
‘More attractive’: Business owner’s insane email

When a shocked Leah received an email from a customer advising her to “lose weight” or hire someone more attractive, she took to social media.

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The owner of a jewellery business was left shocked and confused upon receiving an email from a customer offering her tips on how to improve her company.

The nuggets of “wisdom” were actually less than constructive and instead had a critical tone. Some even found the advice cruel.

Leah, the owner of Ethereal Jewellery in the UK, took to social media to share the controversial email.

“Today I received the worst email I’ve ever received in four years of having a small jewellery business,” Leah wrote on TikTok.

Alongside a screenshot of the customer’s comments, Leah wrote: “Love actually isn’t all around”, a reference to Hugh Grant’s famous quote from Love Actually.

Leah, who started her small business in 2020 and graduated from the University of Lincoln last year, said she was stunned by the contents of the email.

It was written by a customer known only as Helen, and stated: “I’ve been following you on TikTok and I have to say, I love your jewellery! It’s really beautiful. My Aunt runs a super successful clothing business on TikTok, so I figured I’d share a little advice that could help boost your sales.”

It shocked the woman. Picture: Instagram/etherealhandmadejewellery
It shocked the woman. Picture: Instagram/etherealhandmadejewellery

Helen then wrote: “Don’t take this the wrong way, but honestly, if you lost a bit of weight and put more effort into your appearance, I think it would seriously help your brand …

“Your jewellery is stunning, and I just feel like it would sell even better if the person behind it looked a bit more polished. Or, you could always hire someone more attractive to be the face of it.”

It ended: “Just some honest feedback – I want to see you grow (your business, not you!)’”.

A TikToker has shared the "worst email ever" from a customer. Picture: TikTok/etherealhandmade
A TikToker has shared the "worst email ever" from a customer. Picture: TikTok/etherealhandmade

Commenters were divided over the email and while many jumped to Leah’s defence, others shockingly sided with Helen.

“She might actually be right,” one follower wrote.

“I mean … that’s why brands hire models,” commented another.

While a third noted: “This is a constructive feedback, no harm intended at all. At the end of the day every business wants to make sales.”

Another acknowledged how shallow people are in her feedback. “As harsh as the email was, it is somewhat correct,” they wrote. “People are shallow and treat good or healthy looking people better. It’s a tactless way to say it but it’s good advice.”

Leah was also flooded with positive comments, with many also noting how attractive she is.

“You’re absolutely beautiful and worthy of being the face of your brand,” one commenter praised the business owner.

Another agreed: “The fact that people are agreeing in the comments … wow … disappointing. I think you’re stunning”.

“I have never once thought, ‘Wait lemme check if the owner’s pretty,’ before buying from a small business,” a third observed.

“I’m so confused by these comments?” another stunned follower wrote. “You’re beautiful. The world is broken.”

Others noted how “ridiculous” the email was, apologising to Leah, and she replied: “I’m still in shock”.

Commenters were divided. Picture: TikTok/etherealhandmade
Commenters were divided. Picture: TikTok/etherealhandmade
Many supported Leah, while others said Helen had a point. Picture: TikTok/etherealhandmade
Many supported Leah, while others said Helen had a point. Picture: TikTok/etherealhandmade

Leah told Yahoo that it can be hard to ignore the critical messages, but she has a great support system.

“The TikTok comments have been both amazing and awful all at the same time,” she said. “There have been thousands of loving comments, but it can be hard to ignore the negative ones.

“Lots of people have suggested the email is right, that I should change my appearance, lose weight or hire models, and they have been difficult to read.”

Leah added that while she continues to post content, she thinks twice about what to post.

“It has definitely made me more hesitant to post content with my face in, but at the same time, Ethereal is a brand for everyone – they are jewellery pieces anyone can wear, no matter their size, shape, age etc. and I feel like I’d be a hypocrite to stop posting and start using models or to hire someone more attractive.”

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