
Woman finds strange creature in can of tuna

JUST when you thought eating a can of tuna was safe, this happens. A woman opened a tin and discovered a pair of little eyes looking back at her.

A disgusted mum was shocked when she opened a tin of tuna and found this inside. Picture: Snapper online
A disgusted mum was shocked when she opened a tin of tuna and found this inside. Picture: Snapper online

JUST when you thought eating a can of tuna was safe, this happened. A woman opened a tin and discovered a pair of little eyes looking back at her.

“I opened the top of the lid and saw a purply thing, a gut sack or intestine — then I turned it round and pushed it with a fork and saw it looking back at me,” mother-of-two Zoe Butler told the Nottingham Post.

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News_Image_File: Dr Hany Elsheikha, associate professor of veterinary parasitology, thinks the creature is the severed head of a crab. Picture: Snapper online

“It’s got like a spiny tail along the bottom — it’s quite grim.

“I dropped the fork, jumped back, screamed a bit and shouted for my nan to come and have a look.”

Butler and her grandmother managed to determine that the creature was dead but they refrained from showing Butler’s children in case it turned them off the food forever.

The 28-year-old complained to the company straight away and has kept the creature in the tuna can while she waits for a response.

The company, Princes, have said they apologised and are investigating the matter.

“We are arranging for her to send us the product so that we can look into this matter fully,” a spokesperson said.News_Image_File: Zoe Butler did not show her kids the creature because she didn’t want to put them off tuna. Picture: Supplied.

Mrs Butler said she just wants to determine what the creature is and to ensure nobody else finds themselves in the same situation

“I didn’t set out to get compensation and I don’t a want lifetime’s supply of tuna!”

Dr Hany Elsheikha, associate professor of veterinary parasitology at the University of Nottingham, said it could be some form of juvenile crab.

“All I can see from the picture is a body and the eyes are very prominent. The legs have been chopped off during the process.”News_Rich_Media: Ten of the ugliest beasts the animal kingdom has ever produced ranging from the Goblin Shark to the bizarre Aye-Aye.

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