
Early Education

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A small group of children play at the Robertson Street Kindy Childcare Centre in Helensburgh south of Sydney, Friday, April 3, 2020. The Federal Government announced that child care would be free for anyone who has a job and is still working during the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis. (AAP Image/Dean Lewins) NO ARCHIVING

Childcare and babysitting stage 4 rules

Accessing childcare will be significantly different from Thursday. Here’s where to get a permit, what to expect with fees if your children aren’t attending, if you can use a babysitter and everything in between.

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20 books that will keep kids busy for hours

There’s no reason to turn on the TV or let them commandeer the iPad when there’s much better stuff for kids to learn and do while cooped up at home. Here’s 20 great books full of ideas, activities and inspiration.

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