
The Bachelor’s Tim Robards: Should I exercise when I’m sick?

TIM ROBARDS: When you wake up with a runny nose and a sore throat should you use it as an excuse not to get out there and train?

Bachelor Tim Robards
Bachelor Tim Robards

YOU wake up and your first swallow tastes like a mixture of cotton wool and like you’ve gargled all night with red hot chillies. You’ve got a runny nose and achy muscles.

The question is: to train or not to train? Do you use it as an excuse to interrupt your fitness routine or do you grin and bear it?

The rule of thumb is if symptoms are above the neck, as in a dry cough, runny nose and sneezing you should be fine. But you should back off your normal intensity to about 50 per cent of usual. Instead of your usual run drop it back to a power walk. Do this for a few days until you feel your symptoms relieve.

The good news is studies show that those who are physically active recover from colds and flus quicker than those desk bound and couch potatoes.

If I have a fever should I sweat it out?

If you have signs of fever I would say listen to your body and rest. A fever is your body’s natural way to try and kill a virus or bacteria that has entered the body. Most of your energy at this time is going into helping your body with this process and you do not want to push it and add further stress to the body at this stage.

Take a few days off, hydrate and you’re better off sweating it out in bed than in the gym. If your fever is maintained for more than a few days or starts to increase above 39.5 degrees than it is wise to consult your GP, if not before.

If I have a chesty cold/cough should I train?

This usually means infection and you want to give your body maximum energy stores to help it fight and recover. When you’re into the recovery phase some light exercise can stimulate lymph movement and boost immune system function. I would suggest some light walking. Start at 50 per cent of normal for the first few days and then as your body recovers build back to normal over a week or two.

Really listen to your body and drink plenty of fluids. You want to be drinking at least 1 litre per 25kg of body weight per day.

Tim Robards and his girlfriend Anna Heinrich love to exercise together.
Tim Robards and his girlfriend Anna Heinrich love to exercise together.


Ease into it gently if you have:

-Sinus congestion.

-A sore throat.

-Runny nose, sniffles and/or sneezing.

Stay in bed if you have:

-Body aches.

-Wheezing or a tight chest.

-Excessive tiredness.

-Nausea or vomiting.

-A temperature above 37.5 degrees Celsius or other signs of fever.

Dr Tim Robards is a Chiropractor and exercise scientist (B. Med. Sc, M. Chiro) and regular Columnist. His observations and research into what people really need live a healthy life and thrive in their environment has lead him to develop The Robards Method. You can follow Tim on Instagram and Twitter.

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