
Men give up on their looks at 46... 13 years before women

CANCEL your next salon visit, Kim Basinger. And give up the gym, Jason Statham. A new survey reveals the age men and women just stop trying.

The age you'll stop caring how you look
The age you'll stop caring how you look

FOR women battling to keep their husbands in shape, it won't come as much of a surprise.

Men give up on their appearance and fitness levels at the age of 46, a study showed yesterday.

But women battle on for another 13 years, only capitulating to the march of time at 59.

Chaps lose all interest in style trends as they slow down physically in middle age, researchers found, with seven in ten saying they don't worry about their looks.

And being attached doesn't help - two thirds of the 2,000 adults polled said they think it's normal to stop worrying about appearances in a serious relationship.

Jason Statham looks good now but he's at the age most men give up.
Jason Statham looks good now but he's at the age most men give up.

More than half of the survey's married respondents echo that sentiment, saying they no longer concentrate on their looks like they did when they were single.

The average person said they relinquished all vanity about two years after they got married.

For most, nothing can beat a cosy cardigan and slippers, with a preference for comfort named as the most common reason for letting appearances slide.

One in four said a health and beauty regime costs too much money and is too much commitment.

Paul Keenan of health insurance provider Benenden Health, which commissioned the survey, said: "One in four think that staying healthy costs too much money and is too big a commitment.

"But is this really true when walking is free but cars cost money to run, or when water is cheap and alcohol prices are rising?"

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