Vomitous, over-the-top Netflix movie
It wouldn’t be a good idea to pair Netflix’s latest blockbuster movie with a heaving bowl of creamy pasta.
It wouldn’t be a good idea to pair Netflix’s latest blockbuster movie with a heaving bowl of creamy pasta.
With more twists than a pretzel, Netflix’s The Woman in the Window should’ve kept everyone guessing. Instead, it’s as predictable as taxes.
Angelina Jolie is a certified movie star but for the past six years, we’ve only seen in one type of movie. That changes today.
Conceived, filmed and edited within a few months, Anne Hathaway’s new heist movie is unforgivable on a few levels.
When a first-time actor is nominated for an Oscar in acting, you have to see what the fuss is all about.
British drama Supernova is a story of loss, but it wouldn’t mean anything if there wasn’t something beautiful like this to lose.
An A-list movie star, two Oscar winners, two Emmy winners and a Marvel player dot the cast. And yet, how did it get everything so wrong?
With a movie poster that suggests it’s a sexy thriller with hot young stars is anything but what it’s selling.
Easy to overlook in an awards season full of flashy movies, this emotionally affecting Oscar nominee has no weak link.
A heart-in-your-throat experience, Bob Odenkirk’s high-octane action movie is as visceral as it is completely bonkers.
Sometimes you just can’t pass an old-fashioned espionage thriller so enticing that it will get your pulse racing. There’s plenty in this drama.
It could function as a two-hour video clip for a death metal band but this kind of big, dumb and loud entertainment may be exactly what we want.
When the first movie came out, Australians had to wait weeks behind the US. Now, we’re months ahead of the Americans.
Some movies have torture scenes for shock value but in this political thriller, there’s a purpose to the 10-minute sequence.
The last thing a movie wants is for its lead star to implode his own career thanks to a series of controversies and allegations.
There’s nothing subversive, edgy or original about Netflix’s new movie. It knows what it is and makes no apologies for it.
With the combined starpower of Spider-Man star Tom Holland and his Marvel directors the Russo brothers, we were expecting a lot more from Cherry.
Intense from the first scene until the last, this impressive drama starring Oscar frontrunner Daniel Kaluuya is a powerful story of betrayal.
When the internet saw a photo that illustrated the accepted prejudice in surfing, everything changed. But that history ran deep.
A fantastical adventure with mystical beasts and hero quests has a message that couldn’t be more urgent in 2021.
Despite its glittering stars and a popular book series as the source material, Tom Holland’s new movie took 10 years to finally hit screens.
Rosamund Pike is at her best in I Care A Lot when she fully embraces the delicious villainy of a remorseless monster.
You’ve seen the backlash, and the bizarre clips online, but somehow, Sia’s controversial movie Music is even worse than expected.
Extraordinary and unforgettable, this American drama is the first five-star movie of 2021. You don’t want to be the one to miss it.
Should we really be a little bit drunk all the time? That’s the question at the centre of Mads Mikkelsen’s latest film.
Carey Mulligan has spoken out against a review insinuating she “wasn’t hot enough” for her latest role and it should have gone to Margot Robbie.
The story of one of the most significant archaeological finds has been immortalised in this handsome Netflix movie starring Carey Mulligan.
A powerful film with a cavalcade of stars, including Simon Baker, captures the raw beauty of Australia as well as the ugliness of its history.
If you think you’ll walk into an Airbnb or holiday rental ready to relax and have fun, think again.
Few films manage to grapple with the many complexities of something everyone wants a piece of but don’t know what to do with it; power.
At least with Pixar’s latest movie going straight to streaming, no one can see you weeping in the privacy of your lounge room.
If you like a littler flutter of the heart, or a reason to swoon, Sylvie’s Love has you covered.
George Clooney hasn’t had much luck with his recent movies but this Netflix drama is about to change that tide.
You have to be quick to catch this breathtaking five-star film starring Frances McDormand. If you miss out, you’ll have to wait months.
Not one but five new movies from an acclaimed and award-winning filmmaker is the Christmas present we’ve been waiting for.
