What Kevin Rudd's tie choice says about him
THERE is no question about the thought, time and effort that went into Kevin Rudd's choice of tie colour today.
THERE is no question about the thought, time and effort that went into Kevin Rudd's choice of tie colour today.
After Julia Gillard's Village of the Damned, they-all-look-alike-in-blue-ties bluster, Mr Rudd's neckpiece made one hell of an election campaign statement.
That wee, inoffensive little fashion statement said "I am a man or honour, of integrity and stability who won't be bought and will return to lead the party when the party sees fit".
Or, perhaps he just hadn't been told about the PM's tie rant? Couldn't possibly be the latter.
Historically a blue tie means the wearer has a high intellectual capacity and 'rank' in life.
According to tie psychology (yes, it does exist) blue-tie wearers "reflect peace, silence and sometimes loneliness".
"Blue is not an aggressive colour and who is wearing it has a high opinion on values like honesty and honour."
Rudd's embossed blue tie (he told the media this morning a third of his ties were blue) isn't just a little bit of blue, but a full-on, visual assault of the hue.
The full monty of blue-dom that will go down in this looooong - wiiiinded campaign as the straw that broke the, well, more like the tie that may just unbind.
Mr Rudd said it was either Therese or always-clever daughter Jessica who usually pick his ties and this was the one that happened to be in his suitcase. Mmmm. I am more concerned that someone actually packs his bag for him, quite frankly.
Anyway, perhaps green may have been a better choice as it "creates an easy balanced ambience that can show a sense for harmony and stability" or even yellow, which are "mostly worn by intelligent men, who like having an authoritarian controlled position".
Meanwhile, I am surprised Mr Rudd didn't opt for a red tie today as that would have shown that "he is extroverted, wants to advance and could be an expression of passion and a way of ruthless power".
You see, red neckties are mostly worn by people who like action and drama, the two qualities that are already rocking this campaign right up until it ends on September 14.
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