
Mum unrecognisable after epic weight loss transformation

A mum who used to eat 10,000 calories a day now looks like a different person after an incredible weight loss transformation.

Mum’s unveils incredible weight loss transformation

This article discusses the issue of eating disorders and could be triggering for some readers

A mum who used to binge 10,000 calories a day and was scared she would “eat herself to death” is now unrecognisable after an incredible weight loss transformation.

Stepping on the scale at 170kg and with a wardrobe full of size 28 clothes, Claire Burt remembers feeling heartbroken every time she saw her reflection in the mirror.

The 31-year-old from Timaru, New Zealand, suffered from a debilitating binge eating disorder throughout most of her adult life, which caused her to pile on weight very easily.

The serious mental health condition causes those affected to uncontrollably consume large amounts of food in one sitting without being able to stop, despite feeling physically full.

At her lowest points, Claire revealed she could consume eight large burgers or 50 chicken nuggets at once, and would eat to the point where it felt like she was “blacking out”.

But after finally recovering from her eating disorder, she has lost an incredible 92kg and seven dress sizes, and now feels like a “new woman” in her 78kg, size 12 frame.

“I struggled with my weight my whole life,” Claire told

Claire has been overweight most of her life. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Claire has been overweight most of her life. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Now she has the body of her dreams. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Now she has the body of her dreams. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_

“I have also gone through bulimia and anorexia. It all started when I was in primary school.

“I was bullied for being taller than everyone else, I was 6 foot by the time I was 12.

“As I got older I went through abusive relationships and I feel that just put me in a spiral where my binge eating disorder got worse.

“It was a vicious cycle where the more I would eat the more I would gain and the more depressed I got.”

Claire recalled how she felt her life slipping away the larger she became, with everyday tasks such as getting dressed, taking a shower or cleaning herself after using the toilet becoming an immense struggle.

She has undergone an incredible transformation. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
She has undergone an incredible transformation. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_

“I really was just existing at that point, not really living,” she said.

“I could barely do anything. I couldn’t work and wouldn’t leave my house.

“I was getting so big I struggled to put my undies on and then to the point I couldn’t wash or wipe myself.

“I remember ringing my mum crying with embarrassment asking her to come around to help clean me.

“I knew I couldn’t keep living this way. I was going to eat myself to death.”

Claire’s weight also caused her mental health to spiral, with the mum revealing she had very low moments where she thought about taking her own life.

When she overweight, she had very little self-esteem. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
When she overweight, she had very little self-esteem. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
She now feels more confident than ever. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
She now feels more confident than ever. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_

“My size affected everything. My self love, my confidence and especially my mental health,” she said.

“I didn’t want to be alive anymore. I was pre-diabetic and struggled to breathe properly,

“I stopped socialising with people other than a small group of close friends and my family. who I would only see if they came to visit me.

“I was in pain carrying around the weight and so uncomfortable all the time.”

Claire was 170kg at her heaviest. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Claire was 170kg at her heaviest. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_

Throughout the years, Claire attempted to lose weight in a variety of ways with a myriad of different diets, but nothing ever stuck.

Scared that she might not live to see 30, she knew her only option was to go under the knife to have a gastric sleeve.

“I had tried everything you could think of to lose weight in the past,” she said.

“All the diets, two hypnotists, psychologists medication. Nothing worked long term.

Claire suffered from binge eating disorder for much of her life. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Claire suffered from binge eating disorder for much of her life. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Claire never thought she would lose the weight. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Claire never thought she would lose the weight. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_

“I would lose some and then end up gaining it all back plus more every time. I would go the other way and get obsessed and end up triggering my eating disorders.

“I decided that weight loss surgery was my last and only option.”

Claire said this saved her life. After having the surgery in April 2020, she has since gone on to lose an incredible 92kg and has since fulfilled her dream of becoming a mother, something she never thought possible.

She also had surgery to help remove her loose skin and now has the body of her dreams, but most importantly, feels happier and healthier than ever before.

Claire has gone on to have one baby, and is now pregnant with her second. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
Claire has gone on to have one baby, and is now pregnant with her second. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
After losing weight, she was able to fulfil her dream of becoming a mum. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_
After losing weight, she was able to fulfil her dream of becoming a mum. Picture: Instagram / @life_of_a_binge_eater_

She is now pregnant with her second child and is sharing her story to help inspire others who may be struggling with the same demons she once was.

“I was able to rebuild a new relationship with food and it was like the voices in my head were gone completely,” she said.

“Finally, I was at peace. It’s so hard to explain. I have now started living my life, it is such an amazing feeling.”

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