Aussie garden wins top flower prize
A GARDEN the Queen calls “a beautiful slice of Australia” complete with waterfalls and a Waratah wins at the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show.
A GARDEN the Queen calls “a beautiful slice of Australia” complete with waterfalls and a Waratah wins at the 2013 Chelsea Flower Show.
HARD-WORKING Aussie hunks are invited to line up alongside Kiwi farmers for the Rural Bachelor of the Year competition, but they’re running scared.
Those who spend their free time pruning the roses or pottering in the veggie patch are at least one dress size trimmer than their non-gardening neighbours.
TEENAGE longboarders hurtle down winding roads at up to 75km/h with nothing more than a helmet and knee pads for protection. VIDEO
LESS than a month after photos of a two-headed bull shark made world headlines, a pig has been born with the same condition.
A GIANT species of snail – one of which was found and destroyed in Australia just last month – has launched an invasion in the US.
THIS is Ralph Hoare. He’s 104. He has an iPad, a Twitter account and an international gardening career. Oh, and he plays piano like a pro.
A NEW species of tarantula with a stomach-churning 20cm leg span has been discovered. NOW WITH HORROR VIDEO.
THE iconic Aussie cattle dog has been brought to heel, under new animal welfare rules that could see farmers jailed for cruelty.
A SNAIL the size of a cricket ball and posing a threat to biosecurity has been destroyed after it was found in a container yard.
COMMON garden plants could be used to clean polluted land, with the waste produced used to further medical research.
THE final edition of Burke’s Backyard has been released, featuring a bloodied gnome suffering the same fate as the long-running magazine.
A beautiful garden and curious pets who like to explore don’t always mix. Plan your yard well though and you will find the two can co-exist happily.
A MAN has taken his passion for home-brewing beer to a new level, by creating a non-alcoholic mock brew for canines to lap up.
SHE uses a little composting toilet, and a solar panel for her computer and phone. Protester Miranda Gibson tells us what it’s like to live in a tree.
DESIGNER weeds are being cultivated alongside garden herbs and vegetables to add some spice to fancy dishes.
IT’S the start of the school holidays, which means the battle for keeping your kids entertained had begun!
CITY slickers, look out – if you’ve ever wanted to start a little garden of your own, then this might just be the jewellery collection for you.
A SHOPPING centre near Milan is claiming an unusual record – the biggest vertical garden in the world.
THE long months of winter mean many pools have been neglected, and a recent study has revealed that 96 percent of Aussie pools are not fit to be swum in.
WITH modern block sizes decreasing and house sizes increasing, it’s no surprise more of us are keen on shielding out our neighbours.
I’M forever advising gardeners on how to get their grevilleas, right, to thrive.
THE weight-loss powers of chilli and healing properties of garlic are only some of the secrets naturopath Mim Beim explores in her new book.
SPRING is here! Whip your garden back into shape post winter with easy gardening tips from Homelife.
DO your bit for the earth and for your health and grow your own veggies at home. You don’t need a lot of land, either!
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