
Xmas in jail: no season to be jolly behind bars

SPENDING Christmas in jail is far from jolly, as these inmates found out when this not-so-festive dinner is pushed into their cells.

Australia's Most Dangerous Women

SOCIALITE turned drug dealer Kirsty Dayment is facing her first Christmas behind bars in a women’s correctional facility somewhere in New South Wales.

For Dayment, 36, it’s the first of three festive seasons in the slammer and it promises to be a lonely one. The disgraced model and fashion industry hopeful will be tucking into sliced chicken and ham from an aluminium tray in her cell.

She will be having no visits from family or friends, with only a fruit mince pie and her fellow female inmates for company.

It’s the same meal paedophile TV actor Robert Hughes will be eating, on this his third Christmas in prison.

With his minimum sentences expiring in May 2020, Hughes can chomp into his evening meal of egg and cheese salad with coleslaw, corn and tomato, knowing he has only two more such festive meals to go.

Like girlfriend killer Simon Gittany — who is in prison until 2032 and appeared not to be eating enough while incarcerated, judging by a mugshot last year — dinner will be topped off by a Christmas muffin.

That muffin will have been made in Long Bay’s Reg Boys Bakery, perhaps by one of the sex offenders working there while undergoing that prison’s CUBIT rehabilitation programs.

Kirsty Dayment will be spending the first of three Christmas Days behind bars.
Kirsty Dayment will be spending the first of three Christmas Days behind bars.
Egg and cheese salad in a foil tray plus a Christmas muffin is on the dinner menu in NSW prisons on December 25. Picture: Sam Ruttyn.
Egg and cheese salad in a foil tray plus a Christmas muffin is on the dinner menu in NSW prisons on December 25. Picture: Sam Ruttyn.

Recently convicted paedophile and sex offender Timothy James Stewart will be eating his fourth prison Christmas feast but this year it will be served up with the knowledge he has up to 29 more to go from the kitchens of Corrective Services Industries.

Like his fellow paedophile inmates, Stewart, who relies on organ anti-rejection drugs to stay alive, will have no choice in his prison lunches in the week after Christmas.

Due to public service shutdowns between Boxing Day and New Year’s Day, lunch will be a pastry item.

After a two year reprieve from prison before his fourth murder trial earlier this year, Robert Xie is back behind bars for the first of every Christmas for the rest of his life.

The 54-year-old, whose loyal wife Kathy Lin maintains he is innocent, is serving five life sentences for the slaughter of his popular Epping newsagent brother-in-law Min Lin and four family members.

Wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay assembles metal parts in prison, but considers himself above the other inmates.
Wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay assembles metal parts in prison, but considers himself above the other inmates.
Toilet roll and a breakfast pack in a prison cell at Silverwater Correctional Centre in western Sydney. Picture: Troy Bendeich.
Toilet roll and a breakfast pack in a prison cell at Silverwater Correctional Centre in western Sydney. Picture: Troy Bendeich.

Up in Queensland, three members of the Thorburn family will be eating a $2.65 prison chicken or turkey meal.

Julene Thorburn, her husband Rick and their son Trent are all in prison and awaiting a special charity Christmas pack.

Mr Thorburn is due to stand trial for the alleged murder of the couple’s foster daughter Tiahleigh Palmer, while Julene is serving 18 months in jail for perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice relating to the 12-year-old’s death.

Trent, 20, was convicted of incest, perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice after he admitted having sex with Tiahleigh.

Tiahleigh Palmer disappeared on October 30, 2015 and her remains were found six days later. Picture: supplied
Tiahleigh Palmer disappeared on October 30, 2015 and her remains were found six days later. Picture: supplied

Over at Wolston Correctional Centre, wife killer and former prestige real estate agent Gerard Baden-Clay will be crowing down on correctional turkey for his sixth Christmas in prison.

After breaking down when his appeal was overturned last year, inmate number E00477 — described by others as arrogant — faces an uncertain number of years to serve of his “life”sentence.

In Adelaide, inmates like Brittney Jade Dwyer, who murdered her 81-year-old grandfather, will open the festivities at lunchtime in Adelaide Women’s Prison

Like the other 224 women in Adelaide jails, Dwyer will be served sliced turkey or chicken with roasted vegetables on a plastic tray.

It will be a dry Xmas for the 20-year-old, whose trial heard she consumed an ounce of cannabis daily, a bottle of vodka, cocaine and ecstasy before plotting Robert Whitwell’s death.

