Clean and Lean Summer Body Plan. Week 4: Create beautiful posture
THERE is less than a week until summer. Are you ready for beach season? Here are the all the tools you need to get in shape for the warmer weather.
GOOD posture will transform how you look and feel more powerfully than just about anything else you can do.
The good news is, perfect posture is not a mystery- it is simple, and if you can get in to the habit of standing in perfect posture, the more you will do it.
See for yourself - go stand in perfect posture in front of the mirror and you will notice what a difference it makes. Your body will feel better and it will also look better. Stand tall and proud, you beautiful thing!
This week's exercises will focus on strengthening your postural muscles, shoulders, stomach and all the other important muscles that will make you stand tall.
Re-visit the food and exercise plans for all four weeks, or download the handy PDF versions.
Week 1: Energise Your Body. Food | Exercise | PDF
Week 2: How to Sleep Yourself Slim. Food | Exercise | PDF
Week 3: How to Love Food. Food | Exercise | PDF
Week 4: How create beautiful posture. Food | Exercise | PDF
This week's exercises:
The Lying 90-90 stretch
How to do it
1. Lie on your side with your legs bent at a 90 degree angle, with your arms out straight in front of you.
2. Slowly rotate one arm up and then towards the opposite side keeping your knees squeezed together.
3. Return your arm, placing palms together.
How to do it
1. Lie face down on the floor with forearms and elbows touching the floor, hips and legs on the ground.
2. Raise your hips and set the core, keeping your head aligned with your upper back and hips. Imagine a straight line from your head to your ankles
3. Hold this position.
Split Squat
How to do it
1. Stand with perfect posture with your palms facing out.
2. Both feet should face forwards.
3. Contract your stomach muscles.
4. Feet should be hip width apart.
5. Position your feet in a split stance, with straight front skin.
6. Lower your body by bending your back knee. The back knee should just touch the floor.
7. Push up by pushing off the heel of the front foot. Repeat on the other leg.
Standing Y + T
How to do it
1. Bend your legs and stick your bottom out.
2. Keep your back and head all in a straight line, shoulders down and back and keep the tummy tight.
3 Bring both arms alongside your ears in a straight line making a Y.
4 Everything is the same with the T but bend down a little further and bring your arms to the side making a T.
This week's exercise plan
Perform each exercise one after the other with 45 seconds rest between exercises. This is one circuit. At the end of the circuit rest for one minute and repeat the circuit 2- 3 more times.
Lying 90/90 Stretch - 10 repetitions each side
Standing Ys & Ts - 15 repetitions
Split Squat - 10 repetitions each side
Plank - 30 seconds
Lying 90/90 Stretch - 10 repetitions each side
Standing Ys & Ts - 15 repetitions
Split Squat - 10 repetitions each side
Plank - 30 seconds
Lying 90/90 Stretch - 10 repetitions each side
Standing Ys & Ts - 15 repetitions
Split Squat - 10 repetitions each side
Plank - 30 seconds
Lying 90/90 Stretch - 10 repetitions each side
Standing Ys & Ts - 15 repetitions
Split Squat - 10 repetitions each side
Plank - 30 seconds
Get more helpful tips from James at or buy his best-selling book Clean & Lean Diet, now available on Kindle.
Share your results from the Clean and Lean Summer Body Plan in the comments below and continue the conversation on Twitter @jamesduigan | @newscomauHQ