
Your horoscope for the week of April 17 revealed

What will be happening in your life this week? Astrologer Natasha Weber reveals everything the next seven days has in store.

This is what your week has in store.
This is what your week has in store.

What will be happening in your life this week? Astrologer Natasha Weber reveals everything the next seven days has in store.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, here's the low-down on your week.
Aries, here's the low-down on your week.

For the first time this year, the full Moon activates your relationship zone, and troubled couples look forward to smoother sailing following a healing conversation. Wounded your sweetheart with a dose of verbal venom? Then La Luna makes amends. Listen to your partner’s perspective, and then weave your side of the story into a heartfelt apology. A potential lover pops up with sexual compatibility that’s off the charts if you’re single. Dig a bit deeper, and you’ll discover that there’s more to this gem than meets the eye.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, here's the low-down on your week.
Taurus, here's the low-down on your week.

Happy solar return Taurus! The Sun shines in your sign for the next four weeks, giving you a much-needed vitality boost. Still, it’s common to feel down in the dumps in the weeks preceding your birthday. That’s because the Sun is moving through the shadows of your sign in preparation for a brand-new cycle. Trust that when this fresh start kicks in, you’ll be feeling yourself again, with new prospects and opportunities galore. Now is your chance to rewrite your narrative, Taurus. Make it a great read.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, here's the low-down on your week.
Gemini, here's the low-down on your week.

Sunday’s full Moon inspires a beautiful work of art or a creative project to finally come to fruition. Have you been toiling hard behind the scenes to create a masterpiece, Gemini? Before you answer, know that artistry takes many forms. Your showpiece may be a business idea that requires you to think outside the square, a home renovation in your own unique style or even penning a thrilling novel. No matter how you’re expressing your creativity this week, La Luna insists on one thing; that all your ideas flow from a place of authenticity. Just be true to yourself.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, here's the low-down on your week.
Cancer, here's the low-down on your week.

On Wednesday, the Sun’s shift highlights a desire you’ve kept under wraps. Are you afraid of rejection, Cancer? Or is perfectionism causing you to procrastinate? Whatever has been holding you back from chasing your dream has got to go! Now, it’s time to lift your gaze skywards and honour your high hopes. There’s no shame in wanting more, but if you continue to believe you’re undeserving of an abundant moneyscape, a loving relationship or a kick-ass career, these things will evade you. This week, use the law of attraction to bring your wishes into being.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, here's the low-down on your week.
Leo, here's the low-down on your week.

Sunday’s full Moon encourages you to study a challenging subject with your full, undivided attention. Naturally, if you’re already a student, the cosmos asks you to pour your heart and soul into your lessons. Doing so guarantees you a gold star, so give this topic all you’ve got! If your uni days are far behind you, there’s still something to learn from the school of life. This week, La Luna teaches you how to improve your communication skills, bringing you closer together with a special friend, lover, relative or even your grumpy boss. You’ll quickly learn that it’s not what you say but how you say it that really counts.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, here's the low-down on your week.
Virgo, here's the low-down on your week.

Money matters are on your mind as the Sun lights up the financial sector of your chart. As the week begins and your bills begin to mount, you may be feeling under pressure. But don’t panic, Virgo, Le Soleil illuminates a brilliant solution by Wednesday. The answer lies in being more frugal, but you’ve got this! Not a typical spendthrift, you deal with tightening your money belt better than most. And once you know just how lucrative the bigger picture is, you’ll be spurred on to make a few economic tweaks and adjustments. Save now, splurge later.

Libra (September 21 – October 22)

Libra, here's the low-down on your week.
Libra, here's the low-down on your week.

A tsunami of emotions gets put to good use as this week’s full Moon glows in your sign for the first and only time this year. Things may feel slightly overwhelming at first and even a tad scary. After all, you’re a cerebral air sign that likes to analyse why you feel the way you do. But by midweek, everything makes sense when a heated conversation drives you to say something you’d normally keep locked away. This verbal release is not only in the best interests of your mental and physical interests; it also gets you what you want in a round-about way.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, here's the low-down on your week.
Scorpio, here's the low-down on your week.

Nurture your spiritual gifts, Scorpio. Yours is a sensitive sign with a powerful ability to tune into other people’s thoughts and feelings. Wednesday’s full Moon further sharpens your intuition, surprising even you. Don’t ignore an inkling that wants to reach out to someone close. Maybe it’s obvious they are going through a rough patch, but they could also be hiding their troubles out of embarrassment or shame. Simply ask how they are to open the flood gates to a healing discussion. There’s a valuable take-away for you during the conversation, too, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, here's the low-down on your week.
Sagittarius, here's the low-down on your week.

This week’s full Moon blows the lid off a blood-sucking friendship or situationship. You’ve tried, bent over backwards to accommodate this person, and avoided giving them an unfiltered piece of your mind. So rest assured that your behaviour has earned you karmic brownie points - and you can claim the moral high ground. Still, this emotional vampire is destined to become unstuck, so hold your head high and resist the urge to have one final dig. You’re better than that.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn, here's the low-down on your week.
Capricorn, here's the low-down on your week.

A family clash of wills tests your patience when the Sun makes a challenging angle to explosive Pluto. But instead of turning this situation into an emotional tug-of-war, what would happen if you simply let go of the rope? The other person would fall flat on their back, and you’d be left standing, that’s what. So rather than putting up a fight, surrender, Capricorn. That way, you’ll be the one left standing, and you’d have saved yourself a ton of angst. It just isn’t worth the stress.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius, here's the low-down on your week.
Aquarius, here's the low-down on your week.

Spend some quality time with your favourite uncle, grandpa, brother, or dad this week. You’ve been so caught up in life’s little details lately that you’ve neglected this special man. Forget about feeling guilty; this isn’t about that. Instead, the Sun wants to inject some fun and frivolity into your relationship and remind you of the close connection you once shared. Carve a few hours or more out of your busy schedule to make some lovely memories. And if you’ve fallen out, Le Soleil waves the white flag.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, here's the low-down on your week.
Pisces, here's the low-down on your week.

An intoxicating connection enlivens your senses as Sunday’s full Moon rocks your intimacy zone. That is if you’re as ready for love as you say you are. Sometimes, it’s easy to affirm your desire for a committed relationship and then when the universe puts the perfect person under your nose, you run a mile. Why? Perhaps it’s because you’re not as ready as you think. That’s fine; take your time. But don’t break someone else’s heart because you don’t fully know your own. Sexual fireworks go off when coupled-up Fish up the ante in the bedroom.

Natasha Weber, PMAAAC, MAFA, is accredited by the Australian Academy of Astrology and Cosmobiology and is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers, the Federation of Australian Astrologers and the Victorian Astrologer’s Association. Natasha is one of only six recipients to have received the prestigious AAAC Diploma for her significant contribution to Astrological research. | @astrotash

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