The unusual secrets behind Britney Spears’ incredible new body
RUNNING backwards, intense core workouts and tennis are how Britney Spears got her body back for her Las Vegas residency.
RUNNING backwards, intense core workouts and tennis are how Britney Spears got her Vegas body back.
The Pretty Girls singer’s trainer has spoken to the Daily Mail about how Brit got into shape for her residency in Las Vegas.
“She loves to run, but I would make her go backwards,” celebrity trainer Tony Martinez told the Daily Mail.
“She’s like, ‘I’m gonna go backwards?’ I’d be like, ‘Yeah let’s go on the treadmill and walk backwards’. She’d be like, ‘I could lose my hamstrings and my glutes. What are you doing to me?”’
Martinez put Spears, 33, through “intense” workouts for 40 minutes three or four times a week
“She loves all core workouts. She’s a very tenacious women. She wants to get it done and get it done right,” he said.
Martinez — who has also trained Pink and Janet Jackson — said he also helped the Gimme More singer clean up her diet.
“I pretty much just wanted her to balance out her proteins, carbs, and fat.
“Everything pretty balanced in that aspect because she was doing a lot of cardio so I wanted her energy up the whole entire time.”