
Mongols bikie gang to rally from Melbourne to Seymour in show of force after booting Toby Mitchell as president

The remnants of the Mongols bikie gang are under close police watch this weekend on a rally to country Victoria.

Alleged Mongols bikies assault caught on CCTV

A large contingent of Mongols bikies has left the club’s Port Melbourne headquarters bound for Seymour, in an apparent show of force after the booting of long time leader Toby Mitchell.

Anti-bikie police from the Echo Taskforce, as well as local officers will closely monitor the ride.

The gang has been in disarray since Mitchell was booted from his former role as national president, and replaced by Queenslander Nick “the knife” Forbes.

Mitchell and some of his loyalists have been goading the significantly diminished Mongols on social media for weeks.

The weekend ride is the gang’s first public display since Forbes took over and kicked out Mitchell and everyone loyal to him.

The gang left its Port Melbourne headquarters on Saturday under the close watch of police.

A Victoria Police spokeswoman said: “Victoria Police will continue to work with other law enforcement agencies as part of a national approach to OMCG enforcement.”

Police are expected to strictly enforce road rules, and typically use their significant search powers to target any of the members suspected of carrying weapons or drugs.

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