What 2024 will mean for your health, according to an astrologist
Knowing what your zodiac sign will be navigating throughout the year will help you reclaim, revive or optimise your health with enthusiasm.
When a new year approaches it’s my cue to start forecasting the themes that will reveal themselves according to the stars.
Due to the significance of cosmic collisions in 2024 including Pluto, the planet of transformation, moving into the innovative constellation of Aquarius for the first time since the 1700s, change is imminent. It’s just not going to happen overnight.
2024 is “the reformation”. The new year holds opportunities to improve our lives as we continue to alter and transform them for the better. This includes prioritising our most significant relationships, committing to practices that will positively impact our life, and more importantly how to support our health for optimal vitality.
When our health and wellbeing is compromised, life can feel like an uphill battle. It impacts all aspects of our lives – and not in a good way! Knowing what your zodiac sign will be navigating throughout the year will help you reclaim, revive or optimise your health with enthusiasm.
This year has an introspective nature to it and you’ll need to be honest with yourself as to what you can or can’t commit to Aries. Saturn in Pisces will continue its transit in your zone of restoration and you’ll likely take even more of a back seat when Mars joins it from March 23 – May 1. The year won’t be at an entire standstill. Rest and recovery are important, but recalibration is the overarching theme. The book Atomic Habits by James Clear may hold appeal as you look for new ways to reinvigorate your routines without burning the candle at both ends.
Tip: Aries rules the head in Astrology; prioritise foods, exercises and rituals that help you maintain a ‘clear head’ to help you perform at your best.
This year has a confident ring to it for you Taurus. Health and happiness are in your favour, provided you don’t luxuriate in life too much! There’s still an opportunity for you to refine your commitments, balancing what you give your time and energy to. The north node in Aries in your zone of rest in 2024 will support you so you don’t go overboard. Anything that supports your yin and yang energy will provide you with better health. Include breath-work, yoga and meditation in your schedule if you’re someone who prefers more vigorous workouts.
Tip: Taurus rules the neck in Astrology; if you’re experiencing tension, stiffness or aching in this area then it’s an indicator you’re stuck in a routine and you’re in need of a new one.
This year presents two different directions for you Gemini, just the way you like it! Jupiter will be in your zone of recovery until May 26 prompting you to attend to any health concerns you’ve been ignoring. During this time outdoor activities like hiking will not only give your health a boost, spending time in nature will also calm your busy mind. From May 26 onwards Jupiter, the planet of abundance, moves into your sign for the first time in twelve years, giving you an entirely new lease on life. Approach fitness classes and meal prepping as an adventure, saying ‘yes’ to new things for a fresh injection of energy.
Tip: Gemini rules the arms, forearms and hands in Astrology; planks and push ups are great strengtheners for the ultimate messengers of the body.
This year represents meaningful movement and experiences for you Cancer. You have a busy year ahead of you, so try to avoid falling into the trap of adding mental pressure to your already full to-do list. Eliminating distractions to protect your peace in your downtime is key. This could include giving your nervous system a break and shutting down your devices on the weekends. You’ll have Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, moving into your zone of rejuvenation from May 26. This is your celestial invitation to nourish your world from the inside out. Mind-body connection exercises will help you unlock your mental potential. Try strength training, yoga or pilates to support your overall wellbeing.
Tip: Cancer rules the chest in Astrology; chest opening exercises will activate your receptivity. Plus taking a bath or immersing yourself in a body of water isn’t just self-care, they’re also great energy givers!
This year knowing what your core motivations are will help you reach your health goals Leo. You have a breakthrough on the horizon and life is likely to become busier, so knowing ‘why’ your wellbeing is important will help you manage your energy more effectively to avoid burnout. You’ll have Mars, the planet of action and drive activating your health and wellbeing zone from January 5 – February 13, giving you the ultimate head start for the year ahead. The only time you’ll need to be mindful is September 5 – November 4, as Mars will prompt you to slow down significantly before it starts retrograding in your sign towards the end of the year.
Tip: Leo rules the heart and upper back in Astrology; healthy circulation is key for maximum vitality. Try activities like hot and cold therapy, stretching or body brushing to promote this.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
This year laying the foundation for longevity will be crucial for you Virgo, especially during the first half of the year. You’ll have ample opportunities to innovate your wellbeing practises in 2024, the first arriving on February 13 – March 23 when Mars, the planet of action, activates your health zone. Due to how busy your life will become by mid-year, giving your nervous system a break will help; body weight exercises, limiting caffeine intake and mindfulness over multi-tasking will support your wellness. You’ll get time for a reset when Mercury, your ruler, is in retrograde from August 5 – August 29 if life has become all work and no play.
