
Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway’s daughter ‘pushing for emancipation’

The teenage daughter of senior White House adviser Kellyanne Conway has announced on Twitter she is “pushing for emancipation”.

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Kellyanne Conway’s 15-year-old daughter has announced plans to emancipate herself from her parents after weeks of bitter, public attacks against them.

Claudia Conway is a vocal critic of US President Donald Trump, and has repeatedly criticised her White House adviser mother for supporting him.

Over the weekend, the feud escalated after the left-leaning teen shared plans to leave her family on social media.

“I’m officially pushing for emancipation. Buckle up because this is probably going to be public one way or another, unfortunately. Welcome to my life,” she tweeted on Saturday night.

The stoush has been playing out over the US summer, with the teen even asking prominent progressive congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to adopt her.

At one point she also took aim at her father George Conway, who is a conservative but also an outspoken Trump critic.

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Kellyanne Conway is one of Donald Trump’s most trusted advisers. Picture: Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images
Kellyanne Conway is one of Donald Trump’s most trusted advisers. Picture: Jessica Rinaldi/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

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“As for my dad, politically, we agree on absolutely nothing. We just both happen to have common sense when it comes to our current president. Stop ‘stanning’ him,” Claudia Conway tweeted on August 23.

“My mother’s job ruined my life to begin with. Heartbreaking that she continues to go down that path after years of watching her children suffer. Selfish. It’s all about money and fame, ladies and gentlemen,” she posted on the same day, adding she was “devastated beyond compare” her mother was speaking at the 2020 Republican National Convention.

She has also tweeted a string of anti-Trump comments, replying “grab em by the p**sy, right?” to one of the President’s own tweets about his efforts support women, and describing a White House news conference as a “circus”.

“There is no one who hates @realDonaldTrump more than me,” she posted on August 17, followed up with the question: “Anyone remember when Trump got impeached?”

Miss Conway, who also frequently posts on TikTok, was briefly banned from social media by her parents in July before making her triumphant return.

Meanwhile, Kellyanne Conway announced on Monday she would step down from her White house role at the end of the month, hinting that her children might be behind the decision.

“As millions of parents nationwide know, kids ‘doing school from home’ requires a level of attention and vigilance that is as unusual as these times,” she said in a statement.

“In time, I will announce future plans. For now, and for my beloved children, it will be less drama, more mama.”


While Kellyanne Conway has served as counsellor to the President since 2017, her lawyer husband has never shied away from criticising him, even penning a scathing opinion piece against Mr Trump published by the Washington Post last year.

In the op-ed, he described Mr Trump as “boorish, dimwitted, inarticulate, incoherent, narcissistic and insensitive”, immediately putting the Conways’ seemingly mismatched marriage under the spotlight and prompting Mr Trump to describe him as a “stone cold LOSER & husband from hell” on Twitter.

The couple have four children, including Claudia and her twin brother George IV, and two younger daughters, Charlotte and Vanessa.

The family moved to Washington D.C. from New Jersey in 2016 when the twins were in Year 6 – but her tender age didn’t stop Claudia from launching a petition in an attempt to stop the move.

She has revealed plans to pursue a career in social justice advocacy, and while Claudia continues to make headlines, the rest of the siblings have largely flown under the radar.

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