
Confessions of a celebrity supernanny

PRIVATE jets, $900 tips, a designer wardrobe and lavish holidays. Meet the Aussie nanny caring for the world’s richest kids.

IN an average week, Philippa Christian might be chased by paparazzi, fly in a private jet and be gifted thousands of dollars worth of designer dresses to wear to the most exclusive parties.

She has lived in a palace the size of a football pitch, countless LA mansions and one of the world’s biggest superyachts. Yet Christian is neither an actor nor a millionaire. This is the life of an elite nanny, caring for the children of the rich and famous.

“It’s a very hard job to get into,” admits Christian, who comes from Melbourne but has worked in countries all over the world.

“There is a small, trusted circle of nannies that VIP families use, and you tend to get jobs through word of mouth and recommendations,” she explains.

She was just a teenager when she joined the ranks. Her ‘in’ was an Australian sports star who happened to be a family friend and asked her to babysit his three children (after leaving school, she moved in to care for them full-time). Although the ‘nanny code of silence’ prevents her from name-dropping, she’s since worked for presidents, Middle Eastern royalty, supermodels, movie stars and the sixth-richest man in the world at the time. She’s even accompanied a famous parent to a fitting for their waxwork.

Phillipa Christian (far right) has spent 15 years babysitting the A-list.
Phillipa Christian (far right) has spent 15 years babysitting the A-list.

“Luckily, I’m not easily impressed,” she says with a laugh. “You might find yourself in a department store in New York, where the doors have been closed to the public and you and your family are the only customers. My errands can include accompanying kids to movie sets, or taking the family’s private jet to pick up their favourite candy from a store on the other side of the country.”

The perks are extraordinary and the pay no less so; she has earned $10,000 for one week’s work and been handed a $900 tip at the end of an evening. This is not a job for the faint-hearted, however — elite nannies face gruelling work hours and diva demands.

In fact, Christian has even flown to LA for an interview with one of America’s most famous families and was offered the job on one condition: she’d have to dye her hair brown to fit in with the family’s aesthetics (she hasn’t decided whether to accept).

“A lot of famous mothers, especially those in America, don’t want people to know they have a nanny, because it looks indulgent,” says Christian. “When you’re out, they tell you to interact as if you’re a member of the family. It’s weird when I’m flicking through a magazine and see a paparazzi shot of one of my clients with me in the background.”

Although her ‘house uniform’ is jeans and a T-shirt, accompanying the children to a function requires a makeover. Rather than a clothing allowance, mostly she is simply asked her dress size, then handed an outfit.

Naomi Watts chooses to stand back and let the nanny steer the scooter.
Naomi Watts chooses to stand back and let the nanny steer the scooter.

“It astonishes me how much the clothes I’m given are worth,” she says. “In the past 15 years, I’ve built up an impressive wardrobe. I’ve worked for American families who book me in to have my eyebrows waxed or nails polished without even asking me.”

She admits one perk of the job is the hand-me-downs. ‘The mothers I work for are often friends with designers and get more free gifts than they know what to do with,’ she says.

“In Hollywood, you can often spot a nanny because she’ll look like a student but have overly expensive accessories. It’s nothing to change nappies wearing a diamond ring worth more than a house deposit.”

It may sound glamorous, yet it’s not uncommon for Christian to work 19-hour days, seven days a week. The children of foreign royalty often have two nannies each, one who speaks English and the other their native language (so a family of three children would have six). A newborn will have an even bigger entourage.

“It’s normal to work with a day nanny, a night nanny, a baby nurse, a travel nanny and a manny,” says Christian, who insists there’s still no shortage of duties.

“Remember, these children are extremely high-maintenance. When I worked for Middle Eastern royalty, I was under orders to bath the eight kids three times a day, soaking them for exactly half an hour and then showering them to ensure they were always presentable. The children weren’t allowed to wear the same outfit twice in a year and I had to keep track by filing worn clothes in a separate wardrobe.”

Sarah Jessica-Parker’s nanny with one of her twin daughters.
Sarah Jessica-Parker’s nanny with one of her twin daughters.

And there’s no sitting down on the job — ever! “You’re constantly being monitored by security cameras or bodyguards,” says Christian. “Life is so unpredictable, you can’t switch off for a second. I worked for one famous father who was prone to controversial headlines. Every time a story broke, I’d get a phone call ordering me to pack up the kids and drive to their secret holiday house before the paparazzi arrived.”

For security reasons, she’s banned from having her own Facebook page in case it could be used to track her location. And she’s even been asked to act as a decoy for clients, including an American reality star: “I had to wear the mum’s sunglasses, copy her hair and drive her car away from the house so the photographers would follow me. It worked!”

Since then, Christian has taken defensive driving courses to learn how to escape without breaking the speed limit. It sounds extreme, but has proven useful. “I used to work for a couple who were both movie stars,” she says. “Once, when I was driving the children to school, two paparazzi purposefully had a car crash in front of us in the hope we’d show our faces. I know one little boy — the son of a model overseas — who has constant nightmares about being chased. I teach my children hand gestures they can use to alert me if they see a photographer or if they’re being made to feel uncomfortable.”

Adam Sandler chooses to push his daughters Sunny Madeline Sandler and Sadie Madison Sandler himself.
Adam Sandler chooses to push his daughters Sunny Madeline Sandler and Sadie Madison Sandler himself.

She admits it can be upsetting to see the unsavoury side of show business and says she doesn’t envy her clients — or their children.

“I’m often asked if the kids are spoiled, and I suppose they are in the material sense, but a lot of the time their emotional needs aren’t being met. Many aren’t nurtured and don’t have a strong bond with their parents, who are often away travelling or working.”

Then there’s the minefield of celebrity eating habits. “One week an actress might have her children on a strict vegan diet, the next week she’ll fly in exotic meats from around the world for their dinner,” says Christian. “I worked for a model who ordered me to put her teenage daughter on a diet even though she clearly wasn’t overweight. It’s difficult because I have to follow orders, but the child’s welfare always comes first, so I compromised by making tiny changes like cutting her bread into thinner slices.”

With 15 years of experience, Christian now coaches other nannies wanting to move into elite circles, and has her own radio show, The Number 1 Nanny Show, starting on August 26 on Funky Kids Radio.

So, what advice does she have for those tempted by her career path? “Never question and never argue,” says Christian. “One of the biggest parts of the job is learning to be silent. You’re seen as the bottom end of the food chain, so even if you disagree with a parenting style, never, ever say so — unless, of course, a child is in serious danger. Just keep smiling … especially for the cameras.”

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The cover of this weekend’s Sunday Style.
The cover of this weekend’s Sunday Style.

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