
The Bachelorette: Ali reveals what really happened after brutal breakup

Todd’s reaction to being dumped in The Bachelorette finale was one of the most heartbreaking in the show’s history. What happened off-camera made it even worse.

The Bachelorette spills on breakup scene

Watching Todd King sob as he was dumped by Ali Oetjen in favour of Taite Radley during last night’s Bachelorette finale was devastating.

“I’ve never been so sure. I want her to be the mother of my children. That’s the person I want to marry,” he told Osher Gunsberg moments beforehand, still blissfully unaware that he was about to be left heartbroken.

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Minutes later, both Todd and Ali were red-faced and crying hysterically.

Hope that was waterproof mascara.
Hope that was waterproof mascara.
It was hard to watch Todd’s heartache.
It was hard to watch Todd’s heartache.

Speaking to, Todd revealed that the devastating scene had played out for much, much longer than we saw on TV.

“There wasn’t a lot of talking, it was like one big extended hug. We were there for a good half an hour,” he said.

“She physically couldn’t let me go at one point, she needed to know that I was going to be OK. It hurt her as much - if not more - than me.”

Todd also admitted that even the crew had become visibly upset.

“I turned around and my producer was crying, and all the camera guys were upset,” he explained.

It was all incredibly emotional — and Ali still needed to talk to Taite afterward and confess her love. So how long was she given to compose herself?

“I think I had 20 minutes (before Taite arrived),” she revealed in an interview with Nova’s Fitzy and Wippa this morning.

“I had a little (makeup) touch-up, and that was it.”

In the words of the great Ariana Grande: Thank you, next.
In the words of the great Ariana Grande: Thank you, next.

Meanwhile, Taite admitted that he’d had to practise his speech to Ali with producers before the big moment.

“I was in the car, and I was practising with a couple of producers — they said to me, ‘Just make sure you listen to every word that comes out of Ali’s mouth, because she’s either going to say she loves you or not,’” he told the radio hosts.

“I was a nervous wreck.”

Later, while Taite and Ali were celebrating their love, Todd bunkered down for a “boys’ night” with one of the “blokes from the crew.”

“We actually watched a horror movie and drank beer,” he told

Ali’s decision to ditch Todd in favour of Taite was a shock to many viewers. Since the beginning of the series, she’d told producers that she wanted marriage and babies within one to two years, and wouldn’t settle for another man with commitment issues.

She then chose Taite — who said he couldn’t commit to any of that yet — over Todd, who’d already sourced an engagement ring.

So how in the world can she trust Taite to give her what she needs?

“I think I can trust him more than ever,” she told Fitzy and Wippa.

“In the future, he’s going to tell me the honest truth, whether I like it or not … So I can trust him absolutely.”

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