Tip: Virgo rules the abdomen and small intestines in Astrology; the gut is also known as our second brain, so your digestive health is an indicator of how well you’re taking care of yourself.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
This year your health and wellbeing will need to take centre stage Libra. Saturn the planet of discipline continues its transit in your zone of rituals and routines, shining a light on how you can optimise work-life balance. At time’s throughout the year due to Saturn’s persistent nature your commitment to your health could feel uninspiring like it’s groundhog day. It’s worth remembering growth is a process and your dedication will reap rewards. If you’re someone who has a sweet tooth or enjoys overindulging regularly, look for new ways to sweeten up your life while letting go of old habits that don’t allow you to feel like you’re your best self.
Tip: Libra rules the lower back in Astrology; physical manifestations include acute pain, limited range of motion and tight muscles in this region if you’ve been in a cycle of putting people’s needs before your own.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
This year will require you to schedule regular downtime into your calendar Scorpio, as you’ll likely be more active than the previous one. 2024 will be a test of how you create consistency and balance. You’re the most committed sign of the zodiac but your strength can sway in either direction – all or nothing! The good news is you have support from the stars as the north node travels through your wellness zone giving you a boost to form consistent habits, plus Mars the planet of assertion will provide you with extra motivation from the May 1 – June 9. Use your unwavering dedication to prioritise new experiences that are healthy and fun.
Tip: Scorpio rules the reproductive organs and sacral centre in Astrology; pleasure, sexuality and joy are associated with this region. Dialling in your sleep is paramount as it plays an integral role in how you manage your emotions.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
This year is your opportunity to reassess your commitments Sagittarius. Your larger than life presence would be better suited to filling your cup with health activities that are truly fulfilling rather than ticking an action off your list for the sake of it. Your ruler Jupiter is travelling through your optimisation zone until May 26, so finding your flow rather than doing anything in excess will only garner positive results. If you can block out time to attend a health retreat or a wellness escape, do so during Scorpio season; October 23 – November 22. Your zone of rest and recharge is illuminated, providing you time to catch your breath before your birthday celebrations are in full swing.
Tip: Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs in Astrology; this region of the body is known to store emotion according to neuroscience. If you’re experiencing tightness or pain here it could be an indication you need to curb any overindulgence.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
This year calls for experimentation in your health routines Capricorn. Your home sector and finances are in the spotlight which may have you shifting your wellbeing practises closer to home. This could include opting for at home workouts in between your favourite gym classes, or setting up a dedicated space with functional equipment, seeing you working smarter not harder from a time investment. Jupiter the planet of abundance will activate your zone of healing and routine from May 26, providing you with a boost in this area. Your opportunity will lie in using the first half of the year to create the ultimate lifestyle; mind, body and spirit, so you can power forward and achieve everything you desire.
Tip: Capricorn rules the knees and bones in Astrology; stability, flexibility and mobility are important for healthy joints. Try epsom salt baths, collagen supplementation and vitamin D as ways to support your wellness.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
This year growth becomes a process for you Aquarius. You’ll become intimately aware of the importance of putting one foot in front of the other when working towards your health goals. Pluto the planet of reinvention enters your zodiac sign marking the beginning of a two decade journey to reclaiming your personal power. It may sound like a long time but this powerhouse planet will influence you to work towards mastery. The key will be using this year as a springboard to finding your balance in your routines. If you’re craving a reset as the year unfolds, book a holiday in the last quarter of 2024 as Mars, the planet of action, will be in retrograde slowing everything down.
Tip: Aquarius rules the ankles in Astrology; healthy ankle mobility is crucial as they ensure optimal athletic performance and balance. Ankle circles will release stress and tension and they can even be done at a desk throughout the day.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
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This year you’ll explore the role mindset plays in your routines Pisces, as you uncover the thoughts behind your actions. 2024 marks a big internal and ongoing journey as the potent planet Pluto moves into your zone of the subconscious mind. This period of time marks a twenty year journey of self-discovery. Plus Saturn continues its transit in your zodiac sign encouraging you to approach your health with discipline. This year may sound like hard work and sure, there’ll be some work required for you to achieve your goals, but the good news is with these two powerhouse planets influencing you, you’ll be in a position to reap what you sow.
Tip: Pisces rules the feet in Astrology; your fluid nature can at times feel ungrounded. Foot massage, reflexology or walking outdoors barefoot can help you release tension and support the nervous system.
Kristy Gray is an Astrologer who helps you attain your desires using the power of your stars. Through her signature formula, Astrostrategy®, Kristy combines essential tools, profound insights, and empowering actions to help you gain momentum and step into your potential. Ready to explore astrology for deeper self-exploration? Your celestial initiation starts here.