The knife-obsessed former Gold Coast woman, who stabbed him in the neck and did the washing up as he slowly bled to death, will now have only plastic knives, at least until she is 40.

Robert Whitwell and the granddaughter, Brittney Dwyer, who murdered him.
Robert Whitwell and the granddaughter, Brittney Dwyer, who murdered him.

Over in the men’s prisons, the Salt Creek attacker dubbed “an inhuman, primitive, sex-obsessed predator” Roman Heinze will be ticking off the first of at least 14 more Decembers in custody.

Whereas for Bevan Spencer von Einem, the convicted child murderer and suspected serial killer, it’s another of thousands of prison meals on a plastic tray.

Von Einem was convicted in 1984 for the murder of 15-year-old Adelaide teenager Richard Kelvin, and is serving life in Port Augusta Prison, which this year became South Australia’s largest correctional centre.

Also facing what probably will be every Christmas for the rest of their lives in prison are the Oberon, NSW couple who tortured and killed three-year-old Joseph.

Joseph’s mother, LN, 43, took back her son from extended family members to live with her and de facto AW, 48, because she wanted the welfare payments attached to the child.

Convicted murderer Bevan Spencer von Einem is a suspected serial killer and is serving life in Port Augusta prison.
Convicted murderer Bevan Spencer von Einem is a suspected serial killer and is serving life in Port Augusta prison.

Seven weeks later, the one-time happy and healthy boy was pale, emaciated and covered in bruises in the morgue. LN, 43, will receive the sliced chicken meal in Silverwater Women’s Correctional Centre, where she will be spending many of at least the next 30 years.

Others among the 13,000 inmates spending Christmas in NSW Prisons include three of the GoPro rapists.

Tristan Carlyle-Watson, 26, Kurt Stephenson, 26, and Andrew Waters, 25, will be facing a nervous Christmas in their cells at the massive Metropolitan Remand and Reception prison in Silverwater.

The three young men are due to be sentenced on January 19 for their part in the sickening 2015 gang rape of an intellectually disabled 16-year-old girl filmed on a GoPro.


Mock up of what will actually be served on the Xmas menu for the NSW correctional system.
Mock up of what will actually be served on the Xmas menu for the NSW correctional system.


Keli Lane (centre) with her parents during her murder trial which resulted in an 18 year sentence for killing her newborn daughter.
Keli Lane (centre) with her parents during her murder trial which resulted in an 18 year sentence for killing her newborn daughter.

Ticking off another Christmas in Silverwater Women’s Correctional centre, one-time Olympic water polo hopeful Keli Lane has only five years to go if she behaves herself.

Now aged 42, Lane exhausted all avenues of appeal on her maximum 18 year sentence for killing her newborn baby daughter Tegan in 1996 and lying under oath.

While Lane can receive no visits on Christmas Day, her parents have remained loyal and supportive and voiced their belief they did not believe she murdered Tegan.

Keli Lane was sentenced to 18 years in prison. She will be eligible for release on parole on May 12, 2023.


Sharon Michelutti was murdered by her husband.
Sharon Michelutti was murdered by her husband.
Gavin De Beyer feigning grief at Campsie police station.
Gavin De Beyer feigning grief at Campsie police station.

With the words “See you in 2035 you s***” ringing in his ears, wife killer Gavin De Beyer was sentenced to 25 years for the stabbing murder of his wife Sharon Michelutti.

With time served in custody since his arrest in February last year, De Beyer has a minimum 18 more years until his possible release date.

But as family members yelled at him “You showed no remorse you c**t,” De Beyer failed to show anything other than a yawn. His hands thrust into his pockets, he offered relatives in the public gallery a brief smile before he was taken down to the cells and back to prison

It was in stark contrast to the show the murderer put on after his wife’s stabbing, sobbing to police “I want my baby back ... she’s killed herself” in a failed attempt to convince them Ms Michelutti had taken her own life.

De Beyer’s long sentence will ensure he will spend this Christmas and at least the next decade in a maximum-security prison such as Goulburn or Lithgow.


Kirsty Dayment is spending the first of three festive seasons in prison.
Kirsty Dayment is spending the first of three festive seasons in prison.

Disgraced socialite Kirsty Dayment was jailed in April for supplying cocaine and ecstasy from her Coogee unit in Sydney’s eastern suburbs.

