as though you’re finally on the right path – one that’s headed towards your true north. As the excitement builds, your future becomes clearer and brighter. Yes, Gemini, you have every reason to expect great things.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Occasionally, you need to destroy something to rebuild it bigger, better and stronger the next time around. And Mars’ shift on Sunday is itching to do just that. Yet, being the sentimental softie you are, letting go isn’t a walk in the park, even when you know, it’s for the best. Remember that new beginnings always follow endings and count your many blessings. La Luna illuminates your sign at the end of the week, so slick on your lippy, surround yourself with girl power and let your emotions run wild and free.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Sex is this week’s hot topic as Mercury slides into your intimacy zone on Thursday. Couples settled into a comfortable routine up the bedroom ante with gusto! Mercury recommends an honest discussion if one of you wants more action between the sheets than the other is prepared to give. Addressing an unfulfilled sexual need not only results in a satisfying outcome; it also feels like a huge weight has been lifted. Singles believing that true love is born out of friendship are likely to find the opposite to be true this week.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Your relationship zone hosts a planetary bonanza, Virgo. Firstly, the Sun’s presence thaws out frosty connections, giving you the nerve to end what’s not been working to your satisfaction. And last week, the new moon came along to facilitate a new beginning. Now, Mercury steps in to finalise the deal. Reflect on past relationship mistakes and triumphs so you can confidently stride forward in a new direction. This might look like a solution to a problematic platonic partnership issue, a rejigged love philosophy or a shiny new love affair.
Libra (September 21 – October 22)
Mars and Venus have been hanging out in your family sector, keeping you close to home. Not that that’s a bad thing, Libra. You’ve spruced up your favourite room, coloured coded your wardrobe, tidied your desk and enjoyed simple pleasures in the comfort of your own abode. But this week’s stars deliver a different vibe that gets you sprinting out your front door in search of fun and freedom. You’re growing tired of being cooped up and bored with your daily grind – it’s time to play! Schedule a lighthearted activity with your friends and let your hair down.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Family matters take top priority as Mars and Venus align in your home zone on Sunday. Make it your mission to spend as much quality time with your mother, daughter, sister or favourite aunt. Otherwise, you’ll wait over a year for this lovely planetary connection to create an opportunity such as this. So say yes when you’re asked to meet for a coffee, chat over lunch or sit on the floor and play when you should be at your desk. Life is busy, that’s true. But the memories you’ll create, thanks to this week’s stars, will be well worth sacrificing an hour or two out of your hectic schedule.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The stars shine brightly for you when the Sun lights up Jupiter, your planetary ruler. On top of that, Mercury’s bulletin in your career sector shouts your praises – and your boss totally agrees. People in high places are watching you, Sagittarius, and you’re not about to let them down. This is your moment. Some Archers may read this week’s horoscopes and feel a little lost like the Universe has forgotten them. But this is just a period of transition before hitting the big time, darling. Back yourself for the win.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Your sign is known as the millionaire of the zodiac, so it’s no surprise that money is on your mind – how to make more, where to invest and getting rid of debts are the thoughts dominating your mind this week. They say that money is the root of all evil, and while this can be true, there’s another side of the same coin to consider. Money is energy which is why it’s referred to as currency. And where your energy goes, money will flow. Money is also connected to your self worth and the value you place on yourself. Grow your savings with those thoughts in mind.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Thanks to devoted Venus and provocative Mars entering your sign, your week is set to sparkle! Singles attract attention from the opposite sex (or the same, depending on your sexual preference). So, make sure you’re looking your beautiful best. Sound superficial? It’s not really. This planetary duo grants you magnetic chemistry like the Universe has sprinkled magical pheromones on you. But to use this heavenly gift to its full advantage, you must feel super confident. And when you look good, you feel good too. It’s as simple as that.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Mercury creates a busy mind when the intellectual planet visits your sign this week, Pisces. But as you contemplate everything that means anything to you, try to focus on solving only one issue at a time. Clever Mercury will come up with answers, but attempting to figure it all out at once is stressful, and you’ll wind up thinking in circles. Still, you can avoid feeling scatterbrained if you tackle problems strategically. Do that, and you’ll come up with a brilliant plan for each of your challenges, one by one.
Natasha Weber, PMAAAC, MAFA, is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Federation of Australian Astrologers and the Victorian Astrologer’s Association. Natasha is one of only six recipients to have received the prestigious AAAC Diploma for her significant contribution to Astrological research. | @astrotash