
Rahul Vohra dies in India after sharing chilling video of himself in hospital

A comedian has died in an Indian hospital after chilling video showed him claiming hospital staff were ignoring his pleas for help.

Star Rahul Vohra dies in India after sharing chilling video of himself in hospital

YouTube star Rahul Vohra has died in an Indian hospital after sharing video of himself claiming he was being ignored by health workers.

Vohra, a popular actor and comedian, had more than 120,000 subscribers on YouTube and had racked up more than eight million views on the platform.

His wife Jyoti Tiwari said he had died in a post on Monday, sharing a video of him in hospital using an oxygen mask.

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Rahul Vohra died in an Indian hospital after complaining he was not receiving adequate care.
Rahul Vohra died in an Indian hospital after complaining he was not receiving adequate care.

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“This oxygen is extremely valuable right now. Without it patients get giddy and suffer,” Rahul said.

“You call out for the attendant, but they don’t come. They come in an hour’s time or more, and you have to manage in their absence somehow.”

Rahul's wife Jyoti shared the news he had died.
Rahul's wife Jyoti shared the news he had died.
In a video from hospital he said attendants did not come when patients called for them.
In a video from hospital he said attendants did not come when patients called for them.

“Justice for every Rahul,” Jyoti wrote on the video, which has been viewed more than one million times.

Rahul said in a Facebook post before he died that he thought his death was avoidable.

“I would have lived had I received better treatment,” he said. “Yours, Irahul Vohra.”

The post tagged the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

The crisis in India continues to worsen with each passing day. The country set a new record for the number of infections in the past 24 hours, reporting 414,000 new cases.

The number is the highest figure ever, for any country at any point in the pandemic. Some 4000 people died in the same period.

Many epidemiologists are of the opinion the numbers being reported are lower than the actual numbers of infections and deaths.

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