The 35-year-old went down a month before her former friend and fellow socialite and drug dealer Lisa Stockbridge was due for release.

Both women rubbed shoulders with Sydney’s elite, featured in the social pages and sold drugs in the eastern suburbs. Dayment was sentenced to a maximum five-and-a-half years for knowingly taking part in the large commercial supply of MDMA.

After serving at least three years and three months, she will be eligible for parole in July 2020.

Her former boyfriend Nicholas Riganias, 31, was sentenced to a non-parole period of four years and six months, which means with time served he will be released before Kirsty.


Convicted paedophile Timothy James Stewart fears being attacked in prison.
Convicted paedophile Timothy James Stewart fears being attacked in prison.

Timothy James Stewart has been locked up for at least 24 years and possibly 32 years, which may mean the kidney transplant recipient will never enjoy another Christmas out of prison.

The former salesman, 45, groomed, drugged and sexually assaulted a girl when she was aged between 12 and 16, and drugged her mother.

After police found videos Stewart had made of the abuse hidden in the lining of one of his jackets, they charged him with 127 offences.

As Judge Paul Conlon passed sentence on him and prosecutors said his victims consented to having Stewart’s name published, he immediately objected from the dock before being led down to the cells. “I’m already at high risk ... of violence (in prison),” he protested.

Judge Conlon, who had described Stewart’s “vile and indecent obsession” with his child victims, replied: “You are in that category as a result of these matters.”


Simon Gittany and Lisa Harnum, who he murdered by throwing her off their boutique apartment balcony. Picture: Channel 7.
Simon Gittany and Lisa Harnum, who he murdered by throwing her off their boutique apartment balcony. Picture: Channel 7.
Ladies man turned killer Simon Gittany, above, has become gaunt and grey behind bars where is spending his fifth Christmas.
Ladies man turned killer Simon Gittany, above, has become gaunt and grey behind bars where is spending his fifth Christmas.

Simon Gittany was a confident, good looking ladies’ man who had a beautiful girlfriend on his arm even as he went to trial for murdering another.

But since being sentenced in early 2014 to a maximum 26 years for throwing Canadian dancer Lisa Harnum off their luxury apartment balcony, Gittany looks visibly older than his 44 years.

The designer suits, luxury flat and beautiful women are long gone for Gittany, a gaunt figure in the yard at the forbidding maximum security Lithgow prison.

It is his fifth Christmas behind bars at the facility where Gittany works as a prison sweeper, mopping floors, emptying bins and cleaning toilets for around $20 a week.

He will be first eligible for parole in 2031, when he is in his late 50s.


Queensland Corrective Services feeds prisoners with three meals a day. Catering on Christmas Day will include a basic meal costing $2.65 per prisoner of roast chicken or turkey.

Inmates who require kosher or halal meals, or food in accordance with a medical condition will be provided for.

Charity Christmas packs to Queensland prisoners include a Christmas card, and toiletries.

Church services will be held over the Christmas period.

Visits to the 8612 inmates in the state’s 12 high security correctional centres, seven low security and 13 work camps are out for Christmas Day as it is a Monday, when no visits occur.


Gerard Baden-Clay, above with his wife Allison, who he murdered in 2012 and dumped her body on a creek bed.
Gerard Baden-Clay, above with his wife Allison, who he murdered in 2012 and dumped her body on a creek bed.

Wife killerGerard Baden-Clay reportedly retains in prison the lofty air he had when he flogged prestige properties in Brisbane’s leafy western suburbs.

With five Christmases behind bars down, he may have around 15 more to go for murdering the mother of his three children and dumping her body at Kholo Creek in 2012.

Baden-Clay is in Wolston Correctional Centre, a 30 minute drive from where a kayaker found the body of his wife Allison Baden-Clay, 43.

He has worked in the prison’s “snaps” section where the criminals assemble metal parts for around $50 a week.

The great-grandson of scouting movement founder Lord Baden-Powell reportedly sobbed “uncontrollably’ in the prison metal shop when the High Court reinstated his murder conviction after it had been briefly downgraded to manslaughter.

Door of a cell in the S2 secure accommodation unit in Wolston Correctional Centre where former real estate agent Gerard Baden-Clay is housed. Picture: Liam Kidston.
Door of a cell in the S2 secure accommodation unit in Wolston Correctional Centre where former real estate agent Gerard Baden-Clay is housed. Picture: Liam Kidston.
Gerard Baden-Clay with his wife Allison (centre) and parents Nigel and Elaine (right) in a promotional photo for his real estate firm.
Gerard Baden-Clay with his wife Allison (centre) and parents Nigel and Elaine (right) in a promotional photo for his real estate firm.

