
A Big Brother frontrunner is sent packing after a stunning blind side and alliance backflip

After a risque challenge that sent players into a spin, a Big Brother favourite was booted from the house in a stunning upset.

Danny and SJ clash over Tim Tams (Big Brother)

Danny’s ‘befriend the enemy’ tactic proves a roaring success thanks to the sheer stupidity of the housemates, sending one of the most powerful players home and leaving him and his man-toddler energy safe for another day.

Tonight’s episode is brought to us by oral hygiene, and features a number of close-up shots of people chewing and using their tongues to suck food out of their teeth, as well as a housemate’s gnarly garlic breath brought to light on national television.

Mmmm, mouth noises.
Mmmm, mouth noises.

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We open to the housemates sitting around looking bored. Some are eating tuna. Others are slurping up cereal. A few are floating in the pool or lolling about on the outdoor furniture.

But not Katie.

The former world champion sprinter is training, which might be intimidating to those who have barely moved from the couch this entire season, but they’re totally unfazed. Flying under the radar without having to try in any of the challenges is the way I’d go about it too. No one tries to blind side the lazy ones.

Splayed on a daybed topless in a wide-brim straw hat, Danny, who’s asserted that he’s “undercover in the belly of the beast” at least 600 times this week, is pumping Katie up as she furiously jumps rope.

Despite being sworn enemies mere days ago, Katie sees nothing suspicious in him suddenly gushing over her. Nothing at all.

“You’re so respected here, I mean you’re guaranteed in the top three,” he coos.

“Not only that you deserve to be there. You train hard, you work hard … Katie you’ve won. Honestly. You’ve built an absolute army of people. A loyal following.”

He lets out a giggle and says coquettishly: “deep down you love me.”

Cease and desist, sir.
Cease and desist, sir.

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After Katie and Danny’s nauseating back-and-forth fraught with a new kind of tension I’d rather not think about, the housemates are given a new shopping task. For the entire day, they’re to pair up and catch falling leaves from a “money tree” which looks a bit like a year 12 art project.

But because torture and starvation is the name of the game, Big Brother cooks up a plan to derail them.

Still sulking over the loss of his buddy Nick, Danny is asked to purposely drop leaves during his shift in exchange for a phone call with the evicted housemate. He fumbles a total of 13. That’s $260, or 260 cans of John West tuna the housemates have missed out on. Infuriating.

He gets his phone call. It’s a pretty basic chat but at least he gets to test out various iterations of his “belly of the beast” line on a new audience.

The housemates end up scoring $280 for their grocery budget, so naturally stock up on chips, lollies and bread and spend the entire episode eating everything they’ve bought.

I, too, am powerless to the allure of Allen’s party mix and wonder white.

This speaks to my soul.
This speaks to my soul.

A nomination challenge is called and the contestants are sent to the warehouse for an adapted version of teenage drinking game “suck and blow”. Several minutes of truly uncomfortable viewing ensues.


The pièce de résistance of this segment is when Mary – a small green ball away from full-blown pash with SJ – asks her teammate if she’s been eating garlic. SJ says she’s actually been eating peanut butter and the entire exchange is deeply unsettling.

Marley and Danny — who have become the most unlikely pals this episode — win the game and skip off to the diary room to stir up trouble.

Finally, the moment 48-year-old real estate agent Danny has been waiting for since he clocked Katie, the 27-year-old athlete, and declared war on her for no reason whatsoever.

He puts her name forward for eviction, while Marley chooses Ari, and the two of them decide on Charlotte as the third.

There’s a cringe-worthy moment where Katie marches up to Danny with a bandana tied around her head, tossing an apple in one hand, and says “well played”, as though it’s a totally normal thing that people do in real life.

Why does this feel like a community theatre production?
Why does this feel like a community theatre production?

Ari’s sure he’s going to get the boot, but as Katie scrambles, it becomes clear her “legion of followers” aren’t as loyal as she previously thought.

She approaches SJ, who snaps that Katie “never checks in with her anymore”. She’s had a rough day, no one likes being told they have bad breath.

Elsewhere, the “floaters” discuss in hushed whispers that they’re probably not going to have another chance to boot off such a strong contender.

They head off to the eviction zone and Katie’s still pretty sure she’s safe until Sonia appears to prod.

The left one’s her prodding arm.
The left one’s her prodding arm.

An argument erupts between Danny and Jess and there’s lots of talk about throwing people under buses and broken handshakes.

Katie tries to convince everyone she has their back. They may be dumb but they’re not that dumb.

Ari goes the self-deprecating route and assures the others he’s no threat. Meanwhile, Charlotte shrugs and says nothing.

The housemates cast their votes and Katie racks up a whopping six, while Ari receives two and Charlotte receives one.

And so, in the biggest upset of the season, SJ isn’t kicked out for spraying her garlic breath all over Mary.

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