
Push to change ‘draconian’ laws to allow Victorian drivers to take medicinal cannabis

Victorians suffering chronic pain are being forced to turn to high-risk medications instead of medicinal cannabis, a health expert says, amid a push to change laws for drivers.

Victorians suffering from chronic pain are unable to take medicinal cannabis while driving.
Victorians suffering from chronic pain are unable to take medicinal cannabis while driving.

Victorians suffering from chronic pain are being driven to take addictive high-risk medications like codeine and valium because of “draconian” laws banning medicinal cannabis users from driving, a health expert has warned.

The Legalise Cannabis Party on Wednesday introduced their Bill to parliament to change the Road Safety Act and allow prescripted users of medicinal cannabis to drive.

In 2016, Victoria became the first state to approve the use of weed for medicinal purposes, but it remains a criminal offence for any person to drive with any THC — including from cannabis — within this system.

Medical cannabis doctor Karen Hitchcock said a small dose of cannabis oil before bed was often enough to help relieve people from chronic pain.

Despite potential effects of cannabis having been abated by morning, traces of the drug will remain in a person’s system for weeks and will likely be picked up in a roadside drug test.

Dr Hitchcock said this is forcing patients to turn to legal — but potentially dangerous — drugs for relief.

“Many patients choose to stay on their more dangerous and more addictive medications because of the driving laws. Others take a risk, as the relief and increase in quality of life now that they are sleeping soundly are worth the risk of losing their license,” she said.

The Bill before parliament would allow non-impaired drivers to have detectable THC in their blood or saliva if they have a medical cannabis prescription and are not impaired.

Currently, Tasmania is the only state that provides a medical defence for driving with the presence of THC in bodily fluids.

Legalise Cannabis MP David Ettershank said the law for cannabis needs to be bought in line with all other prescription medicines.

Australian Lawyers Alliance national criminal justice spokesman Greg Barns said: “The current laws in Victoria are not based on science but simply on prejudice and ignorance.”

Premier Daniel Andrews said the government was open to finding solutions to ensure medicinal cannabis users weren’t facing barriers to care.

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