Human Sonic the Hedgehog Damien Walters runs loop-the-loop
MEET the human version of our favourite 90s game. This is the first man to defy gravity by running in a vertical loop on a 3m high, specially designed track.
THIS dude is like the human version of Sonic the Hedgehog.
Damien Walters has defied gravity by running in a vertical loop on a 3m high, specially designed track like the ‘90s gaming icon.
I ran a full 10ft loop the loop with the help of @PepsiMaxUK You can see how many attempts it took me here
In a campaign for PepsiMax UK, the freerunner, stuntman and gymnast had a few hurdles to overcome the tricky task, including some mind-boggling maths equations in which the record-breaker needed to run at a speed of 13.84km/h at peak height.
After a few fails, Walters finally flings himself onto the track and flips himself over ... on foot ... without any safety mats.
Walters is known for his adventurous streak; he has previously backflipped off buildings, jumped over cars and has worked as a stunt double in movie blockbusters Skyfall, Captain America and Sherlock Holmes.
Considering Walters is a former world trampoline champion, we recommend you don’t try this at home.