
The small money habits that can pay big dividends in your future

Bad habits are no good for anyone, but too few people develop good habits when it comes to their money. Here’s a few to work on to grow your wealth.

David Koch explains six ways to manage mounting debt

Australians routinely function on autopilot and it’s hurting our hip pocket.

Many actions we perform each day are not decisions, but habits so we’ve asked the experts how you can instil some positive habits that will pay off.


Start the day with oatmeal, because it is cheap and full of fibre, meaning it curbs the desire for snacks that can become a costly habit.

Oatmeal also lowers cholesterol levels, reducing heart disease risk.

Plus it stabilises blood sugar levels, resulting in reduced medical bills and more physical oomph.

Fans of the low-cost power breakfast include billionaire Bill Gates.


Lotteries have been branded “the stupid tax” with reason.

They pay winners by extracting cash from losers, said money mentor Nobby Kleinman — a former financial planner who designs money management software.

Gambling consumed more cash than it yielded, Mr Kleinman said.

“Using the same money to pay down debt or even spend on something pleasurable will be of greater value,” he said.


Handling expenses with a credit card or debit card encourages you to spend more, because plastic feels less real than cash and the delayed financial depletion is less visible.

In contrast, using cash prompts thriftiness because it triggers what behavioural economists call the “pain of paying”.

Handling expenses with a credit card can result in you spending more.
Handling expenses with a credit card can result in you spending more.

Bounce Financial director Ben Brett said using cash spurred a mindful money connection. “From a psychological perspective, exchanging cash tends to have a bit more of an effect than simply tapping a card,” he said.

Mr Brett said cash exposed your remaining funds for the week, encouraging you to scrimp now and afford something else later.

He said while bank apps were good, nothing beats being able to look in your wallet.


Financial planner David Leslie said hand-picking where you live “brings a world of indirect financial benefits”.

He said activities run by schools that are not prestigious could save money and reduce expectations on how much money parents have to cough up.

Mr Leslie said other benefits included less pressure to stage children’s birthday parties and have family holidays, reduced mortgage stress and lower council rates.


Mr Brett said people should always consider the next five to 15 years, a lesson learned from him helping young professional couples looking to buy a house they could afford.

“What they are forgetting though is once they start having children their income will reduce dramatically,” he said.

Even once the stay-at-home parent returned to work daycare costs would slash income, he said.

When pondering a purchase consider whether you can service a loan during less-flush years ahead.


• Save more than you spend — it’s the first law of personal finance.

• Drive a cheap, reliable car.

• Buy good-quality products less likely to need repair or replacement.

• Pay debt, especially credit card debt, promptly.

• Holiday in low-cost destinations.

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