
Mums told to get sexy bodies back

MIDDLE-AGED mums shouldn’t give up on their goal of looking good in a bikini, a leading fitness instructor says.

Trainer Sharny Kieser is a mum who says women can get their bikini body back after pregnancy.
Trainer Sharny Kieser is a mum who says women can get their bikini body back after pregnancy.

MIDDLE-AGED mums shouldn’t give up on their goal of looking good in a bikini, a leading fitness instructor says.

Mothers in their 30s, 40s and 50s can benefit from being photographed in a bikini when they meet their fitness goals, according to personal trainer Sharny Kieser.

Ms Kieser, 34, who is pregnant with her fifth child, says glamour photoshoots give women a goal to work towards.


“Most women have given up on wearing a bikini by the time they become mums, so it’s great achieving something they had never thought possible,” she said.

“It opens up their subconscious and reminds them that anything is possible and they start to find themselves”.

“People might think it’s superficial but it gives a woman a whole new level of strength, and they inspire those around them,” Ms Kieser (pictured) said.

“It’s not about what you look like, it’s the process of achieving your goal,” she said.

News_Image_File: Trainer Sharny Kieser has five children and says mums can get back into a bikini with some hard work.

Ms Kieser, who was famously attacked by radio announcer Chrissie Swan for suggesting fat people are lazy, said the bikini was a glamorous and sexy symbol for women.

“The bikini photos mean women never, never want to go back,” Ms Kieser said.

“If you don’t take that bikini shot you might be tempted to go back to the old you because they have really seen the end result,” she said.

Ms Kieser also encourages women to send in “before” photos when women sign up to her eight week “Fit, Healthy, Happy” eight-week online challenge.

“When you take a picture at the start of your journey, it’s a time to reflect,” she said.

On Sunday, Ms Kieser’s approach was questioned by a number of other health professionals.

“Dr Feelgood” Sally Cockburn said achieving a “bikini body” wasn’t one of her life’s goals.

“Health is what we should be striving for and it isn’t always outwardly apparent,” she said.

“A flat tum doesn’t equate to health and frankly it isn’t natural for female bodies anyway.

“I’d prefer to see mums concentrate on showing their kids that it’s loving themselves for who they are, not what they look like that’s important,” Dr Cockburn said.

News_Image_File: Trainer Sharny Kieser has five children and believes mums can get back into a bikini.

Physiotherapist and pilates instructor Becky Dyer, of Body Beyond Birth, said she doesn’t “talk much about the way people look”.

“We talk about being strong. Being strong is a lot more important than rocking a bikini,” she said.

“More important is feeling good. Judging people on how they look in a bikini can be demoralising for a lot of people,” she said.

“Everyone deserves to look great and feel great and they don’t need to be in a bikini to do this,” Ms Dyer said.

Discuss this issue with Susie via Twitter, Facebook and blog at News_Rich_Media: Sharny Kieser, author of the book 'Never Diet Again' shares some of her tips on exercising.

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