The worst things you can say to someone in recovery from addiction
‘ARE you cured yet? Have just a sip!’ These are just some of the things you should never say to someone in recovery from an addiction.
WHAT do you think the worst things you can say to someone in recovery from an addiction are?
HuffPost Healthy Living co-hosted a Twitter chat with non-profit addiction service Phoenix House yesterday, focusing on substance abuse and recovery as it relates to women.
One of the topics addressed — question 11 — focused on the worst things you can say to someone recovering from addiction. Here’s what the Twitter community had to say:
Q11 "Are you cured yet?" "Just a sip!" What are some of the most counterproductive things people say to women in recovery? #addictionchat
— HuffPost Living (@HealthyLiving) March 12, 2014
@HealthyLiving Q11 "you don't look like an alcoholic" #addictionchat
— may wilkerson (@shutupmay) March 12, 2014
Q11 I never would have guessed you had a problem with [....] #addictionchat
— Dirk Hanson (@Dirk57) March 12, 2014
Q 11 Common counterproductive comments: "You STILL go to those meetings?" "Aren't sober people just addicted to meetings?" #addictionchat
— Anna David (@annabdavid) March 12, 2014
A11 "after a few years you'll be able to drink normally again, this was just a rough patch" #addictionchat
— The Fix (@_TheFix) March 12, 2014
Q11: "I don't need help! You're the addict, not me." Addiction is a family disease. If nothing changes, nothing changes. #addictionchat
— Edgewood Addictions (@EdgewoodNanaimo) March 12, 2014
@_TheFix A11 "But you like...still have a job, so you're not a real alcoholic." #addictionchat
— Kelsie Testa (@kelsieMONSTER) March 12, 2014
Q11dumb things people say to those in recovery- 'Don't you have any self control?" #addictionchat
— Kristin A. Meekhof (@KristinSafford) March 12, 2014
Q11 "I mean, I NEED to eat every I ADDICTED to food?" #addictionchat
— Phoenix House (@Phoenixhouse) March 12, 2014
"there's no way you were that bad." #addictionchat
— The Fix (@_TheFix) March 12, 2014
Q11 #addictionchat common counterproductive comments "but you don't drink that much...just cut down a bit" Not helpful at all.
— Soberistas (@Soberistas) March 12, 2014
A11: "You seem fine now." Fine is a lot of work. And changes daily. #addictionchat
— Edgewood Addictions (@EdgewoodNanaimo) March 12, 2014
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