
Creating the ultimate lifestyle and happiness

TOO often fitness and health regimes are focused on getting rock-hard abs and not on helping people feel happier. Well, here’s one that is.

Pharrell Williams is one guy who knows what being Happy is like. Picture: Sony
Pharrell Williams is one guy who knows what being Happy is like. Picture: Sony

I BELIEVE the health and fitness industry is, somewhat ironically, as unhealthy as it has ever been.

There’s more attention on flat abs than on having fun, being happy and creating the ultimate lifestyle for yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE knowing that through the 6 Weeks to Sexy program females around the world can lose weight, feel great and look good — but just as important to me is making sure they are TRULY HAPPY and living the best life they can.

Here are a few things I consistently bring up to make sure those I work with are the happiest AND healthiest people I know.

1) Find your passion: Over the past 12 months I’ve found myself coaching more and more people to help build their passion into a business and a reality — and it’s so much fun. This now extends to working with a number of the 6 Weeks to Sexy girls who have left corporate jobs to pursue their dream job and lifestyle. Truly, nothing makes me as happy as seeing the girls talk about their passions. The smiles on their faces and the energy they have when they’re talking about doing what they love just can’t be matched.

2) Practise self-love — the tough way: The ironic thing about living the happiest life and your ULTIMATE life is that you have to get tough on yourself. The tougher you are on yourself the better your life will become. I know it sounds strange, and I’m not referring to being so tough on yourself that you manage to get yourself down and respond in a negative way. I’m talking about being tough on yourself by keeping yourself accountable. Fortunately or unfortunately (depending how you look at it) the happiest and most fulfilled people don’t spend their time doing what’s convenient — they spend their time breaking through barriers and uncomfortable situations in order to create a better life for themselves.

3) It is what it is: Let’s be honest, everyone has got some baggage from the past. But that doesn’t matter; it’s what you do with it that does. Constantly stewing on the past and what has happened is taking you away from enjoying what you’ve got right now and what you MIGHT have in the future. All you can really do is learn from what has happened and use that to be more aware and conscious of your decisions and movements in the future. Those who put themselves out there the most and give it a crack are going to fail more than those who ‘sit on the fence’ — and that’s fine, because it’s only a matter of time before all those failures lead to some pretty impressive successes.

4) List your problems: This is one of my favourite exercises. Every couple of weeks, get a pen and paper out and list your problems. There’s no point in keeping them all locked up in that head of yours, and it’s unlikely anything will get done about them if you do. It’s so good for your state of mind to get them out of your head and on paper. Not only that, but once they’re out in the open you have the opportunity to do something about them. Can you imagine if, for the next 4 months you wrote down all your problems once a fortnight and acted on them? There’s a good chance you’d have very few of those problems left! How cool is that?!?

5) Learn to meditate: Do I sound like a broken record yet? Meditation is amazing. I’ve mentioned it before in these posts and I’ll mention it again. It’s still the best investment I’ve ever made.

6) Learn to say ‘no’: Do you find it really hard to say no? I used to be exactly the same … but now it’s one of my favourite things to do! I’m lucky that I’ve got clarity on my vision and where I want to go — and for me to have a positive influence on AS MANY people as possible it means I often need to say no, both to things I don’t want to do and things that aren’t aligned with my beliefs and the direction I’m heading.

This week workout is a favourite among the 6 Week to Sexy program.

The 500 Workout

This mean in total you will do 500 reps and in the fasted time possible while still focusing on your technique. Good luck!

•50 Walking lunges (25 each leg) — for a challenge, hold a dumbbell in each hand

•50 push-ups (on your knees as an easier option)

•50 step-ups (25 each leg) — for a challenge, hold a dumbbell in each hand

•50 body weight rows using a TRX

•50 single leg dead lifts (25 each side)

•50 bench dips

•50 squat jumps

•50 sit-ups

•50 burgees

•50 leg raises








Find out more information from Blake Worrall-Thompson at and the online 6 Weeks to Sexy program / @wellbeingbyblake

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