
Is Andrew Kyriacou Australia's wackiest real estate agent?

A REAL estate agent has turned rapper, actor - even sports star - in a series of tongue-in-cheek videos to help sell homes.

8 Leane Ave Ridgehaven

AN Adelaide real estate agent has rapped his way through a promotional video for a Ridgehaven home, sporting a sideways cap, fake gold chains and busting rhymes about the home's features.

The video is one of the latest in a series of self-deprecating sales pitches by Michaelkris Real Estate agent Andrew Kyriacou, whose property profiles are going viral on

Mr Kyriacou said the videos had become popular and his clients, even the elderly, had begun demanding them.

"They've gained a lot of attention and the Leane Ave, Ridgehaven, video just went viral," Mr Kyriacou said.

"Not a lot of agents do video and those that do are very stock standard and boring, but we offer a point of difference.

"I thought we could be humorous and be outrageous, but still present the benefits of the home in an entertaining fashion."

Mr Kyriacou has made 30 films in the past year, portraying characters ranging from James Bond to John McEnroe, Gordon Ramsay, Steve Urkel and Sherlock Holmes.

His exploits have seen him hit over the head with a frying pan and hog tied by children, and he has even lost his mankini, dive bombing into a client's pool.

"If we do what other agents are doing we'll get their results, but if we stand out we will attract more attention to the home, and that's what it's all about," Mr Kryiacou said.

"I fit the theme with what the area has to offer."

Mr Kryiacou said his videos did not guarantee a good sale and had to be coupled with a correct price and beautiful presentation.

But his videos achieved good results and that he was making quick sales, in many cases for more than the asking price, he said.

"It draws more people to the opens, and they're not all genuine buyers, but the genuine buyers don't know that so it creates a sense of urgency," Mr Kyriacou said.

Mr Kyriacou said while many people loved the videos, they had attracted criticism.

"The more something becomes popular, the more haters," he said.

"From people that are in real estate mode, they love it.

"Obviously the video makes me stand out and that's fantastic but the goal is to make the property stand out, and it does."

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