
Independent Schools Victoria chief executive Michelle Green steps down from top job

The chief executive of Independent Schools Victoria Michelle Green has suddenly stepped down from the top job after more than 20 years in the role.

CEO of Independent Schools Victoria Michelle Green has suddenly left her role after more than 20 years. Source: Twitter
CEO of Independent Schools Victoria Michelle Green has suddenly left her role after more than 20 years. Source: Twitter

The chief executive of Independent Schools Victoria has suddenly stepped down from the top job after more than 20 years in the role.

Michelle Green, who has been the chief executive of Independent Schools Victoria since July 2002, quietly stepped down from her role in December.

Sources, who have worked with Ms Green for several years, said they were “shocked” by her sudden departure.

“We didn’t hear anything to suggest she was leaving, it was all very strange,” one source said.

Another source said: “Anyone who has served the independent school sector as long as Michelle deserves recognition.”

“I’m baffled as to why she suddenly departed with no public announcement,” they added.

“Perhaps Michelle’s success in leading the campaign against the Allan government’s payroll tax could have ruffled political feathers.”

On Ms Green’s LinkedIn page, she has listed her latest role as an “Independent Consultant” from January 2024.

Ms Green was highly critical of the state government’s payroll tax last year, saying the decision was made “without consultation” and was based on an arbitrary definition of a “high-fee” school.

Ms Marianne Stillwell, board chair for Independent Schools Victoria, said experienced education leader Meg Hansen had been appointed Acting Chief Executive of Independent Schools Victoria (ISV).

“Her appointment, made by the ISV board in early December, followed the conclusion last year of Michelle Green’s tenure in the position after more than 20 years,” Ms Stillwell said.

“The 230 Member Schools of ISV, partner organisations, and government and education agencies were informed of the leadership change at the time,” she added.

Ms Stillwell said Ms Hansen had more than 40 years’ experience in educational leadership, including serving as Principal of Westbourne Grammar School and Lauriston Girls School.

“She is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a director of the Invergowrie Foundation, and has held various board positions, including at Victoria University and the Association of Heads of independent Schools of Australia (AHISA).

“The is leading ISV and its important work of advocacy and services for the diverse and growing independent schools sector pending the appointment of a new Chief Executive by the ISV board.

“The board has acknowledged Ms Green’s significant work as head of the association and her notable contribution as an advocate for the interests of independent schools that educate more than 160,000 students across Victoria,” she added.

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