The Courier-Mail had previously revealed Baden-Clay still wore his wedding ring, the only piece of jewellery permitted for male inmates, and had photos of himself and Allison on his cell wall.

It reported that Baden-Clay “thinks he is better than everyone” serving time in Wolston, and believed his legal bid to have Allison’s death ruled manslaughter would stick.


Julene Thorburn is serving seven months in custody for perjury after a court found she coached her sons to lie about the death of Tiahleigh Palmer, a foster child in their home.

Her son Trent Thorburn will also enjoy Christmas dinner behind bars, serving a 16-month minimum sentence for perjury, attempting to pervert the court of justice and incest with Tiahleigh.

He is housed with paedophiles in the high risk protection wing after an Arthur Gorrie Correctional Centre inmate bashed him and others chanted “little pretty boy” and “kill him”.

Julene’s husband and Trent’s father, Rick Thorburn, is also in prison after being charged with Tiahleigh’s alleged murder and interfering with a corpse.

Trent Thorburn was bashed and called ‘pretty boy’ in jail.
Trent Thorburn was bashed and called ‘pretty boy’ in jail.
Trent is housed among paedophiles in prison.
Trent is housed among paedophiles in prison.
Rick Thorburn has been charged with the murder of 12-year-old schoolgirl Tiahleigh Palmer in 2015. Picture: Jack Tran.
Rick Thorburn has been charged with the murder of 12-year-old schoolgirl Tiahleigh Palmer in 2015. Picture: Jack Tran.


Bore Ristevski, pictured after the body of his wife Karen was found in a shallow Grave at Macedon, Victoria.
Bore Ristevski, pictured after the body of his wife Karen was found in a shallow Grave at Macedon, Victoria.
Razor wire along the wall of Victoria’s Barwon prison where inmates will be served meat with gravy and salad, and cake with custard. Picture: Jason Edwards.
Razor wire along the wall of Victoria’s Barwon prison where inmates will be served meat with gravy and salad, and cake with custard. Picture: Jason Edwards.

In Victoria, fresh custody inmate Borce Ristevksi will be spending his first ever Christmas in prison following his arrest last week for the alleged murder of his wife Karen.

The 53-year-old, in protective custody after he was bashed virtually on arrival, will have a

selection of cooked meats with gravy and salads for Christmas lunch.

Cake or plum pudding with custard will be given to Ristevski for dessert, and his yuletide dinner will comprise of cold meat and salad.

Mr Ristevksi, who has been charged with the alleged murder of his fashion proprietor wife Karen, will like all Victorian inmates be denied a visitor on Christmas Day.

But he will be able to enjoy a typical day’s food in a Victorian prison on Christmas Day including: toast and cereal for breakfast; lunch consisting of a selection of cooked meats with gravy, salads and cake or plum pudding with custard; and cold meat and salad for dinner.


Kylie Maybury was last seen alive on Melbourne Cup Day 1984, but her killer was only revealed last year.
Kylie Maybury was last seen alive on Melbourne Cup Day 1984, but her killer was only revealed last year.

Spending his second Christmas in prison, but unlikely to see any more sunsets is 75-year-old Gregory Keith Davies who is awaiting sentencing in Victoria.

The paedophile and murderer of Kylie Maybury, six, had his sentence hearing delayed when a Melbourne prisoner attacked Davies, smashing his face and pouring boiling water over him in July this year.

Kylie’s family had waited more than 30 years for answers to the mystery of who kidnapped, raped and murdered the little girl on November 6, 1984.

It was the afternoon of Melbourne Cup Day and Kylie went to the shops to buy a bag of sugar and never returned home. Her body was found in a gutter later that night in the north Melbourne suburb of Preston East. Kylie had been drugged, violently raped and asphyxiated.

Massive publicity over the murder failed to uncover a killer.

But adding to her family’s tragedy, Kylie’s uncle Mark Maybury and grandfather John Moss were both named as suspects, and both committed suicide.

Both were innocent.

Child rapist and murderer Gregory Keith Davies pleading against a life sentence after being attacked in prison. Picture: Nicole Garmston.
Child rapist and murderer Gregory Keith Davies pleading against a life sentence after being attacked in prison. Picture: Nicole Garmston.

