Gwyneth Paltrow announces she will ‘consciously uncouple’ herself from Chris Martin, spawning a hilarious new hashtag
MILLIONS of people are now asking themselves what they’d like to “consciously uncouple” from after Gwyneth Paltrow used the phrase to describe her split with Chris Martin.
IT was such a Gwyneth way to announce a separation.
“Consciously uncouple” were the exact words she and Chris Martin used to announce that they were splitting after ten years of marriage.
That’s right, Gwynnie couldn’t just announce her imminent divorce, she had to come up with the “Goop-iest” phrase ever to no longer be married.
“We hope that as we consciously uncouple and co-parent, we will be able to continue in the same manner,” the pair said in their joint statement on Paltrow’s Goop website.
More: Gwyneth Paltow and Chris Martin announce split.
While it’s incredibly sad news for the pair, it seems that without even realising it they’ve spawned 2014’s latest buzzworthy catchphrase.
Breakups will never be the same.
Now millions of people are asking themselves what they would like to “consciously uncouple” from and are sharing the breakups they’re dreaming of on Twitter.
Crop tops, Kale, Kimye coverage, selfies, belfies, organic quinoa recipes, the list goes on.
It’s time to watch the growth of a brand new hashtag, Twitterverse. Welcome to the world, #consciouslyuncouple.
Here are some of the best:
i'd like to consciously uncouple from booze, coffee and procrastination. and no doubt after a few days, i'll unconsciously recouple.
Area man vows to consciously uncouple with his beer gut.
I need to consciously uncouple from the Ferrero Rocher fruit bowl situation before I turn into a pig.
Please respect my privacy as this worn out pair of old yoga pants and I consciously uncouple.
Better stop reading Twitter and consciously uncouple my arsecheeks from the lav.
I would probably consciously uncouple too if the only thing I ever ate was lemon water and vegan mayonnaise.
I'm planning to consciously uncouple with Mondays as of next week. #itsover
“I dare say, ole chap, I should jolly well like to consciously uncouple with this guttersnipe of a glacier!” the Titanic
I want to get into a relationship just to use the term "consciously uncouple" when breaking up with them #ChrisandGwyneth
Before I go pee, I'll have to #consciouslyuncouple myself from the couch first.
Do Apple and Moses get to consciously uncouple themselves from their names?
Trying to consciously uncouple from my desk and figure out how we can coparent all these manuscripts, but it's not working out.
I'd like to Consciously Uncouple with all the Costco brand bras I've had in my drawer since high school
brb i have to consciously uncouple from a poop.
For those who are serious about “consciously uncoupling” from something or someone, luckily there’s this 5-week digital program:
What would you like to “consciously uncouple from? Leave your comments below.