
Deadline: Former tough-guy cop calls in big guns for misplaced wheels

A hard-as-nails cop, who spent years facing down the toughest bad guys in organised crime, has been left red-faced when he called in the troops to track down his “stolen” car.

A police officer’s recent escapade had colleagues comparing him to Chief Wiggum of The Simpsons.
A police officer’s recent escapade had colleagues comparing him to Chief Wiggum of The Simpsons.

Andrew Rule and Mark Buttler with their weekly dose of scallywag scuttlebutt.

Dude, where’s my car?

He’s the hard-as-nails, high-ranked cop who spent years facing down the toughest hombres in organised crime.

The officer is a former detective of the year but, unfortunately, his recent escapade has had colleagues comparing him to Chief Wiggum of The Simpsons.

Turns out our man — who we’ll simply call Sherlock — had been out and about on holidays in the country when he returned to his car to find it gone.

A rapid response was called for and he quickly flagged down a passing police vehicle for help.

Generic picture of a Victoria Police car. Picture: Liam Beatty
Generic picture of a Victoria Police car. Picture: Liam Beatty

They put out the call for all members in the area to be on the lookout for Sherlock’s wheels.

He then returned to base and told his wife the bad news.

She wasn’t as comfortable with the way Sherlock was handling the situation and pulled rank, insisting they return to where he had last been.

Lo and behold, there was the car, right where he’d parked it earlier in the day.

What followed was an embarrassing call to the local cops telling them they could stand down.

“He was respected until this happened,” one source told Deadline.

Rasimi fallout far from over

Those who wanted Mitat Rasimi dead back in 2019 must be starting the new year wishing they had counted to 10.

When Comanchero bikies Laiseni Kakato and Richard Ene carried out the hit on Rasimi, they also opened a dirty big can of underworld worms.

An epic trial presided over by Justice Andrew Tinney in the Supreme Court ran under stringent security for the best part of three months.

It exposed more than just who was responsible for the ambush on Rasimi, the former Mokbel empire operative riddled with bullets as he sat trapped in his Peugeot coupe on Dawn Avenue, Dandenong.

Those who wanted Mitat Rasimi dead back in 2019 must be starting the new year wishing they had counted to 10.
Those who wanted Mitat Rasimi dead back in 2019 must be starting the new year wishing they had counted to 10.

It is no exaggeration to say it was among the most significant gangland trials this state has seen, up there with those of the Carl Williams era more than 20 years ago.

It shone a light on the darkest secrets and innermost workings of our most feared bikie gang, thanks to testimony by a number of key underworld witnesses.

Those men all had extensive criminal histories but, in the end, their accounts stood up in the box under scrutiny from some fine legal minds.

What they were saying and a bulging brief of evidence put together by a homicide squad crew ultimately passed the test of a Supreme Court jury.

It’s hard to say too much more but the dust from Mitat Rasimi’s killing may still be a long way from clearing.

A court was told the gun used to kill Mitat Rasimi was supplied by Daniel O’Shea.
A court was told the gun used to kill Mitat Rasimi was supplied by Daniel O’Shea.

Morrissey guilty of being boogie man

Another significant Supreme Court trial was wrapped up soon after when a jury found Jason Milhuisen guilty of murdering veteran crime figure Daniel O’Shea.

The cases were not entirely unrelated with the Rasimi trial being told by a witness that he was shot dead with a gun supplied by O’Shea.

There were some other interesting revelations in the O’Shea proceedings, among them the long-lost nightclubbing past of top barrister Peter Morrissey, SC.

During discussion of a location on Commercial Rd, Justice Jane Dixon referred to it as being near the Nando’s chicken restaurant.

Justice Dixon: “Alright, you agree with that, Mr Morrissey. That’s reasonable?”

Mr Morrissey: “Some of us know it as The Chevron, Your Honour, but I do agree with that.”

Justice Dixon: “All right. Showing your age, Mr Morrissey.”

A former crime journo has been snaring ‘pram-only’ car spots to beat the Christmas crowds. Picture: Ian Svegovic
A former crime journo has been snaring ‘pram-only’ car spots to beat the Christmas crowds. Picture: Ian Svegovic

VIP treatment

He’s the former crime journo with the A-list connections.

But Deadline has been told he was repeatedly spotted parking in “pram-only” car spaces at shopping centres to beat the Christmas retail stampede.

We also know his kids are closer to driving age than being pushed around in a stroller.

Do your homework

She’s a lady from the Latrobe Valley with two killer relatives.

Those in the know say she likes to throw her weight around in the area.

Word from down that way is that she should do some more homework on one of those being pushed around.

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