Chadwick Boseman’s final onscreen role is earning him buzz for a posthumous Oscar.
There are plot twists, and then there’s … what happens in the middle of Emily Blunt and Jamie Dornan’s new romance. WARNING: Spoilers!
After being delayed for more than a year, the Wonder Woman sequel is coming to cinemas. Was it worth waiting for?
With a seriously A-list cast and shiny production values, this should’ve been a much better movie. And the weakest link is obvious.
Taking on a beloved genre, this new Christmas rom-com adds some big name stars, a lot of heart and some full-throated laughs.
With a powerful cast including Amy Adams and Glenn Close and a respected director, this should’ve been a slam dunk. It’s really not.
With a goofy sense of humour, charismatic performances and a clever ending open to interpretation, how can you resist?
We know Vince Vaughn can do serious. We know Vince Vaughn can do snarky. But did we know Vince Vaughn can convincingly play a teen girl?
In a normal year, The Climb is a movie that might’ve escaped your notice. But not 2020. This flick is a clever twist on a buddy comedy.
This is a film that proves you don’t need a massive budget, marquee names or fancy tricks to craft an engrossing and intimate drama.
You may think Rudy Giuliani with his hands down his pants is the most surprising thing about the Borat sequel. It’s not.
A gutsy adaptation of a classic story has a great cast and handsome visuals. But it didn’t get some crucial things right.
The 18 most confusing Hollywood movies have been revealed after analysing monthly search volumes for explainers, and a Leo film tops the list.
With a stacked cast of award winners and a riveting story, this Netflix drama is one of the must-see movies of this year.
Steve Carell’s new movie almost got away with being a passable film. Then the mid-credits popped up.
Class Action Park reveals the strange but true tale of a seriously dodgy theme park, and Bill Murray reunites with his Lost In Translation director to play a Detective dad in On the Rocks.
It has lofty ambitions and a talented lead actor, but this movie’s bold ideas and good intentions sadly couldn’t save it from itself.
Reuniting with Bill Murray and Rashida Jones, Sofia Coppola’s latest film works out some daddy issues.
Millie Bobby Brown stars as Enola Holmes who is only a teenager, but already running rings around her older brother Sherlock in this new take on the classic tale.
If you decide to chow down on some creamy pasta or a rich casserole before watching this show, prepare for it to come back up.
Sometimes one person can lift an entire movie with sheer charisma alone. The best part? She’s an Australian star winning over Hollywood.
With more twists than you can count on one hand, this polished whodunit, titled The Translators, will keep you guessing until the very end.
You could write Trolls World Tour off as a kaleidoscopic but manic kids’ movie. But that would overlook its very important message.
Fans of the original Mulan could be forgiven for wondering where all the fun has gone in Disney’s latest reboot, while the love story Australia’s greatest country singer is brought to life in Slim & I.
Usually, if they’re making a movie sequel 29 years later, it’s probably going to be a stinker. Bill & Ted Face the Music really, really isn’t.
Languishing on a shelf somewhere for years, this newly released movie was delayed again and again. Was it worth waiting for?
If ever there was a time for an iconic studio to stand up and be counted it was with the release of this long-awaited martial arts tale writes Vicky Roach
Unlike a movie that’s just confusing, this strange new Netflix movie is about the unknowable, but that’s exactly why it’s great.
Mulan is now available to stream on Disney+ but it will cost you an extra $34.99. Is it worth the price? It’s judgement day.
Maisie Williams’ new movie The New Mutants and the long-awaited Mulan both sink under the weight of their family-friendly rating into a morass of mush, Duncan Lay writes.
For a generation of women, Helen Reddy was an icon whose anthemic song was wrapped up in a fight for their lives. Now, it’s time for her story to be told.
Charlize Theron’s new Netflix movie is one of those rare creatures that are often whispered about but rarely seen. It’s exactly what you want tonight.
Behind his comedic antics and high-profile romances is a family tragedy that fuelled Pete Davidson’s deeply personal movie.
There are certain expectations when it comes to this type of drama. But Babyteeth upends them all.
Original URL: https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/movies/movie-reviews/page/10