
‘I lost 35kg in COVID lockdown following Chris Hemsworth’s health advice’

The 23-year-old managed to drop a massive amount of weight following the Thor star’s exercise and diet plan — and she still ate dessert every night.

How to look like Thor

Sara Bennett signed up to Chris Hemsworth’s health app Centr, and in six months lost a whopping 35kg and immensely improved her mental health. Here she shares all her diet and exercise secrets.

Being lazy had become a habit for Sara Bennett.

“It was easier to go to the drive thru then cook a meal and it became a habit and almost an addiction,” she tells Body+Soul.

The 23-year-old believed healthy food was boring, which stopped her from even looking for any recipes that could change her mind.

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Sara before. Picture: Supplied.
Sara before. Picture: Supplied.

“If I was to cook it would be deep fried, large portions and not good for my body.”

She also admits her exercise routine was “non-existent”.

“I would use an elevator over the stairs and always made excuses to not go for a walk or even try do any exercises.”

She simply believed her body wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Tipping the scales at 139kg, Sara recalls the moment she knew she needed to take action and turn her life around.

“I always had stretch marks on my stomach and it became normal, but I found one on my arm and that was all it took for me to seek out something to help.”

She came across Chris Hemsworth’s health app Centr, adopted healthy diet and exercise habits and six months later has lost a whopping 35kg – all while in COVID lockdown.

While an incredible achievement, she notes the weight loss is only one benefit from the entire process; it’s her mental health which has truly transformed.

Sara before (left) and after (right). Picture: Supplied.
Sara before (left) and after (right). Picture: Supplied.

“As someone who does suffer with mental health issues, to see such an improvement has become my biggest reward,” Sara says.

“I’m a more positive happy person and I enjoy life so much more now, my energy is increasing and I have more of an ability to do the things I love without getting so exhausted so quickly.”

Here she shares exactly how she changed her life for the better.

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Sara completely overhauled her unhealthy diet and learnt how to cook healthy, satisfying and delicious meals.

“I searched the meals in Centr, found what I liked and just cooked an entire month’s worth of food because I knew if I had it in the fridge and I had prepared it, I would eat it.”

She didn’t deprive herself from her favourite foods such as pasta, but she simply ensured she added more vegetables to her meals and found a healthy balance.

Sara cooked an entire month of Centr’s meals to start. Picture: Supplied.
Sara cooked an entire month of Centr’s meals to start. Picture: Supplied.

Sara’s day on a plate

Breakfast: An egg or a ciabatta toast.

Lunch: Protein and vegetables such as honey glazed chicken.

Dinner: Pasta or noodles.

Dessert: Centr protein cookie.


Sara traded in her sedentary lifestyle for a daily morning workout which she does at-home in front of the TV, followed by a walk to cool down and stretch, then a yoga session in the afternoon.

“I have really come to enjoy being active and keep moving,” she explains. “I almost feel guilty now when I have a day off!”

Sara is happier and healthier than ever before. Picture: Supplied.
Sara is happier and healthier than ever before. Picture: Supplied.


It wasn’t an easy task at all, and at one point Sara had completely fallen off the bandwagon.

“I had my days where I felt like giving up and there was even a two-week period where I just stopped working out and ate junk, and my body did not like me for it.”

However, she picked herself up and got straight back into it, determined to finish the Centr program.

“I cried and swore and my TV a lot, but I gave myself just one goal – finish the program.”

She also notes “setting up a routine and really sticking to it every day was definitely a challenge at the start.”


Sara now swears by three little words: “Never give up”.

“Life is always going to keep moving, you have to learn to turn the negative thoughts into speed bumps and not black holes, and just keep pushing. Do something even if you feel it isn’t the best, because it’s always better than doing nothing.”

And lastly, “always take one step at a time” because slow and steady really does win the race.

This story first appeared on and has been republished with permission

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