Why everybody found this Miss Teen USA promo pic so hilarious
EVERYBODY is taking the p*ss out of the pageant TV series Miss Teen USA over one particular photo it tweeted of the top five contestants.
IT’S always fun when the internet launches into its sassy observational mode.
That’s exactly what happened on Saturday night, when Miss Teen USA (yep, that’s a real show) aired its finale.
In the lead-up, the national televised beauty pageant tweeted the following photo:
These are your TOP 5 #MissTeenUSA contestants! pic.twitter.com/qi3KJT6COb
â Karlie Hay (@MissTeenUSA) July 31, 2016
The promotional picture immediately prompted a series of hilarious responses to the fact that... well... they kiiiiiiiind of all look like identical quintuplets.
And social media users were quick to take notice.
spot the difference@MissTeenUSA pic.twitter.com/GlDgvvlpMW
â benny ⢠××ת (@bendykoval) July 31, 2016
RT @MissTeenUSA: These are your TOP 5 #MissTeenUSA contestants! pic.twitter.com/HPNoGdZodN
â Kazeem Famuyide (@RealLifeKaz) July 31, 2016
Are these the judges @MissTeenUSA pic.twitter.com/hwqcXNzdOb
â Marie Clare (@cellabiao) July 31, 2016
Even American model Chrissy Teigen got in on the fun.
The Sports Illustrated model, who boasts more than 2.2 million Twitter followers, posted a joke about the lack of diversity which was retweeted 50,000 times.
Wow how can we choose from such a diverse bunch https://t.co/0a4JHbP465
â christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) July 31, 2016
She later clarified that she’s sure “they’re delightful women” and it’s not their fault, suggesting the executive producers of such shows are responsible for the lack of diversity.
Miss Texas Karlie Hay (the third girl in the original photo) won the competition.
And on the bright side, if she steps down prematurely and they’re looking for a replacement, it’s likely no one will notice.