
MAFS teases first real-life proposal between Troy and Ashley

THERE have been a lot of ‘firsts’ this season on Married At First Sight, but this could be the most surprising. It appears Troy is set to pop the question to Ash — despite kissing another bride.

MAFS proposal twist

BY NOW, everyone’s seen those pictures of Married At First Sight’s Troy Delmege groping Carly Bowyer in a park.

In the photos — which surfaced last month — the unlikely pair was seen rolling around and making out on the grass. The make out session climaxed with Carly laying firmly on top of Troy while he moved a hand up her denim shorts to cup her buttocks. The session ended with Troy squeezing her boob.

The photo that shocked fans Picture: Splash News
The photo that shocked fans Picture: Splash News

The problem? He’s still ‘married’ to Ashley Irvin on the show.

Now, there’s yet another twist in what’s already a very complicated love story.

In a preview for tonight’s episode of Married, it appears Troy is keen to take the next step in their relationship.

The couple can be seen enjoying a romantic beach date, and kissing on the sand, before Troy shocks his bride by getting down on one knee and telling her, “I’d like to deliver something to you ...

“Oh my God!” Ash shrieks, covering her face with her hands.

Not the most promising reaction.
Not the most promising reaction.

Assuming Nine isn’t trolling us with a faux proposal set up, popping the question would be a very strange move from Troy, who, at best, has been greeted with lukewarm affection from Ash.

Just last night, viewers were left cringing as he appeared to hit on yet another bride in the experiment, Melissa — who’s 18 years his senior.

However it plays out with Ash, the Carly photos are clearly a huge spoiler for what’s ahead. Given that the show was filmed months before they surfaced, what we were seeing on TV at the time was that they were both still happily (ish) married to their partners, Justin Fischer and Ashley.

Carly and Justin have since quit the experiment, and last week, we were given our first hint at the blossoming spark between her and Troy.

THE BRUTAL TRUTH: Catch up on the episode 26 recap

It all started to come out when the guys decided to get together, and conversation turned to who they’d be willing to swap their wives for.

Justin, who had just moved out of his and Carly’s apartment, dropped the bombshell that she was actually into guys like Troy and Dean Wells.

“Carly’s honest, and she fancies ... her type of guy is Deano and Troy,” Justin told the others, as Troy’s face lit up.

On Monday, Carly confirmed her interest in Troy in an interview with TV Week.

“Physically Troy is my type,” she said. “I do go for that preppy, private school looking guy.”

MAFS Ep 26 Recap: Partner Swapping

Married At First Sight continues at 7.30pm tonight on Nine.

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