Kylie’s mother Julie turned to alcohol and pills to cope with her daughter’s murder, she told Davies’ sentencing hearing this year.

It wasn’t until 2016 that a DNA match was made to semen found on Kylie’s underpants.

In June last year, homicide squad detectives charged Davies with Kylie’s false imprisonment, rape and murder. At a sentence hearing last month, Davies’ lawyer told the court his client was a "marked man” who would likely die in jail.

Davies will learn after Christmas whether he will get life in prison.


Christmas lunch: Sliced turkey or chicken with roasted vegetables on a plastic tray.

Dessert: Mini mince pie with a dollop of custard.

Visitors: allowed.


Heinze was an outdoorsman.
Heinze was an outdoorsman.
Roman Heinze under arrest. Picture: Greg Higgs.
Roman Heinze under arrest. Picture: Greg Higgs.

Salt Creek rapist Roman Heinze, a twice-married father of five, will be served roast chicken and vegetables on a plastic tray spending the first of at least 16 more Christmases in prison.

Called primitive and depraved by Adelaide Supreme Court Justice Trish Kelly in May, Heinze was convicted of aggravated kidnapping, sexual and physical assault, and endangering life against two foreign female backpackers in February 2016.

An imposing figure, the muscular 198cm tall outdoorsman and former chef who led a dark, sadistic secret life will be eligible for parole in 2033, when he is 77 years old.
Justice Kelly noted that Heinze was a “morose, forlorn and somewhat pathetic character in the dock” during his trial.

Heinze tied up a Brazilian woman and sexually assaulted her before hitting a German woman with a hammer and ramming her with his 4WD (above). Picture: SA Police.
Heinze tied up a Brazilian woman and sexually assaulted her before hitting a German woman with a hammer and ramming her with his 4WD (above). Picture: SA Police.



Trudi Lenon who murdered Aaron Pajich.
Trudi Lenon who murdered Aaron Pajich.
The teenager was lured to his death.
The teenager was lured to his death.

Christmas in prison could be a tense affair for the two woman convicted of the brutal “thrill kill” murder of vulnerable young Perth man, Aaron Pajich.

Jemma Victoria Lilley, 26, and Trudi Clare Lenon, 43, were found guilty last month of the autistic teen’s murder and his burial in a suburban backyard.

The women fantasised, planned and then lured the 18-year-old to their house in southern Perth on June 13, 2016.

There they stabbed him to death and then buried his body underneath freshly laid concrete in their Orelia backyard, and tiled over the slab.

The women’s trial heard that Lilley was obsessed with serial killers, and Lenon, a former “s & m” slave, was obsessed with Lilley.

The pair, who are housed separately in the WA prison system, await their sentencing in February.

Murder plot covered with tiles in the back yard where Jemma Lilley and Trudi Lennon buried Aaron Pajich. Picture: WA Police.
Murder plot covered with tiles in the back yard where Jemma Lilley and Trudi Lennon buried Aaron Pajich. Picture: WA Police.


Bradley Robert Edwards, 48.
Bradley Robert Edwards, 48.
Edwards has been charged with two murders.
Edwards has been charged with two murders.

The man accused of two alleged murders in the so-called Claremont serial killings case, is spending his second Christmas behind bars since his dramatic arrest in December 2016.

Bradley Robert Edwards was a Telstra technician with a passion for amateur sport and worked as Belmont little athletics president when police swooped on his suburban Perth house.

Acting on an alleged DNA breakthrough in the long-running Claremont case, police placed Edwards in custody where he has remained without yet applying for bail.

On his last appearance, beamed in by audio visual link from Hakea Prison, south of Perth, Mr Edwards sat in the video booth looking as if he was somehow in the wrong place.

Wearing glasses, a green prison T-shirt, he sat quietly with his hands in his lap.

He has not entered a plea to any of the eight charges laid against him.

Mr Edwards faces two charges of wilful murder in 1996 and 1997 against Claremont victims Jane Rimmer and Ciara Glennon. The other charges relate to the 1995 abduction and sexual assault of a 17-year-old at a cemetery and the 1988 indecent assault of a woman, 18.

He has not been charged with the murder of Sarah Spiers whose name has previously been grouped with Ms Rimmer and Ms Glennon as the work of a serial killer.

All three young women vanished from bars in the popular Claremont area of Perth, but Ms Spiers body has never been found.

Originally published as Xmas in jail: no season to be jolly behind bars

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