Lucy Cavendish dishes the dirt on what it's like being a real life witch
SHE wears a long pointy hat, casts spells and owns a broomstick. But asking Lucy Cavendish to put a curse on your enemy or make someone fall in love will only end one way: badly.
SHE wears a long pointy hat, casts spells and admits to owning a broom stick or two.
But asking Lucy Cavendish to put curse on your enemy or make someone fall in love with you will only end one way - badly.
The Sydney woman and real-life witch and has opened up on life and myths and practices surrounding the ancient craft - and it's nothing like we imagine.
For a start, she doesn't own a cat and won't make someone come back from the dead. But the author of Spellbounddoes have a cauldron and will openly admit to moon gazing and casting the odd spell or two.
And she wants to break through people's perception of what being a witch is really all about.
"A lot of people who are witches are also nurses, doctors, and even police officers who all have a urge to help and protect people," she said.
"But when I tell some people I'm a witch I may as well have told them I'm a unicorn."
What she does specialise in is helping people in areas of love, health and money.
Ms Cavendish, whose book provides an insight into how spells actually work and how to integrate witchcraft into everyday life, said being a white witch was all about doing good.
She said during her time as a witch she has come across several myths and stereotypes including:
1. Witches cast bad spells
While she does cast magic, she will never put a curse on someone or make people fall in love.
Why? Because she doesn't want to deal with the karma and negative consequences.
"It breaks the law of witchcraft which states anything you do will come back to you three times over," she said.
"Making people fall in love against their ill or putting a curse on someone is just not cool. It's a big no, no."
And if you want her to turn an unpopular colleague into a frog or curse your cheating boyfriend's new flame that won't happen either so put your negative thoughts away now before anyone gets hurt.
2. There's a little witch in all of us
Ms Cavendish said most people performed little spells each day even without even realising it.
Whether it was saying a little prayer before they went on to play a big game or reciting a positive affirmation, it was all about trying to change something for the better.
She said it was just about taking practical action and participating in the magic of life hands on with a little intuition thrown in for good measure.
3. Witches and animals have a mutual connection
Ms Cavendish admits she has received some usual requests in her time, like making a sick animal better, which was possible but not always feasible.
But she said witches and animals often had bonds which other people couldn't sense because they couldn't connect and understand different levels of energy.
4. Not all witches have cats
While she has owned cats in the past, Ms Cavendish is the proud owner of four cattle dogs.
She also said felines were a powerful animal which were blamed in medieval times for their connection with witches and healers and spreading disease when they actually kept vermin at bay.
"When witches used to be burnt at the stake, their cats would get burned alive as well," she said.
"But of course there was nothing to keep the vermin away so it was assumed witches placed a curse in revenge."
6. Witches don't believe in Satan
According to Ms Cavendish, modern day witches aren't inverted Christians and certainly don't follow Satan.
"Witches are all about nature," she said.
"The Satan worshipping is a Hollywood myth, witches are more interested in the natural cycle of birth, death and destruction."
7. Not all witches dress in black
Ms Cavendish does own certain clothes she likes to wear while casting spells, but they're not all black, though she does have a pointy hat.
According to her, certain clothes and jewellery just have better energy so she prefers to wear those items.
8. Witches do own brooms and cauldrons
Ms Cavendish uses her cauldron for fire and owns more than one broomstick, but if you think it's an ordinary brush from the supermarket think again.
Her broomsticks are made of various woods which all emit different energies and have different purposes.
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