
Clean and Lean Summer Body Plan. Week 1: Energise Your Body

HE IS the man behind the amazing bodies of Elle Macpherson and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. Now James Duigan is giving readers everything you need to get in shape for summer. PLUS: Superstar diet tips

Week 1 - Personal Trainer

I WANT you to understand right now that you deserve a happy and healthy life.

I can help you with the easy stuff, what to eat, when to eat, what exercise works best, but you really need to decide that you are going to make this work. It is up to you.

Any transformation that happens in your body happens in your mind first and remember,: beautiful is how you feel, not just how you look.

So this week is all about giving you more energy from the foods you and eat and the exercises you do, to be the most amazing version of yourself.

Go be a champion right now and don't let anything get in your way.

Here is your workout plan for week one and an explanation of each exercise. And check out the free meal plan and recipes too.


Perform each exercise one after the other with 45 seconds rest between exercises. This is one circuit.

At the end of the circuit rest for one minute and repeat the circuit 2- 3 more times.


Standing Y +T- 15 repetitions

Push Press- 10-12 repetitions

Superman- 10 each side

Diaphragmatic Breathing - 10 breaths


Standing Y +T- 15 repetitions

Push Press- 10-12 repetitions

Superman- 10 each side

Diaphragmatic Breathing - 10 breaths


Standing Y +T- 15 repetitions

Push Press- 10-12 repetitions

Superman- 10 each side

Diaphragmatic Breathing - 10 breaths


Standing Y +T- 15 repetitions

Push Press- 10-12 repetitions

Superman- 10 each side

Diaphragmatic Breathing - 10 breaths


Standing Y + T

What it does

This exercise switches on and strengthens all the important postural muscles between your shoulder blades to improve your posture.

How to do it

The standing y-and-t is easy to do and great for correcting bad posture.
The standing y-and-t is easy to do and great for correcting bad posture.

1. Bend your legs and stick your bottom out.

2. Keep your back and head all in a straight line, shoulders down and back and keep the tummy tight.

3 Bring both arms alongside your ears in a straight line making a Y.

4 Everything is the same with the T but bend down a little further and bring your arms to the side making a T.

Push Press

What it does

This exercise works the legs, shoulders, arms, and core. It is also an incredible fat-burner.

How to do it

The push press works all the major muscles and is great for burning fat.
The push press works all the major muscles and is great for burning fat.

1. Stand while holding the weight at chest height.

2. Slowly squat down so your thighs are parallel to the floor.

3. As you come back to standing push your weights up over your head.


What it does

This is one of the safest and most effective ways to help your lower back get stronger.

How to do it

Start position:

1. Start on all fours, with your back straight and your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Your ears should be in alignment with your shoulders and hips

2. Relax your abdominals and take a big breath from your belly so that it expands. Breathe out, and once all the air is expelled, lift your right hand and left knee off the floor.

The superman will make your back muscles stronger without risking injury.
The superman will make your back muscles stronger without risking injury.

3. Bring your right elbow towards your stomach and your left knee towards your chest so they both touch, keeping your back straight at all times.

4. Extend your right arm out in front of you at a 45-degree angle and push your leg straight back, tensing the opposite bottom cheek. Hold for 1 second.

Just a few sessions of James' program a week will get you toned and lean before summer.
Just a few sessions of James' program a week will get you toned and lean before summer.

5. Return to the start position and swap sides.

Diaphragmatic Breathing to Warm Up and Energise the Body

What it does

It is a great stress reducer, aids in healthy sleep and helps strengthen your core.

How to do it

1. Lie on your back and place both hands just over your belly button.

2. Begin by exhaling to empty your lungs completely.

3. Expand your belly while you breathe in through your nose.

4. Exhale through your mouth.

5. At the end of your breathe, pause for one second, then inhale slowly.

Get more helpful tips from James at or buy his best-selling book Clean & Lean Diet, now available on Kindle. And continue the conversation on Twitter @jamesduigan

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